Behind the stage action. Three ballet girls. A janitor using rough manners to approach the girls, without success. He gets advice from a colleague to treat the girls with more respect.
Adam and Eva have been married for four years. But the romance has disappeared from their relationship and has been replaced by boredom and old routine. When Adam meets his brother's baby-sitter, Jackie, he is immediately attracted to her. They have an affair, but Adam tell himself that they are only friends. However, when Eva finds out that he has a mistress, she leaves him. Adam tries to convince himself that he is free again, but soon realizes that he is still in love with Eva, and must win her back...
The Associate professor
SWAT team lieutenant
공포 영화 편집 기사가 신경 쇠약 증세로 더 이상 일을 하지 못하게 되자 사장인 샘 캠벨은 후임자로 에드워드 스티븐슨을 채용한다. 에드워드는 바브라라는 아내와 딸을 가진 평범한 가장이며 깔끔한 성격의 소유자로, 편집 경험으로는 아트 필름 몇편이 전부였다. 그가 맡게된 일은 공포 영화들의 가장 기괴한 장면들이 심의에 걸리지 않도록 편집하는 일이다. 첫날, 일거리를 가지고 작업실로 들어온 에드워드는 괴기스럽고 소름끼친 장면을 보고 무서움에 휩싸인다. 심지어 휴식을 취할때도 화면 속의 끔찍한 인물들이 등 뒤에 나타나 그를 두렵게 하는 것이다. 이런 저런 환각과 환영으로 에드워드는 극도의 신경쇠약에 시달리게 된다. 결국, 에드워드는 자신의 증세를 사장에게 말하고, 편집하는 일을 그만두고 싶다고 토로한다. 그러나 사장은 일언지하에 거절한다. 마침내, 모니터 앞에 앉아 영화를 보고 있는 캠벨의 모습 또한 에드워드에게는 괴기스럽게 보이게 되는데. 급기야 정신 질환으로 발전하게 된 에드워드의 신경 쇠약 증세는 사람을 죽이는데까지 이르게 된다. 가위로 영화필름들을 모두 절단하여 자신의 몸에 휘감고 극도로 흥분하던 날 밤. 아내 바브라로부터 전화가 걸려온다. 이상한 예감을 느낀 바브라는 즉시 에드워드를 찾아간다. 그러나 아내조차 알아볼 수 없게 된 에드워드는 그녀를 죽이려 하고, 그런 광폭함 앞에서 바브라는 어쩔 수 없이 총을 겨누게 된다. 결국, 정신병원에 입원하게 된 에드워드는 병원에서도 의사와 간호사 등을 무참히 살해한 뒤 한 여자를 인질로 잡고 특수 부대와 대치하게 된다.
When Bob's wife dies, he's determined to find Sabine, a woman he loved 30 years before. Even though he's had little to do with his daughter Rita, he begs her to take him to Denmark to find this lost love. She agrees and unceremoniously drops her baby off at her husband Steff's office where he's been working overtime to avoid bankruptcy. Rita and Bob pick up a hitchhiker, Erik, who plays to Rita's longing for freedom. Steff, with baby and teenage daughter, sets out in pursuit of his wife, jealous and also feeling pangs of love. On the road, Bob and Rita bond as do Steff and his children. On the Danish coast, Bob and Sabine, Rita, Steff, and Erik must sort out their dreams.
Wolfgang Mueller
An action comedy by Mats Helge.
Per L Wennström
Lacke Sjöö
Three prisoners, all specialists within their area, are freed from prison in a dramatic fashion. But who helped them - and why?
Truck driver
Per is doing his military service when he finds out that his girlfriend back home in Stockholm is having an affair. He goes AWOL and tries to find a way back home. On the way he meets Hanna, the daughter of a travelling salesman who joins him on his journey.
A film about nature's nature and meaning "cookies" versus "patchwork". This against a serious core: "The anxiety and pressure that the adults live under, with lack of money and unfulfilled dreams lead to behaviors that the children may suffer, but as the children in this movie get an overview and help relieve."
Nicke loves practical jokes. When his best friend Pelle is getting married, Nicke is hosting the bachelor party. It will start with the kidnapping of Pelle. Everything goes wrong when Pelle is kidnapped for real by a terrorist group.
A criminal in relapse is once again in prison. He wants to be reintegrated in society and build a future with his girlfriend. But first he wants revenge on the person who betrayed him - the rat rooster.
Calle, a real-life character living in Stockholm's Old Town, finds himself - to his astonishment - in the midlle of the play "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark".
The neurotic director Max Karlsson tries to do a film of Goethe's "Die Leiden des jungen Werthers". He finds all actors for his melodrama - except Lotte, the wonderful girl who is an object of two mens love. He auditions a number of girls. But when he finds the right one nothing goes the way he had figured.
When the war breaks out, Annika lives with her parents in Värmland, close to the border to Norway. Her cousin Harald is a dealer in the black market but has to escape from the police to Norway. Annika moves to Stockholm and gets a job as a waitress. She meets the happy-go-lucky Berit and together they have a wonderful time. She also meets a young man, Bengt, whom she marries. But almost immediately she discovers that her husband is different from the man who was courting her. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
A film crew travels out in a future Europe to make a documentary about the birds and threats to the ecological contexts. The motto of the film has been downloaded from the Indian chief, Chief Seattle's famous words from 1855; "You can not sell the sky, and everything that affects the Earth affect the humans".
During August 1943 the Nazis advance is stopped. In Sweden there are both German Gestapo agents and Norwegian Resistance men active.
In the aftermath of a daring post office robbery on Saint Lucy’s Day, two Stockholm vice cops venture into a world of corruption, cover-ups and murder stretching across all levels of society, from the streets to the government.
Man (uncredited)
특별할 것 없는 작은 상점에서 각각 일하는 열일곱의 모니카와 열아홉의 해리는 우연히 바에서 첫만남을 갖게 된 후 연인이 된다. 모니카는 남루한 현실과는 다른 인생을 꿈꾸지만, 부적절한 희롱이 난무하는 일터에서 퇴근해 가족과 함께 살고 있는 허름한 아파트로 돌아오면 그녀를 기다리는 것은 알코올중독 아버지의 학대뿐이다. 해리에게로 피한 모니카는 해리의 모터보트에 숨어 밤을 보내고, 그로 인해 다음날 직장에 늦게 되어 사장의 비난을 들은 해리는 사표를 던지고 모니카와 함께 배를 타고 스톡홀름에서 멀리 떠나버리기로 결정한다. 스톡홀름 군도의 한 작은 섬에 내린 두 사람은 야생에 가까운 환경에서 둘 만의 꿈같은 여름을 보낸다. 그러나 여름이 끝나가고 돈이 떨어지자 더 이상 섬에서의 도피생활은 지속될 수 없게 되고, 둘은 다시 도시의 삶으로 돌아가야만 한다. 임신과 결혼 등, 꿈과는 다른 성장통들이 기다리고 있는 도시에서 모니카와 해리는 각자의 방식대로 삶을 받아들이게 되는데..