1937년 드레스덴. 꼬마 쿠르트는 이모 엘리자베스가 심신미약자라는 오명을 받고 강제 이송되는 광경을 목격한다. 세월이 흘러 청년이 된 쿠르트는 미술학교에 진학할 기회를 잡지만, 소련 치하의 동독은 사회주의 리얼리즘에 입각한 화풍만을 요구할 뿐이다. 그러던 중 그는 패션 전공인 엘리를 만나 사랑에 빠지지만, 엘리의 아버지인 지반트 박사는 둘 사이를 탐탁지 않게 여기며 떼어 놓으려 한다. 예술과 사랑의 자유를 찾아 서독으로 도주하는 쿠르트와 엘리는 새로운 기회를 맞지만, 쿠르트의 작업이 계속되면서 두 사람 그리고 지반트 박사 사이를 묶어주던 불행한 과거가 그 모습을 드러낸다.
The adolescent Milan discovers his own suspected homosexuality at the age of 17 and the consequences for him and his family but also the liberation as he understands why he has been so down and rebellious.
The name Anne Frank stands for courage and confidence in hopeless times. But also for the cheeky and unsparing view of an adolescent on her family and her environment. Millions of people around the world know her diary, she wrote it while hiding from the Nazis. With this docu-drama, the first major German film adaptation of the life story of the Frankfurt girl is now available. The film follows Anne's fate from a happy childhood to hiding in the Secret Annex in Amsterdam to her death in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. It focuses on the relationship between father and daughter. Otto Frank was the only one who survived the betrayal of the Secret Annex residents. The most secret thoughts and longings
Charlotte is a moderately successful film director who wants to make a political film, and really dive deep into the lives of socially disadvantaged women. There she makes the search for a single parent Hartz IV recipient and meets Gloria S. Gloria is her dream cast, but she doesn't know that Gloria is a real actress. Everything goes smoothly until the whole hoax blows up ...
1978. In a desperate act of love, a plane is hijacked in East Germany and forced to land in the American Sector of West Berlin, triggering a Cold War crisis and forcing 60 hapless passengers to decide in minutes whether to give up everything and stay in the West...
Adolf Eichmann, one of the Third Reich's worst war criminals escapes to Argentina. With his wife and three sons he lives undiscovered in a German community in Buenos Aires until he his kidnapped by Israelis and tried for his crimes.
A young woman (Alexandra Neldel) begins to work collecting emergency calls when get one that puts she on the trail of a serial murderer who, for some strange reason, she intends to become involved in the case. Furthermore yet another teenager has been kidnapped. Police do not know where to start, but it surely depend to find the victim alive.
1941년 11월 동 프러시아, 히틀러의 비서가 된 22살 트라우들 융게의 증언으로 시작된다. 히틀러를 통해 서서히 붕괴되어가는 나치의 모습이 적나라하게 카메라에 포착된다. 1944년 히틀러의 생일날 러시아의 폴란드 폭격과 함께 1945년 드디어 독일의 항복으로 이어지는 끝내는 히틀러의 자살로 그들의 역사는 몰락한다. 히틀러의 자살 전 10일 동안의 행적과 그의 심리를 아주 세세히 담고 있다.