Tung Li

Tung Li

출생 : 1941-10-15, Tainan, Taiwan

프로필 사진

Tung Li

참여 작품

Sacrifice to Desolate Spirits
Upon their invasion of Taiwan in 1874, the Japanese team up with a sinister tong to hold a martial arts tournament in a plot to root out and assassinate the region's top resistance fighters, thereby breaking the spirit of Chinese patriotism. Two local kung-fu masters prove more than a match for the invaders.
Flying Masters of Kung Fu
Meng Hsing Hun
In order to avenge her father's murder, Hsiang Ying trains herself in the deadliest form of swordplay. Her only goal - to kill all of her father's vicious killers. From hand-to-hand combat to uniquely choreographed weapon fights, Revengeful Swordswoman will have kung fu fans wanting more.
The Eighteen Jade Arhats
Wei's servant, Yi
The eighteen jade claws are prized possessions, transmitting Arhat power to worthy fighters whose legendary feats of strength and powers bestow honour on the temple. But when misused, the power can be devastating. A mysterious assassin is killing everyone who stands in his way to claim the legendary jade claws and learn 18-Lohan style kung fu - and there is only one noble fighter alive who can defeat this ruthless killer.
Return of the Kung Fu Dragon
General Black
The complicated story involves the military conquest of a peaceful island-nation by an evil despot and his sorcerer ally. His victory leaves the island's three heroic protectors dead, but, their young children are hidden away to grow to adulthood with different identities, unaware of their heritage, in hope that, in time, they might challenge and defeat the evil ruler. The charming Polly Kuan stars as one of these children who has been adopted by the conquerer himself, initially as an insult to the defeated hero, later as his protégé.
The Greatest Plot
One of the 8 knights
In a coup against an abusive king, a group of young fighters encounters deadly booby traps and lethal weaponry when its members storm a palace to end the reign of terror.
The Shaolin Brothers
General Hang Chun-Jen
Complicated mix of Chinese history and myth, where old Shaolin friends find themselves on different sides, one a Ching general, and the other faithful to Ming.
The Gloomy Tower
Ma Lin-yu
A gongfu feature about the mysterious deaths that keep occurring at an inn in the forest.
Adventure of Shaolin
Brother Lee
Shaolin and Wu Tang join forces to combat the evil White-Haired Priest using the five elements of kung fu. From this emerges what will become the style known as Tai Chi Chuan from its founder, Chang Shen Fong. See real training, such as the hall of wooden men. Witness the united strength of the Shaolin Monks as they help Chang Shen Fong against White-Haired Priest. See the Three Snake Fists, Black Palm Poison, and other styles for the first time! Jewels from the Wu.
Story in the Temple Red Lily
Liu Chi
When the emperor becomes ill and the Sung Dynasty is threatened by an evil baron, a patriotic officer named Ree (Chia Ling) is assigned to the imperial palace to protect the sacred temple from rebels. Prepare to be chopped and kicked as Ling displays some martial arts fireworks in this 1979 curiosity.
The Knife of Devil's Roaring and Soul Missing
The movie is structured much like a murder mystery, albeit one that gives the viewer a fight scene every couple of minutes. There’s a murderer who goes by the moniker Devil Swordsman gallivanting around the countryside in an outfit that looks like a ninja cloak by way of a KKK robe who’s killing all of the major kung fu masters and clan leaders with a single swipe to the face. One of his first victims is the head of the White Dragon tribe, whose son, Shan, is played by Dorian Tan Tao-Liang. Shan naturally assumes the role of detective in order to avenge his father, since that’s what people do in these movies.
Ba Jie
온갖 나쁜 짓을 일삼는 악호촌 무리. 우두머리 호교는 낙굉훈을 제거하기 위해 파가장 사람 파걸을 꼬드긴다. 그러나 낙굉훈의 적사장에 파걸이 중상을 입자 호교는 파걸을 독살하고 낙굉훈이 죽인 것처럼 일을 꾸민다. 화가 단단히 난 파가장 사람들은 낙굉훈을 잡아들인다. 낙굉훈은 자신이 죽이지 않았다며 항변하는데…
The Imprudent Iron Phoenix
Chia Ling plays the title character, who wields her way through a standard martial arts premise, but demonstrates tremendous grace and agility as she chops, kicks, and flies through the air.
The Tormentor
Two boys who are skilled fighters take the oath as brothers by inscribing .
General Bai Li Ho
기원전 257년, 전국시대. 진나라 군대는 조나라의 수도 한단으로 진격한다.위나라의 신릉군은 조나라를 돕기 위해, 위 왕에게 출병을 제안한다. 하지만 위 왕은 기세등등한 진나라 군대에 맞서기를 주저한다. 순망치한. 조나라가 멸망하면 다음 차례는 위나라인 게 불 보듯 뻔한 상황.이 난국을 타개할 유일한 방법은 금고에 보관된 병부를 훔쳐 조나라를 돕는 것인데…
Cha Hsiao-Yu
어느 추운 겨울날 늙은 거지가 객잔에 들어와 큰 뇌물을 받은 해강봉이란 관리 얘기를 한다. 그는 엄청나게 많은 돈을 갖고 여행 중이라고 했다. 그 말은 도둑과 살인자들의 관심을 끌어 그를 추적하나 사소어가 해강봉을 구한다. 해강봉과 그의 종과 사소어는 이상한 객잔에 자리 잡는데 식인종인 듯한 주인은 해강봉이 가진 돈 얘기를 알고 있었다. 그러나 해강봉은 실제로 강력하고 무시무시한 고수 정수산이었고 객잔 사람들 모두 목숨을 잃는다.
Jin Zhi-Ping
Chuan Yuan is the noble, powerful hero and Shu Pei-pei, one of Shaw’s top swordswoman, is a reluctant bride who comes upon a rebellion plot. They are joined by a large cast of expert fighters and actors all keeping the intrigue and adventure foremost in the film. There’s even a nice surprise ending amidst all the action.
The Black Enforcer
Robber Chou Han (1st edit)
The Silent Love
Tsai Tu-Tso
Ivy Ling Po gives a startling performance as an abused wife who suffers through all his adulterous and treacherous ways in The Silent Love, which became an allegorical, tragic love story that reflected the unspoken truths inherent in Chinese society. Lead actor Chin Feng received the 1971 Golden Horse Outstanding Performance award for his portrayal as The Mute, a man that secretly loves Ivy and does all he can to make her life better, except that it backfires on him.
The Night Is Young
shaw production
용호의 결투
Lumura, Samurai in red
국내 권격 액션영화 팬들에게 <용호투>로 잘 알려져 있는 <용호의 결투>는 홍콩 쿵후영화 역사에서 매우 중요한 작품이다. 그전까지 홍콩 액션영화들의 대세는 쿵후영화와는 다소 거리를 둔 무협영화가 대부분이었다. 쇼브러더스의 간판스타 왕우 역시 <독비도> 시리즈를 비롯한 몇편의 무협영화로 스타가 되었지만, 엄밀히 말해 <용호의 결투> 이전까지 ‘쿵후영화’ 혹은 ‘쿵후 스타’는 존재하지 않았다. 왕우의 뛰어난 점은 여기서 비롯된다. 그는 사람들로부터 ‘천황거성’(天皇巨星)으로 불릴 정도로 전무후무한 대스타였고, 쇼브러더스 시절 자기 목소리를 낼 수 있는 단 한명의 배우였다(쇼브러더스 시절 배우는 ‘사원’과 다름없는 취급을 받았다). 자신의 인기와 지명도를 이용, 적극적으로 밀어붙인 <용호의 결투>는 그가 직접 아이디어를 내고 처음으로 각본과 감독을 맡은 야심작이다. 왕우의 새로운 도전은 막대한 흥행 수익으로 보상받는다.
My Son
Jimmy Wang Yu gets to flex his dramatic muscles in this contemporary Lo Chen drama. Wang is a detective's son whose attempt to punish a swindler leaves him and his father in a thrilling final face-off.
Chu Piao
shaw production
Hao Tien-Peng
정의감이 강한 여협객 화벽련은 잠시 사람을 구한 것을 계기로 노름단 만삼구의 원한을 사게 되어, 그들은 그녀의 목숨을 노렸다. 만삼구 일당에게 몰려 절체절명에 빠지지만 다행히 낙굉훈의 도움으로 추격자로부터 도망친다. 하지만 이를 안 만삼구의 두목·왕윤은 관리를 매수하여 낙굉훈에게 죄를 뒤집어씌우고 투옥시킨다. 낙굉훈을 구하고자 감옥에 들어간 화벽련은 숨이 끊어질 듯한 그를 발견하고, 분노에 치를 떤다. 이윽고 왕윤의 도장에서 많은 적을 상대로 싸우던 그녀는 놀라운 행동을 보이는데...
Lady of Steel
Fang Ning
A young swordswoman named Fang Ying-qi (Cheng Pei-Pei) sets out to join a gathering of the martial world’s leading warriors under the banner of Lord Xia (Fang Mien) and the Flying Dragon Clan. Their mission is to organize the defense of their country against invading Jin forces. Fang also intends to avenge the murder of her parents 20 years past by bandit leader Han Shi-xiong (Huang Chung-hsin). Han has since taken on a new, false identity as a reputable member of the Flying Dragon Clan while secretly working with the Jin to bring down the resistance. Han uses cunning and a network of criminal fighters in an attempt to assassinate Fang, and when that fails, to frame her as a traitor. Once his true identity and intentions are revealed, a determined Fang must rely on her deadly sword skills and assistance from a clever beggar clan leader (Yueh Hua) to stop Han and restore her reputation.
The Wandering Swordsman
Chief Huang
In this thrilling martial arts twist on the tale of Robin Hood, a charismatic highwayman with formidable sword skills decides to help the poor by robbing from thieves and distributing the wealth. This plan doesn't sit well with the criminals, who band together to stop him. Fortunately, our hero has a powerful blade on his side, not to mention popular beauty Lily Li at his side. A high-spirited blend of action, romance, and comedy, this Shaw Brothers classic from fearless director Chang Cheh is a timeless example of pure high-voltage entertainment.
Farewell, My Love
In Farewell, My Love Julie Yeh Feng plays a devoted wife and mother dying from an incurable illness. Her goal now is to find a new mother for her child and a new wife for her husband before she dies. Because of all her personal tragedies and on going hard life off camera, audiences associated with Julie, making her one of the most beloved actresses of her time.
Dragon Swamp
Dragon Swamp Master
After being implicated in the theft of the Jade Dragon Sword, Fan Ying (Cheng Pei-pei) is banished to the Dragon Swamp for 20 years. Now, 20 years later, the sword has been stolen again, and the members of Lingshan Clan are sent out to find the culprit. Among those is Qing-Erh (Cheng Pei-pei again), who meets a wandering swordsman (Yueh Hua) searching for the long lost Fan Ying. Together they decide to enlist the help of the Dragon Swamp Master in their respective searches.
돌아온 외팔이
Poisonous Dragon King Duan Shu
영평강은 소만과 함께 시골에서 평범한 농부로 살아간다. 하지만 강호에는 새로운 세력 팔대도왕이 나타나 여러 문파에 도전장을 보내고, 조용히 살아가던 영평강에게도 대결을 신청한다. 영평강은 그들의 도전을 무시하지만 주변 군소문파가 하나씩 제압당하면서 결국 다시 칼을 뽑아 든다.
Purple Darts
In an attempt to seize the famous Tai Hsuan Book of Swords the outlaws Wang, Ku, Lu and Pai Feng attack the Hsia Tien Tsai Mansion and slaughter all righteous opponents. Only Hsia’s baby daughter survives and the dying mother leaves a message in blood to urge her to take revenge once she is grown up.
The Enchanted Chamber
A mortal, a ghost and a fox fairy come together against evil in this supernatural wuxia film.