Peter Nielsen

출생 : 1876-12-02, Randers, Denmark

사망 : 1949-09-26

참여 작품

Hatten er sat
Melody of a Murder
Assistant Detective Baunsø
A woman is found strangled in her shop. Shortly after, another murder is committed. Perhaps the most terrifying is that the both girls' name is Sonja. The police is convinced it's the same killer and at each scene is heard a woman singing the same song. A song which is soon dubbed the 'murder melody'.
Præsten på Snarø, Adam Valerius, er enkemand på tredje år, og frøkenerne i sognet står i kø for at blive den næste præstefrue. Men da Adams enlige husholderske pludselig bliver gravid, går snakken i det lille samfund, og snart bliver biskoppen tilkaldt. Ved et skæbnens puds bliver den københavnske skuespiller Emil Flor, som er på vej til øen, forvekslet med biskoppen, og han lever sig ind i rollen og løser elegant konflikten. Men så dukker den rigtige biskop op… Hele Danmarks Ib Schønberg var her, der og alle vegne i dansk film i 1940'erne. Men det var i denne komedie af Emanuel Gregers, at han oplevede sin karrieres største komediesucces. I ”Biskoppen”, som blev indspillet midt i besættelsestiden, er han den forfængelige skuespiller Flor, der griber chancen, da den rigtige ”rolle” byder sig. Og som desværre bliver i rollen til efter tæppefald!
The Burning Question
After three long years, the young legal secretary Bodil is reunited with his former girlfriend Carsten. Their love affair flares up again, but unfortunately Bodil has meanwhile come a little too close to his boss' son, the skirt hunter Hugo. And he has no intention of making Bodil happy.
En mand af betydning
Tømrermester Skjoldager
I de gode gamle dage
Familien Olsen
Familien Olsen is a 1940 Danish family film directed by Lau Lauritzen, Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.
Komtessen på Steenholt
After staying 3 years in America the Countess Ellie Stenholt (Marguerite Viby) returns home to Denmark and the family estate Stenholt. She finds that everything isn't going well noticing that the estate is falling apart and money is short.
Bolettes Brudefærd
I en lille sjællandsk landsby, hvor alt tilsyneladende er lutter idyl, lever syersken Bolette Jensen, en djærv kvinde, som har gjort sine bitre erfaringer og nu er frygtet for sin skarpe tunge. Bolette plejer at sige sin mening uden omsvøb, og da sandheden som bekendt er ilde hørt, er hun ikke synderlig afholdt af sognets magthavere, hvis mest fremtrædende skikkelse er sognerådsformanden Peter Enevoldsen. Bolette får en alvorlig opgave, da den unge kønne Sofie skal have barn, og Bolette tager sig straks af den ulykkelige pige og lover, at hun nok skal komme til at spadsere op ad kirkegulvet med sin Karl.
Flugten fra millionerne
Saa til Søs
Gravenkop - entreprenør
Tre enfoldige fisker-brødre nyder livet. De får hjælp af den unge pige Sus, der styrer hus og hjælper til på fiskekutteren. Da brødrene får et godt tilbud om at låne penge til Hotel slår de straks til. Der er dog den skumle entreprenør Gravenkop de låner pengene af. Samtidig bliver der smuglet til byen; billig sprut er i omløb. Sus forsøger sammen med sin ven Stille at opklare forbrydelsen.
The People of the Borderland
Kaptajn Sternmayer, amtsforstander
FRAGMENT | The Family Steffensen lives on a farm in Southern Jutland. The area has been under German rule for 60 years, when WW I suddenly breaks out. The possibility of regaining the lost land brings new hope to the border people, but the poor Steffensen's farm is threatened by compulsory sale. Secretly, the youngest son runs off to Denmark to get money, but he doesn't make it back before his parents are forced out of their home. Surprisingly, the family's farm laborer has come into money and acquires the farm. The restored film is only a fragment of the original film. The fragment consists of the film's ending, where it's exposed who the mystical farm laborer really is. (
The Golden Clown
Joe, a circus clown, has a chance meeting with a famous French fashion designer, who – enthralled by Joe’s artistic talent – gets him a job in Paris. He quickly becomes the talk of the town, but as we know, wealth and happiness do not always go hand in hand, as opulent big-city living tragically seals the poor clown’s fate.
Mists of the Past
The year is 1820 and a young, promising artist, Olaf Malm, has settled in Rome, Europe’s centre of art at the time. He is in love with Sigrid, but class differences make their love impossible. Olaf Malm dies in a tragic accident; he allegedly drowns in the Tiber, but his body is never found. Sigrid gives birth to their lovechild, and twenty years later history repeats itself: their son, Henry, who has never known his real parents, loves a woman who is far above him in social rank. Fate brings him back to Rome, where his parents loved and lost each other many years before. (
The House of Shadows
Lehnsmanden Thor Brekanæs
Thor Brekanæs is found murdered in the moraine near his farm. Was the culprit the poor day labourer Swein? Was it Thor’s illegitimate son Vasil, clearing away an obstacle to his unwelcome marriage to Thor’s goddaughter, Thora? Or was it someone else entirely? (
Livets karneval
Struggling Hearts
The year is 1658 and the King of Sweden has seized large parts of Denmark. A tenant farmer and his family on Falster are forced to look on while enemy soldiers loot and wreck their home. Only the wounded and febrile soldier Lasse Månsson does not take part in the atrocities, and when the regiment moves on, he stays in the care of the farmer. Soon, Lasse falls in love with Anna, the farmer’s daughter, and they plan a life together. But can love blossom in such dark times? (
The Hill Park Mystery
Etatsråd Sparre, Grethes far
Police reporter Erik Brandt is sent off for some rest and recreation after solving a murder under the nose of the police. But his well-earned holiday turns out to be a lot more hectic than planned, when the resort is rocked by as string of brutal murders. An attractive young lady who captures Brandt’s heart might be involved. (
The Hand of Fate
Morten Bruus til Ingvorstrup
The God-fearing vicar Niels Quist lives with his beloved daughter Mette in the small Jutland town of Vejlby. The newly elected county bailiff and local magistrate, Erik Sørensen, is the lucky fellow who wins Mette’s heart, but their happiness is short-lived: One day, the vicar’s farmhand mysteriously disappears, and all signs suggest that the vicar is the killer. But is Erik Sørensen willing and able to sentence his own true love's father to death?
Great Expectations
Dolge Orlick
A charitable childhood deed holds fateful consequences for poor Pip. An anonymous benefactor paves the way for Pip’s transformation and subsequent social ascent from peasant boy to gentleman. But he soon finds out that life among the upper-classes is no bed of roses, and Pip encounters a number of characters who shape his life for the better, and for the worse.
Jefthas dotter
En kunstners gennembrud
The President
Public prosecutor
By his father’s deathbed, the young Karl Victor von Sendlingen swears that he will never make the same mistake his father made in his youth: to marry a girl beneath his own station in life – a promise that proves to have fatal consequences.
De mystiske fodspor
Den mystiske selskabsdame
Detective Asbjorn Krag
The notorious criminal Barra is approached by Agent Frank for a profitable collaboration. The brand new designs of a revolutionary internal combustion engine is the target. Engineer von Rosen at the Osman Corporation is the trusted envoy for the transfer of the drawings/designs. Frank is determined to intercept and obtain the valuable goods for his client. A competitor in the mechanical industry. Barra is keen to get started. And he intend to use his wife as a magnet, to get the attention of Osman director von Spangen.
Her Son
Veksellerer Wullf
Attorney Krogh and his wife, Gerda, are distraught about their only son, Kai, a wastrel and ne’er-do-well with no aim or direction in life. Kai again asks his mother for money and Gerda cannot refuse, even selling her jewellery when her son falls deep into debt. Can Kai be steered away from the abyss that awaits him? (
The Spider's Prey
Asbjørn Krag, detektiv
The titular villain is an infamous international criminal, Mrs. Valentin Kempel, known as “The Predator Spider” due to her habit of ensnaring innocent victims in her web. Men are enchanted by her, and she uses this to coerce them into taking part in her criminal activities. When one of her victims takes his own life, the victim’s brother and a detective decide to put an end to the beautiful criminal’s reign of terror. But The Hunting Spider does not give in so easily – and she is not afraid to use unsporting tricks against her new opponents. FRAGMENT. (
Gundermann, bankier
Following some dodgy dealings, stockbroker Saccard is determined to pull himself out of the gutter and regain is reputation. He is of such ill repute that few, not even his own brother, want anything to do with him. Yet against all the odds he manages to establish a bank. Using straw men and secret knowledge of the course of the war, Saccard inflates the bank’s shares to feed his own sordid desire for speculation. Unfortunately, false success rarely endures. The preserved material is a fragment. (
Hans Kusine
The Man with the Missing Finger
The first of the Danish crime films about a master criminal with 9 fingers.
Overwhelmed by personal and professional problems, biologist Friedrich von Kammacher decides to travel abroad in order to regain the joy of living. During his adventurous journey he will meet two very different women, one of whom will be the key to his fate.
Den hvide Dame
Unjustly Accused
Count de Croisset becomes infatuated with the star dancer Odette Blant. She accepts his offer of marriage, but must promise to abandon the stage forever. She sorely misses performing, however, and when the theatre manager Delage asks her to step in after his star is injured, she agrees. Her husband is at the theatre and recognizes her. Thinking she is having an affair with Delage, he challenges him to a duel. Each duellist must swallow a pill, one of which supposedly contains a deadly poison. This is Delage’s idea, allowing him (with the help of his uncle, the apothecary Michot) to engineer a happy ending for all concerned.
A Homeless Bird
In the Hands of Imposters
Brutal bandit
On her way to her aunt's house, motherless young Edith is kidnapped by a white slave trader and put in a brothel. Luckily Mr. Faith, Edith's travel acquaintance, senses that something is wrong.
The White Slave Trade
This film was plagiarized - almost scene by scene - by Nordisk Film Kompagni who released their version only a few months later (2. August, 1910) with the exact same title!.