Erik Hemmendorff

출생 : 1973-04-14,


Erik Hemmendorff is a producer and writer, known for Force Majeure (2014), The Square (2017), Involuntary (2008) Bergman Island (2021) and Triangle of Sadness (2022). Hemmendorff grew up in Frösön near Östersund and studied at the University of Photography and Film in Gothenburg. Together with Ruben Östlund, they started the production company Platform Produktion in 2002.

참여 작품

Sweet Dreams
On a remote Indonesian island, during the waning days of the colonial era, Dutch sugar plantation owner Jan and his wife Agathe, are at the top of the food chain. That is, until Jan upon returning from his nightly visit to his native concubine Siti, suddenly drops dead in front of his wife. Desperate to keep the privileges of her status quo, Agathe forces her estranged son Cornelis and his heavily pregnant wife Josefien, to travel from Europe and take over the family business. In the midst of a worker’s uprising, Cornelis displays his plans for progressive change. But when Jan’s will puts Siti at the forefront of the family estate, ideals prove to be idle and blood thicker than water. 
판타스틱 머신
Executive Producer
A visually exuberant documentary that uses powerful collages edited out of archive footage, home videos, live-streaming material and private documentation to offer a glimpse at what (or who) is at work when an image of our reality is arranged.
슬픔의 삼각형
부유한 패션 모델과 인스타그램 인플루언서 커플 등이 호화 유람선에 올라탄 뒤 이 배가 좌초되면서 유일하게 낚시를 할 줄 아는 청소부를 중심으로 계급관계가 반전되는 이야기
벨라 체리는 포르노 영화 배우의 꿈을 안고 로스앤젤레스에 도착하지만, 그녀는 그녀의 야망과 교활함을 활용하여 이 매혹적이고 독특한 세계의 정상에 오르기 위해 노력하지만 그런 명성이 쉽게 오지 않는다는 것을 곧 알게 된다.
베르히만 아일랜드
영화감독 커플인 '크리스'와 '토니'는 각자 새로운 작품의 시나리오를 집필하기 위해 잉그마르 베르히만의 포뢰섬으로 향한다. 하지만 모든 것이 순조로운 '토니'와 달리 '크리스'는 좀처럼 결말로 나아가지 못하고 방황한다. 그녀 자신과 닮은 듯 닮지 않은 닿을 듯 닿지 않는 이 이야기가... 영화가 될 수 있을까?
Executive Producer
즉흥적이고 자기중심적인 피트와는 달리 계획적이고 가족 중심적인 그의 아내 빌리, 바쁜 일상을 벗어나 알프스로 떠난 가족 스키 여행은 평화롭게 시작된다. 하지만 엄청난 굉음과 함께 찾아온 갑작스러운 인공 눈사태로 그들은 위기에 빠지게 되는데… 모두가 공포에 빠진 그 순간, 혼자 도망가버리는 피트와 그 뒤로 남겨진 가족들. 이후 피트는 본인은 달아난 것이 아니라고 강하게 주장하지만 빌리는 무책임하고 이기적인 남편의 행동에 크게 실망하는데… 위기 상황 속 본능적인 결정은 서로에 대한 감정과 가치관을 뒤흔들고 그들은 예상치 못한 위기를 맞이한다! 아무도 장담할 수 없는 상황과 대처, 위기를 극복하고 그들은 결국 서로 마주 볼 수 있을까?
Director Mikel Cee Karlsson is working on a film with and about his best friend Mathias – a young father who one day reveals that he is living a double life. Circumstances have driven Mathias into a criminal underworld where debts seem impossible to pay off. In a spiral of threats, lies and violence, Mathias is desperately looking for a way out. When things finally seem to look up for him, the pressure he has lived under for several years has fatal consequences, leaving Mikel forced to make crucial decisions about the film he is working on.
아이들을 주의하라
전도유망한 노동당원의 딸이 우익 정당 고위층 인사의 아들에게 심각한 상해를 입히고 결국 아들이 죽는 일이 벌어진다. 사건을 수습하려는 노력이 점점 힘든 상황을 만들어간다.
흔들리는 계절
변방의 삶을 조각조각 모아 엮은 이야기. 생전 처음 스웨덴에 도착한 계절노동자 베이아터, 실연으로 인한 상심에 빠져 어릴 적 살던 고향으로 돌아온 청년 에런, 그리고 생애 첫 여름 휴가 기간에 방황하는 시기를 보내는 소녀 빌리가 등장한다. 서서히 풍경과 하나가 되어가는 이들의 삶을 따라가며, 영화는 기계와 인간, 그리고 동물 사이에 이는 혼란의 지도를 그려나간다. 자신의 터전에 잔혹한 각인을 남긴 인류에 의해 미래가 불투명해진 이 시대에, 지구에 존재하는 모두가 어떻게 서로 의존하는지가 분명해진다.
Old Boys
In the school-set re-working of Cyrano, an awkward but imaginative pupil helps the handsome but spectacularly dim school-hero pursue the fiery daughter of a visiting French teacher.
Boys on Film 18: Heroes
Boys On Film comes of age with uplifting and powerful tales recounting the lives of everyday heroes striving for their own identities and fighting for the right for us all to be ourselves. Volume 18: Heroes includes ten complete films: Dean Loxton's "Dániel" starring Csémy Balázs, Hilda Péter, and Henry Garrett… Niels Bourgonje's "Buddy" starring Daniel Cornelissen and Tobias Nierop… Tamara Shogaolu's animated "Half A Life"… Victor Lindgren's "Undress Me" starring Jana Bringlöv Ekspong and Björn Elgerd… Sam Ashby's "The Colour Of His Hair" starring Sean Hart and Josh O'Connor… Hope Dickson Leach's "Silly Girl" starring Ciara Baxendale, Mollie Lambert, and Jason Barker… Søren Green's "An Evening" starring Jacob Ottensten and Ulrik Windfeldt-Schmidt… Alejandro Medina's documentary "AIDS: Doctors And Nurses Tell Their Stories"… Kai Stänicke's "It's Consuming Me" with Volkmar Leif Gilbert… and Mikael Bundsen's "Mother Knows Best" starring Alexander Gustavsson and Hanna Ullerstam.
더 스퀘어
‘더 스퀘어’라는 새로운 전시를 앞둔 스톡홀름 현대 미술관 수석 큐레이터 ‘크리스티안’ 누구보다 완벽했던 그에게 예측불허! 기상천외한 트러블이 빵! 빵! 터지기 시작했다. 통제 불가! 짜증 유발! 그럼에도 불구하고, HELP HIM, PLEASE!
Two filmmakers from different countries explore the memories of their mothers, to create a narrative fiction concerning the recovery of life.
The Greatest
Actor Micke and director Thommy try to create a one-man show together. With two weeks to go until the premiere, they still have no material. A relationship that started out professional has now turned into a private struggle that requires release and resolution.
Mother Knows Best
The family's mother has absolutely no problems with her son having just introduced his boyfriend to her. She only wants to give him a little well-meaning advice.
Ten Meter Tower
10 Meter Tower is a short film taking place in a swimming pool with 6 cameras aimed at the tallest diving tower. All focus is on the 43 people between 9 and 78 years old. They have one thing in common, this is the first time in their lives they climb up to the platform to make the decision whether to jump or not. The situation itself highlights a dilemma: to weigh the instinctive fear of taking the step out against the humiliation of having to climb down.
Short film exploring various American film locations which have substituted for other locations all over the world.
Råggywood: Vi ska bli rappare
The homeless brothers Brouk and Bile finds a place to stay with the mean dad Johan. Now they have to find jobs to pay the rent in one week. The easiest way seems to become rappers.
포스 마쥬어: 화이트 베케이션
늘 일에 쫓기는 남편 토마스는 오랜만에 가족들과 휴가를 즐기기 위해 아내 에바, 딸 베라, 아들 해리와 함께 알프스 산맥에 위치한 스키 리조트에서 즐거운 시간을 보낸다. 둘째 날, 그림같이 눈 덮인 야외 리조트 식당에서 함께 점심을 먹고 있는데 갑자기 산꼭대기에서 엄청난 양의 눈덩이가 쏟아져 내려오기 시작한다. 이것이 진짜 눈사태인지 아닌지 모두 혼란스러워하는 순간, 엄청난 굉음과 함께 식당으로 돌진하는 눈에 에바와 아이들은 공포에 휩싸여 토마스를 찾는다. 찰나의 순간 토마스는 본능적인 결정을 하게 되고, 그 결정은 한 가정의 가장인 그를 예상치 못한 위기로 몰고 가는데...
콘크리트 나이트
는 헬싱키 슬럼가에 사는 소년 시모의 악몽 같은 오디세이를 따라간다. 시모는 교도소에 가야 하는 문제아 형 일카와 마지막 밤을 보내면서 낯선 상황들을 목격하고 급기야 충동적으로 끔찍한 사건을 저지른다. 거대한 혼란의 소용돌이를 일으키는 순간 시모는 잃어버렸던 정체성, 자신의 진짜 얼굴을 보게 된다. 이 영화는 한 세대가 다음 세대의 삶을 어떤 방식으로 일그러뜨리는가를 보여주는 성장영화로 불우한 환경에 놓인 소년의 내면을 따라 미성숙한 존재의 불안과 공포, 다중정체성이라는 주제를 탐구한다.시모의 일탈행위는 『이방인』의 뫼르소가 그랬던 것처럼 돌연하고 부조리하다. 무력하고 예측 불가능한 시모의 상태는 콘크리트 정글과 같은 헬싱키의 자화상이다. 에는 초현실주의적 이야기와 흑백의 자연주의가 기이하게 공존한다. 와이드스크린 포맷의 흑백 촬영은 시적인 이미지의 향연으로 이루어진 영화의 백미이다. 혼카살로는 흑백 시대의 향수를 살려내기에 충분한 촬영의 교본을 만들어냈다. (2014년 15회 전주국제영화제/ 장병원)
A 12-year-old girl armed with a loaded hunting rifle walks down the main street of a small town. This film recreates the memory of that day. Things happened, but it's hard to remember in what order.How people got from one place to another. What people said.
Twin Brothers: 53 Scenes in Chronological Order
Gustav and Oskar are twins. Oskar has Achondroplasia, a common form of dwarfism. Both have blue eyes and blonde hair.
The Extraordinary Ordinary Life of José González
Additional Photography
Documentary about the making of José Gonzales' "In Our Nature".
The Extraordinary Ordinary Life of José González
Documentary about the making of José Gonzales' "In Our Nature".
스웨덴 예테보리의 십대 소년들이 또래를 2년간 40차례에 걸쳐 강탈한 실제 사건에서 영감을 얻었다. 따돌림, 인종 문제와 정체성, 사회적 구조에 대한 감독의 기민한 통찰력이 엿보이는 영화.
스웨덴 예테보리의 십대 소년들이 또래를 2년간 40차례에 걸쳐 강탈한 실제 사건에서 영감을 얻었다. 따돌림, 인종 문제와 정체성, 사회적 구조에 대한 감독의 기민한 통찰력이 엿보이는 영화.
Incident by a Bank
Incident by a bank is a detailed account of a failed bank robbery: A single take where over 90 people perform a meticulous choreography for the camera. The film recreates an actual event that took place in Stockholm in June 2006.
Greetings from the Woods
Inside and outside the well-kept hedges life carries on as usual. The King buys his daily newspaper. Bertil searches the parking lot for dogs to photograph. Hans and Gun-Britt is planting a big, but still too small rock in their garden. Trying to get their minds off it all. As darkness falls over the little village in the woods, the Indians gather for a meeting in the town house as angst, frustration and silent prayer echoes in the night. With visual precision and attention to detail, director Mikel Cee Karlsson captures people and their existence in a small village deep inside the Swedish forest. Over a period of four years, the music video director and former professional skateboarder Mikel has been capturing singular scenes from a part of today’s Sweden where reality inexorably seeps in behind the colourful fasad. With a mixture of playful precision, humour and melancholy he portrays people’s dreams, their relationships and everyday destinies.
분별없는 행동
In several unrelated stories, the consequences of putting one's foot down - or failing to do so - are explored.
분별없는 행동
In several unrelated stories, the consequences of putting one's foot down - or failing to do so - are explored.
An Extraordinary Study in Human Degradation
Despondent over his lovelife, Swedish director Patrik Eriksson decides to chronicle his existential crisis, with the aid of co-workers, via cell-phone video camera.
An Extraordinary Study in Human Degradation
Despondent over his lovelife, Swedish director Patrik Eriksson decides to chronicle his existential crisis, with the aid of co-workers, via cell-phone video camera.
Daniel Lemma travels to Ethiopia together with his band The Cherrybombs. There Daniel gets to meet his biological family, while the band plays its first ever concert in the country.
Daniel Lemma travels to Ethiopia together with his band The Cherrybombs. There Daniel gets to meet his biological family, while the band plays its first ever concert in the country.
Daniel Lemma travels to Ethiopia together with his band The Cherrybombs. There Daniel gets to meet his biological family, while the band plays its first ever concert in the country.
Daniel Lemma travels to Ethiopia together with his band The Cherrybombs. There Daniel gets to meet his biological family, while the band plays its first ever concert in the country.
Eddy and Ylva have invited Björn and Lene to spend a perfect weekend in their cabin in the woods, but the vacation become disrupted by primitive creatures known as tree-cutters.
Autobiographical Scene Number 6882
A 30-years old man is celebrating Midsummer's eve together with friends on the west coast of Sweden. He makes his friends come and watch as he is going to jump into the sea from a very high bridge.
Autobiographical Scene Number 6882
A 30-years old man is celebrating Midsummer's eve together with friends on the west coast of Sweden. He makes his friends come and watch as he is going to jump into the sea from a very high bridge.
The Guitar Mongoloid
A 12 year old boy making basic punk songs, grown up men playing with guns, a neurotic woman with euphoric happiness targeting self destruction. A Swedish everyday life you've never seen before.
Den ljusnande framtid är vår
High school students from two different schools are interviewed about future plans and hopes.
Den ljusnande framtid är vår
High school students from two different schools are interviewed about future plans and hopes.
Looking for Tsai
Human shortcomings in the pursuit of an idol. Two film school students travel to interview Taiwanese film director Tsai Ming-liang and actor Lee Kang-sheng in Oslo.
Looking for Tsai
Human shortcomings in the pursuit of an idol. Two film school students travel to interview Taiwanese film director Tsai Ming-liang and actor Lee Kang-sheng in Oslo.
Looking for Tsai
Human shortcomings in the pursuit of an idol. Two film school students travel to interview Taiwanese film director Tsai Ming-liang and actor Lee Kang-sheng in Oslo.
Looking for Tsai
Human shortcomings in the pursuit of an idol. Two film school students travel to interview Taiwanese film director Tsai Ming-liang and actor Lee Kang-sheng in Oslo.
Looking for Tsai
Human shortcomings in the pursuit of an idol. Two film school students travel to interview Taiwanese film director Tsai Ming-liang and actor Lee Kang-sheng in Oslo.
Looking for Tsai
Human shortcomings in the pursuit of an idol. Two film school students travel to interview Taiwanese film director Tsai Ming-liang and actor Lee Kang-sheng in Oslo.
Assistant Director
Documentary drama about Sweden's biggest natural disaster, which destroyed one of the biggest whitewater rapids in Sweden in 1796.
The Entertainment System Is Down
When the entertainment system suddenly stops working on board a long-haul flight, the passengers are stuck with no screens to look at.