In his sixth comedy show the Dutch comedian Kees Torn tells that his impresario no longer allows him to talk about his girlfriend, his love for cigars and whiskey. That's why he's only talking about politicians, television personalities and important things like the QWERTY keyboard layout.
In his fifth comedy show the Dutch comedian Kees Torn reflects on addictions. Torn himself struggles with a dependence on whiskey and cigars, but also rhyme, Bach and his girlfriend José.
Mike Boddé
Mike Boddé
Mike Boddé
VARA exists 80 years! We celebrate this with the DVD you have in your hands. About 5 hours top entertainment from VARA's entertainment cabinet. Fragments that will take you from 1958 to now. You still remember Dorus with his mouse trap? Or the "Kopspijkers" cabaret with the song "One Day Fly", Theo Maassen with his farewell speech of Henk van den Tillaart or Harry Vermegen and Henk Spaan with Popie Jopie? That's all on this DVD, and more!