Keiko Deguchi

참여 작품

You Resemble Me
Two sisters are abruptly separated, the eldest, Hasna, struggles to find her identity and place in the world.
내가 소피아 로렌이라면?
소피아 로렌은 얼마나 근사한가. 그녀의 영화를 보며 살아갈 힘을 얻는다. 이탈리아계 미국인 할머니의 기쁨. 소피아 로렌은 어떻게 생각할까? 기분 좋은 단편 다큐멘터리.
Ainu Mosir
Kanto, 14, a descendant of Japan's indigenous Ainu people, decides to visit a hole in the forest — a path to the other side of the world where dead people live, hoping to see his deceased father.
Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project
Marion Stokes secretly recorded television 24 hours a day for 30 years from 1975 until her death in 2012. For Marion taping was a form of activism to seek the truth, and she believed that a comprehensive archive of the media would be invaluable for future generations. Her visionary and maddening project nearly tore her family apart, but now her 70,000 VHS tapes are being digitized and they'll be searchable online.
Fifty years ago, a young forest officer in India rallied the world to save tigers from extinction. Today, the work continues in Far East Russia, where the guardians of the last Siberian tigers risk everything to protect the species.
프리 솔로: 끝없는 도전
Additional Editing
암벽등반의 한 획을 그은 프리 솔로(Free Solo, 장비 없이 맨몸으로 산에 오르는 사람들) 알렉스 호놀드의 위대한 도전!
위 디 애니몰스
매니, 조엘 그리고 조나 형제는 아슬아슬한 가정에서 유년기를 보낸다. 매니와 조엘은 폭력적인 아빠를 닮아가고, 엄마는 탈출을 꿈꾸고, 조나는 자신만의 세계를 끌어안는다.
Warrior Women
Through the figure of Lakota activist and community organizer Madonna Thunder Hawk, this inspiring film traces the untold story of countless Native American women struggling for their people's civil rights. Spanning several decades, Christina D. King and Elizabeth A. Castle's documentary charts Thunder Hawk's lifelong commitment, from her early involvement in the American Indian Movement (AIM), to her pivotal role in the founding of Women of All Red Nations, to her heartening presence at Standing Rock alongside thousands protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. She passed her dedication and hunger for change to her daughter Marcy, even if that often meant feeling like comrades-in-arms more than mother and child. Through rare archival material—including amazing footage of AIM's occupation of Wounded Knee—and an Indigenous style of circular storytelling, Warrior Women rekindles the memories and legacy of the Red Power movement's matriarchs.
Black Memorabilia
Script Supervisor
Filmmaker Chico Colvard investigates the propagation of demeaning representations of African-Americans. From industrial China to the rural American south to contemporary Brooklyn, we observe the people and places that reproduce, consume and reclaim BLACK MEMORABILIA. This feature documentary takes us on a journey into the material culture of racialized artifacts and confronts us with the incendiary features of these objects. BLACK MEMORABILIA also moves beyond perverse attractions and absolute objections to collectibles and antiques that serve as reminders of America's troubled racial history. In the midst of roiling ethnic unrest in the US today, the film's confrontation of our feelings about these objects strikes at the heart of a pressing contemporary issue and opens a unique dialogue about the continuing legacy of racism in America.
류이치 사카모토: 코다
Consulting Editor
세계적으로 주목 받은 아티스트이자, <마지막 황제>(1987) 오리지널 사운드트랙 작업으로 아카데미, 골든글로브, 그래미를 석권한 작곡가 류이치 사카모토는 인후암 판정 이후 모든 활동을 중단한다. 하지만 평소 존경하던 이냐리투 감독으로부터 작업의 의뢰를 받게 되면서 다시 작업을 시작하게 된 류이치 사카모토는 치료로 중단했던 새 앨범을 다시금 준비하기 시작한다.
Marathon: The Patriots Day Bombing
Recounts the dramatic story of the April 2013 terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon through the experiences of individuals whose lives were affected. Ranging from the events of the day to the death-penalty sentencing of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the film features surveillance footage, news clips, home movies and exclusive interviews with survivors and their families, as well as first responders, investigators, government officials and reporters from the Boston Globe, which won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the bombing. In the wake of terrorism, a newlywed couple, a mother and daughter, and two brothers - all gravely injured by the blast - face the challenges of physical and emotional recovery as they and their families strive to reclaim their lives and communities.
God Knows Where I Am
Well-educated, New Hampshire mother, Linda Bishop, was determined to stay free of the mental health system after her early release from a 3 year commitment to New Hampshire State Hospital. Instead, she became a prisoner of her own mind, a fate which she documents in one of the most evocative and chilling accounts of mental illness and of our systemic failure to protect those suffering from it.
Brothers Hypnotic
For the eight young men in the Hypnotic Brass Ensemble, “brotherhood” is literal: they’re all sons of anti-establishment jazz legend, Phil Cohran. Cohran and their mothers raised them together on Chicago’s South side on a strict diet of jazz, funk and Black Consciousness.
더 핫 플래시스
An unlikely basketball team of unappreciated middle-aged Texas women, all former high school champs, challenge the current high school girls’ state champs to raise money for breast cancer prevention. Sparks fly as the women go to comic extremes to prove themselves on and off the court, become a national media sensation, and gain a new lease on life.
웬 아이 워크
When I Walk approaches the struggles of living with multiple sclerosis and the medical community’s efforts to find better treatments and ultimately a cure with heart, humor, and courage.
Musical Chairs
When his dancer partner, Mia, lands in the hospital after an accident, Armando persuades her to train for an upcoming wheelchair ballroom dancing contest.
Deaf Jam
Aneta Brodski, a deaf teen living in New York City, discovers the power of American Sign Language poetry. As she prepares to be one of the first deaf poets to compete in a spoken-word slam, her journey leads to an unexpected collaboration.
Handsome Harry
An ex-Navy man carrying out the last wish of a dying shipmate renews contact with old friends to break the code of silence around a mysterious, long-buried crime.
사진사인 남편을 도우며 살아가던 다이앤은 평온하지만 갑갑한 하루 하루를 보낸다. 거대 모피상인 아버지 덕에 온실 속의 화초처럼 자라나 화려한 상류층 사람들과 어울리지만 그들은 마치 아버지의 모피처럼 생명력 없이 거들먹거리는 부류일 뿐, 다이앤은 왠지 살아가는 일이 답답하기만 하다. 그러던 어느 날, 다이앤이 살고 있는 아파트 윗 층에 신비에 싸인 한 남자가 이사를 온다. 기이한 가면으로 얼굴을 가린 남자 라이오넬에게 아찔한 호기심과 묘한 매력을 느끼게 된 다이앤. 사실 라이오넬은 선천성 다모증으로 인해 전신이 긴 털로 덮여 있는 특별한 사람. 다이앤은 그를 만나기 위해 이웃들의 사진을 찍고 싶다는 핑계로 윗 층을 찾게 되고 차츰 라이오넬과 그의 기이한 친구들과도 가까워 진다. 그녀가 마주친 낯선 사람들과의 관계는 그녀의 삶을 송두리째 바꿔 놓고 다이앤은 한 없이 다정하고 독특하며 예술적인 라이오넬에게 차츰 친구 이상의 감정을 느끼게 된다. 라이오넬 역시 자신을 기이한 괴물이 아닌 특별한 한 남자이자 사람으로 대하는 다이앤을 영혼으로부터 사랑하게 된다. 그러나 그는 선천적인 특이함으로 인한 호흡곤란으로 죽어가고 있었다. 이런 사실을 모르는 다이앤은 마침내 생명력 없이 그녀를 구속하기만 했던 상류 사회와 남편에게 이별을 고하고‘라이오넬과 함께 할 결심을 한다. 또한 라이오넬은 다이앤과의 마지막 여행을 몰래 계획하며 그녀에게 건넬 선물을 준비하는데…
America Brown
A coming-of-age drama that centers on a young quarterback from West Texas, a priest in New York, and the two women in their lives.
보인턴 비치 클럽
Residents of an adult community in Florida turn to one another for support and companionship after the deaths of their spouses. Lois has a rejuvenating affair with a younger man while acting as best friend to recently widowed Marilyn. Jack buddies up with Harry for a crash course in solo survival skills and deals with single gal Sandy's romantic overtures.
The Ranch
A comedy drama about a few days in the lives of a group of "working girls" in Reno, Nevada. “The Ranch” is a legally operated brothel that operates under the careful watch of state health inspectors (who insist on weekly medical check-ups) and the semi-benevolent leadership of Mary, the manager. While the women on staff don't have to dodge the law like their comrades elsewhere, that doesn't mean they don't have their problems.
Power and Beauty
A woman claims she had an affair with John F. Kennedy.
The Business of Strangers
A dark thriller about a successful businesswoman and her young assistant who toy with a slow-witted businessman while stuck at an airport hotel.
The Girl
A torrid affair between two women, a struggling artist and a flame-haired blues singer, upsets a man who has a thing for the girl.
Luminous Motion
Music Editor
A mom and her 10-year-old son motor around the country as she makes ends meet by turning tricks until her car breaks down. She then temporarily takes up with a hardware store owner until she gets her own place. Then the kid's father shows up to try to take the two over.
Luminous Motion
A mom and her 10-year-old son motor around the country as she makes ends meet by turning tricks until her car breaks down. She then temporarily takes up with a hardware store owner until she gets her own place. Then the kid's father shows up to try to take the two over.
리얼 블론드
웨이터 죠는 성공을 꿈꾸는 배우 지망생이다. 그는 미용사인 메리와 동거하며 재정적인 도움을 받고 있다. 기회를 잡지 못하던 그는 친구 밥이 TV 스타가 되자 더욱 초조해진다. 그러던 어느 날, 죠는 우연히 마돈나 뮤직 비디오를 찍으면서 마돈나 대역인 티나를 만나게 된다. 한편 진짜 금발여인과 자고 싶은 오래된 욕망을 가진 밥은 금발여인을 찾아다닌다.
Assistant Editor
시카고 내셔널 미러지의 스캔들 폭로 기자 퀸랜(윌리엄 허트)은 어느 날 장난스런 편지 한 통을 받게 된다. 내용은 대천사인 마이클(Michael: 존 트라볼타 분)이 아이오와주 스텁스에 살고 있으며, 그는 한 할머니를 파산 직전에서 구해줬다는 것. 퀸랜의 상사인 편집장 몰트(Vartan Malt: 밥 호스킨스 분)는 특종을 잡아오라고 동료 휴이(Huey Driscoll: 로버트 패트토렐리 분)와 가짜 천사 전문가 도로시(Dorothy Winters: 앤디 맥도웰 분)를 현장으로 급파한다. 하지만, 천사를 90년대의 UFO쯤으로 알고 있는 철저한 무신론자 몰트의 속셈은 그들이 특종을 못 잡아왔을 때, 휴이를 해고시키고, 잡지 전문 표지 모델인 휴이의 애완견 '스파키'를 빼앗는다는 것이었다. 어쨌거나 퀸랜과 도로시, 휴이와 스파키는 천사를 찾아 떠나는 이 의심스런 여행의 동행이 된다. 가짜 천사 전문가 도로시와 퀸랜은 처음부터 티격태격이다. 세상사에 닳고 닳은 퀸랜은 천사가 이 세상에 있을리 만무하다고 비웃는다. 하지만 이들은 우여곡절 끝에 마침내 아이오와에 도착하고 정말 날개를 단 천사 마이클을 만나게 되는데...