Masashi Ikeda

참여 작품

장갑기병 보톰즈 외로운 그림자 다시
세번째 시리즈는 보톰즈 시리즈의 정체성을 잇는 내용으로 타카하시 료스케가 직접 연출을 맡았다. 히로인 피아나의 죽음이라는 충격적인 결말 속에 막을 내렸던 '빛나는 이단' 편 이후 세상을 떠도는 키리코와 '빛나는 이단'편에 이어 등장한 테이타니아, 그리고 바닐라와 코노나의 딸 스테비아 등이 등장하여 새로운 이야기를 이끌어 간다. 보톰즈 시리즈의 가장 마지막 시간대를 다룬 '환영' 편 이전의 키리코의 행적이 그려지고 있다.
Cobra The Animation: Time Drive
When Armaroid Lady's body starts to disappear, Cobra must dive 20 years into the past to discover how to save his partner.
코브라 디 애니메이션
지구의 뉴욕. 한 보물을 훔쳐내기 위해 고대 화성미술관에 숨어든 코브라. 같은 시각, 집시 독이 이끄는 해적 길드의 일군이 뉴욕을 침공해온다. 그들의 노림수는 화석충을 연구하는 아름다운 연구자 유토피아 모아 박사와 화석충의 표본. 우연히 유토피아 박사를 해적에게서 구해낸 코브라는 해적들의 표적이 되는데...
Takane's Bicycle
An 11-year-old boy, Takasumi Takane, will be given a new bicycle if his exam results are in the top 100, but his results put him in 112th place. He tells his mother a lie that he placed 92nd, and he tears the answer sheets apart. On his way home from cram school, he accidently breaks the old bicycle that he is supposed to hand down to his little sister, Tamaki. This angers Tamaki. Furthermore, Tamaki accuses him of telling a lie, and he begins to think of her as a nuisance. One night, when he goes to a shrine to look for his missing dog, Chris, he encounters a young man named Yoyogi. Somehow, Yoyogi has the answer sheet marked as “92nd." Yoyogi proposes a trade, but threatens to return the answer sheet to its original owner unless he is given something Takane doesn't need.
Takane's Bicycle
An 11-year-old boy, Takasumi Takane, will be given a new bicycle if his exam results are in the top 100, but his results put him in 112th place. He tells his mother a lie that he placed 92nd, and he tears the answer sheets apart. On his way home from cram school, he accidently breaks the old bicycle that he is supposed to hand down to his little sister, Tamaki. This angers Tamaki. Furthermore, Tamaki accuses him of telling a lie, and he begins to think of her as a nuisance. One night, when he goes to a shrine to look for his missing dog, Chris, he encounters a young man named Yoyogi. Somehow, Yoyogi has the answer sheet marked as “92nd." Yoyogi proposes a trade, but threatens to return the answer sheet to its original owner unless he is given something Takane doesn't need.
Quiet Don 11
Shizuya thought that he had won the deadly battle with Kaifu, the fifth generation of Kishu-gumi, and put an end to the long-standing conflict, but the tenacity of Kaifu's overthrow Shinsei-gumi does not change even in a dying state. He is a hitman who attacks Shizuya many times. Not only that, the Kishu-gumi buys the company that Shizuya works for, disbands the design department, steals the face of the day and drags him into the world of conflict. Shizuya, who has promised Akino his dream as a designer, solidifies his resolve to overcome this crisis... It's been 10 years since the series started. The immortal series is completely revived. In addition to the combination of Teruyuki Kagawa and Mai Kitajima, the original cast of Yasuaki Kurata, Isamu Ichikawa, Shinichi Ishii, Hiroaki Iiyama, Takashi Sasano, and Yozaburo Ito will all appear. What is the conclusion with Kishu-gumi? What is the fate of love with Akino?
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
In another world, another time, all the old legends of vampires...of ghosts...of werewolves...and all manner of things that go bump in the night...are real. And as all the old legends make so very clear, humans are the natural enemies of...The Darkstalkers. Now, one man has made it his duty to seek out and destroy those who would threaten and eclipse humanity's future. Bearing a sword that seems almost...alive...he stands ready to fight all those who have dedicated their lives to The Dark. Yet, what of the Darkstalkers? Surely such powerful beings have their own reasons for what they do...and their own plans and ambitions concerning both the human world and...The Demon World.
Midoriyama Koukou Koushien Hen (Gekijouban)
Panzer World Galient: Crest of Iron
Storyboard Artist
Alternative universe spin-off of the 'Panzer World Galient' TV series
기갑계 가리안
오랜 세월 동안 잠자고 있던 철거인이 망국의 왕자 조조에 의해 부활하는 이야기