Art Direction
때가 되자 병사들은 가족들의 눈물어린 배웅을 받으며 출정한다. 그리고 피의 전쟁이 시작된다. 호수 아래로 사라진 도시 키테시의 전설을 바탕으로 한 애니메이션. 러시아 애니메이션의 거장 이반 이바노프-바노와 유리 노르스테인이 함께 만들었으며, 중세 러시아의 프레스코 기법을 활용한 2차원 스톱 모션 애니메이션이다. 음악은 러시아 거장 림스키 코르사코프가 작곡했다.
Art Designer
A cut-out animation warning for children about the danger of fire and playing with matches, far from the grim warning of your typical PSA and anticipating the complicated human psychology of Norshteyn's subsequent work. And, no doubt, there is a metaphor aimed at the power structure. 1968-69 was a crucial period of transition for the animator, breaking out of the pack at Soyuzmultfilm and beginning to script and co-direct films. Not listed on imdb, this is one - if not the first - of his first solo works as director.
Art Direction
A short film made by Yuri Norstein for the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution, The 25th - the First Day recounts that day using art from the revolutionary period.
A short film made by Yuri Norstein for the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution, The 25th - the First Day recounts that day using art from the revolutionary period.
Art Direction
A short film made by Yuri Norstein for the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution, The 25th - the First Day recounts that day using art from the revolutionary period.
A short film made by Yuri Norstein for the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution, The 25th - the First Day recounts that day using art from the revolutionary period.
A short film made by Yuri Norstein for the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution, The 25th - the First Day recounts that day using art from the revolutionary period.