Max Amyl

Max Amyl

출생 : 1921-05-11, Marseille, France

사망 : 1982-03-02

프로필 사진

Max Amyl

참여 작품

We're Not Angels... Neither Are They
Le maître d'hôtel
A group of friends is shaken when the girl falls in love. But the three boys will do anything to stop the romance.
Simone Barbès or Virtue
L'Ancien Légionnaire
Simone and Martine are usherettes in a porno cinema in Montparnasse. Installed in the hall, they greet regulars, put men in their place, chat and pass the time. At midnight Simone departs to a lesbian nightclub.
Hue and Cry
After the Great War, a wounded Frenchman lives atop a mountain with his wild brother who violates the property of villagers below.A second kind of war ensues.
La Machine
Un officiel
Pierre Lentier murders an 8-year-old in horrendous circumstances. This 30-something solitary factory worker who lives on the edge of society is sentenced to death. A damning indictment of the death penalty and the manipulative behaviour of the media.
끌로드 부인
Le prince
파리 사교계를 주름잡고 있는 마담 끌로드. 그녀는 젊고 아름다운 여인들을 각국 대사나 요직의 인사들과 이어준다. 이를 알아차린 정보 당국들은 마담을 감시하고 이를 알아차린 끌로드도 주위를 경계하기 시작하는데. 사진기자 데이비드 에반스는 특종을 위해 마담의 아가씨들 중 한 명인 자기 애인을 이용하려 들지만, 끌로드는 그를 역이용할 계획을 세운다.
One Morning in June 1940
18 June 1940: German troops sweep through France. The cavalry school at Saumer is ordered to withdraw, but the director resolves to stop the enemy on a 25km front with his students.
판타스틱 플래닛
Additional Voices (voice)
고도의 문명을 지닌 거인 드러그족은 옴족을 길들여 벌레처럼 취급한다. 드러그족의 선진 문명을 습득한 주인공 옴족이 탈출하여 다른 옴족들에게 문명이라는 것을 전해 줌으로서 지능이 생긴 옴족들이 드러그의 망상을 분쇄한다. 드러그족의 몸은 청색이고, 눈은 붉게 설정되어 있으며 황량한 배경과 괴이한 동식물이 있고 그들이 사용하는 문자도 나온다.
La Tête des autres
Louis Andrieu
Prosecutor Maillard can rejoice: he has just obtained the death sentence of an accused accused of murder. It is the third head he gets at the assizes. There followed an evening of rejoicing with his wife and friends, including the prosecutor Bertolier. The latter's wife is Maillard's mistress. The lovers left alone, the condemned man, Valorin, burst into the room. He managed to escape during his transfer to the remand center. Valorin immediately recognized Bertolier's wife. And for good reason: at the time of the crime, they were together in a brothel. Stunned by the miscarriage of justice he has just committed, Maillard then tries to rehabilitate Vallorin while trying to avoid a scandal in the judiciary. He then calls Bertolier to the rescue. Valorin is opportunely killed "accidentally" and ... everything will go back to "order".
La Belle Affaire
The Dominici Affair
Lawyer Emile Pollack
In August 1952, a family of British tourists is found by the roadside in Haute Provence, brutally murdered. In the ensuing, very public, investigation a local landowner, 75 year old Gaston Dominici, is arrested for the murders, having been denounced by his sons. Under police interrogation, Dominici confesses to have killed the family and it looks certain that he will be charged, tried and sentenced to death. But then the case begins to collapse. The old man retracts his confession and the lack of evidence against him becomes apparent…
Les oeufs de l'autruche
In one shocking moment, a conservative bigot finds out that one of his adult sons is gay and the other is the kept "boy toy" of a wealthy Japanese widow. Predictably, his first reaction is overreaction.
Boubou cravate
An African diplomat who has returned to his native country after a long stay in Europe realizes that perhaps he has assimilated too much white culture.
The Things of Life
The Priest
The mind of Pierre Bérard, a successful middle-aged architect, is torn between his unstable present with Hélène, his younger lover, and his happy memories of the past with Catherine, his ex-wife; but his true destiny awaits him at a crossroads on his way to Rennes…
Le chien qui a vu Dieu
The Comeuppance
Le gardien-chef
Philippe, Théo and Bob share the same cell in the prison of La Santé. Philippe, a young student, known as "Sciences-Po", is planning revenge against those who sent him to prison. He offers his two fellow prisoners, seasoned mobsters, to help him recover an important document from a diamond dealer in Le Havre. This paper would rehabilitate his father, his two comrades being able to keep the diamonds contained in the safe... But the coup does not go as planned.
A Golden Widow
'Le Pierrot'
A woman learns that she is sole legatee of her forgotten rich uncle, but there is a small problem: she's got to be a widow to latch onto the dough or the fortune will go to a vague sect...
Under the Sign of the Bull
Le commissaire à Rouen
In this film, Albert is an eccentric inventor of missiles who comes under fire from his investors when his first prototype explodes. Even his sympathetic mistress has her doubts, as Albert lashes out in a verbal tirade condemning those of little faith in his genius.
Salut Berthe!
Le concierge de l'hôtel
L'affaire Lourdes
Commander Renault
In Lourdes, in the 1860s, the young Bernadette disturbs despite herself the peaceful life of the small town. She is the only one to see the apparition of The Lady, every day. The villagers take sides, the notables try to stifle the affair. But crowds come from all over the country. Inspired by the true story of the Lourdes affair.
Boys and Girls
Ten young people (six boys and four girls), most of whom students, rent a house in bad repair and set about living together. The experience is not obvious and the ten tenants have to cope with more than one difficulty. But they also have their moments. Things really go awry when Françoise, an unmarried girl, is forced to deliver the baby she carries prematurely and when Solange, the lonely girl of the group, attempts suicide. Shortly afterwards, the group learns that the house is due for demolition. They decide to take advantage of this opportunity to face adult life individually.
Your Money or Your Life
Le patron de l'épicerie (uncredited)
Pétepan learns that his money has been lost by Robinhoude brothers.He asks his assistants to withdraw his amount from the bank.
Funny Money
Fulbert is a sidewalk artist who is duped into working for a counterfeiter. He accompanies a woman posing as a grieving widow on a trip to Spain in a hearse. Unaware she is the mistress of a notorious gangster, Fulbert is chased by thugs.
Cherchez l'idole
After stealing a diamond from Mylène Demongeot, Richard hides it inside a guitar. But on returning to the music shop he discovers that the precious instrument has just been sold! The problem is complicated by the fact that five stars all bought the same model that morning...
My Wife's Husband
Journalist (uncredited)
After thirteen years in Germany, Fernand is coming back to his wife and his restaurant. But since his disparition, his wife as made her life with a norman chef, sympathetic but a specialist of butter's cooking when Fernand cook only with oil!
Good King Dagobert
Le père supérieur
Mr. Pelletan's rascal son Bébert son got another F for playing in class. His punishment is an essay on the Merovingian king Dagobert. All they know is he had eight wives and reunited Francia. The ignorant knave's irreverent imagination turns that into a harem and a ludicrous war without armies, loaded with anachronisms, in a race against rival king Charibert for the crown of Reims. The king's right hand, archbishop Eloi, the later patrons saint of carpentry, is portrayed as an inventor.
La Parole est au témoin
Ladies First
Le motard de la gendarmerie (uncredited)
An FBI agent works to arrest David Griffin, a murderous drug trafficker, and protect Juliette, the beautiful widow of Griffin's late partner.
Port of Point-du-Jour
A worker (uncredited)
Emile is a steelworker in a car factory ;a confirmed bachelor going on fifty, he leads a peaceful life .One night, he is woken up by a burst of machine gun fire. The cafe in the corner of the street has been burglarized.A distraught young girl rushes into his apartment building and hides in his room .When the police make a search, he makes her out to be his lover for the night.Madeleine tells her about her sad past : she has severed all links with her parents ,she's an unwed mother and in the underworld's clutches. Emile sends his protegee to old mommy Dupont's place ,in the suburbs of Paris.
빅 리스크
Stage director (uncredited)
10년 가까이 밀라노에서 숨어 지내던 암흑가 두목 아벨 (리노 벤츄라)는 그의 목에 현상금이 걸려 있는 상황! 체포되면 사형 선고임에도 불구하고 아벨은 그의 아이들과 파리로 다시 숨어든다. 전쟁 후 파리의 암흑가는 이권 다툼으로 음모와 배신이 난무하는 가운데 옛 동료들에게서도 위협을 느끼어 음모에 대한 복수를 준비하게 된다. 새로운 보디가드 에릭(장폴벨몽도)을 만나게 되고 긴장감이 지속되는 암흑가의 일상이 펼쳐지는데...
Sénéchal the Magnificent
Le majordome de la princesse (uncredited)
Sénéchal, an actor touring the provinces with the "Tournées Carlini" does not meet the success he thinks he deserves. One night in Dreux, he finds himself without his luggage and dressed up as a Foreign Legion officer, he is invited to a party thrown by a colonel. He creates a sensation there and does not leave the colonel's wife ... indifferent! Back in Paris, Sénéchal goes through a similar experience. This time around, wearing tuxedo and top hat, he gets mistaken for a diplomat and charms the guests of a wedding party. Arrested by the police, he chooses to do without an attorney at his trial and his brilliant eloquence has him acquitted. A question remains unanswered though : will all those people who give an ovation in real life ever go to see him on stage ?
The Rebels of Lomanach
A young woman has a perilous affair with a General from the opposing side during the Revolutionary war.
Alone in Paris
Henri and Jeannette Milliard, a newly married couple from Normandy arrive in Paris where they intend to spend their honeymoon. Unforfunately a wicket gate in the metro separates the couple. In panic, Henri looks for his wife across the capital. He ends up finding her at the hotel they were to put up. But it looks as if Jeannette has gone through some distressing adventure.
The Convict
The practice of Dr. Julien, a GP of Marseilles, consists mainly of drug-addicts. One day, one of his patient dies at his surgery and Julien yields to the temptation : he steals the dead man's money and hides the corpse in a trunk. But the whole thing is discovered and ... misinterpreted. The doctor is condemned for killing the junkie and sent to the Cayenne convict prison, from which he escapes. The Indians give him shelter and he is soon given the opportunity to return their good deed when a yellow fever epidemic strikes their tribe. A young woman helps to fight the disease and, thanks to her, Julien starts considering that a new life is possible for him.
Si ça peut vous faire plaisir
The hotel floor boy (uncredited)
Gonfaron is barking at the auction of Cassis. He accepted with good heart to believe that he was the proud custodian of the jackpot of the National Lottery , to avoid marital trouble his friend Viala, which is the real winner with his mistress Ginette . Millionaire become false as false Ginette lover until one day.
Une belle garce
During a crossing, Professor Rabas, a famous tamer, meets a certain Raymonde whom he brings back with him to his circus. The presence of the young woman leads to disagreement between Rabas and his younger brother, Léo; she suggests to the latter to enter the cage of the untamed lions, where he is injured. Rabas and Leo understood the lesson; Raymonde is hunted like an evil beast, and calm returns to the circus.
Inspector Sergil
Inspector Sergil is a detective comedy. Sergil, inspector of the P.J., investigates three crimes, helped by two pretty women, Bijou and Nadège.