Brewster (uncredited)
Believing he has only a month to live, average guy Joe McDoakes decides to live life to the fullest in the time he has left.
Clerk (uncredited)
A cheating husband is charged in the poisoning death of his invalid wife, in spite of other women and suicide also being suspected.
Police Criminologist
Sandra Carpenter is a London-based dancer who is distraught to learn that her friend has disappeared. Soon after the disappearance, she's approached by Harley Temple, a police investigator who believes her friend has been murdered by a serial killer who uses personal ads to find his victims. Temple hatches a plan to catch the killer using Sandra as bait, and Sandra agrees to help.
Jean Preston is determined to find her fiancée, Greg Jones, who went on a safari and didn’t come back when expected. She travels to Akbar, India with Greg’s father, Colonel Jones, Wayne Monroe and the Professor. She asks about Jones at the front desk of the hotel where she stays.
Bellow and Bucker Mender (uncredited)
Pickpocket Kitty's life changes when painter Thomas Gainsborough makes her portrait. The artwork gains the attention of Sir Hugh Marcy, who later decides to use her for his benefit.
Morgue Official
A British doctor and painter must kill for the glands he needs to stop the aging process.
News Vendor (uncredited)
An American girl falls for an RAF pilot while performing at a British music hall.
Court Stenographer (uncredited)
Paula, the ape woman, has survived the ending of CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN and is running around a creepy old sanitarium run by the kindly Dr. Fletcher, reverting to her true gorilla form every once in a while to kill somebody.
Chauffeur (uncredited)
American Susan travels with her father to England for a vacation. Invited to a society ball, Susan meets Sir John Ashwood and marries him after a whirlwind romance. However, she never quite adjusts to life as a new member of the British gentry. At the outbreak of World War I, John is sent to the trenches and never returns. When her son goes off to fight in World War II, Susan fears the same tragic fate may befall him too.
Pedestrian (uncredited)
세계적인 오페라 가수인 앨리스 엘퀴스트가 자신의 집에서 살해되지만 경찰은 범인을 잡는데 실패한다. 이후 이 집을 물려받은 유일한 상속녀인 조카 폴라는 이탈리아로 성악 수업을 받기 위해 보내진다. 그러나 폴라는 성악 선생님 집에서 반주를 맡고 있던 젊고 잘 생긴 청년 그레고리와 사랑에 빠져서 중도에 공부를 포기하고 만다. 그레고리와 결혼한 폴라는 10년 만에 런던으로 돌아와 앨리스에게 물려받은 집에서 신혼 생활을 시작한다. 그러나 막상 앨리스의 집으로 들어오고 나자 그레고리는 갖가지 구실을 붙여서 폴라의 외출을 막는 한편 그녀를 정신이상자로 몰고 가기 시작하는데...
Attendee at Waiters' Ball
Aspiring singer Ann Carter visits her stepbrother in New York, hoping to make it on Broadway.
An actor becomes a suspect in the murders of four New Yorkers injected with rattlesnake venom.
Watson (uncredited)
Beverly Ross, the switchboard operator at a local radio station, jumps at the chance to be the DJ for an early morning show before the soldiers at a nearby army camp assemble for reveille. Beverly, with her modern music, camp bulletins and chatter, is a hit with the soldiers. Beverly's younger brother and his two buddies are soldiers at the camp. The buddies vie for Beverly's attentions.
Thomas - White's Butler
A poor girl falls for a wealthy young man. He invites her to his gala birthday party, but she doesn't have the right kind of dress to wear, so her family and friends band together to raise money to get her the proper dress.
The Baron's Butler (Uncredited)
Cultured Mario and outlaw Lucien, twins separated at birth, join forces to avenge their parents' death at the hands of evil Colonna. Because each feels all the same sensations experienced by the other, swordplay is difficult for them. Worse yet, raised very differently, they struggle to find common ground between their conflicting personalities. But to defeat their enemy, the two will have to overcome the obstacles and work as a team.
Williams (uncredited)
A young man asks a hat check girl to pose as his fiancée in order to make his dying father's last moments happy. However, the old man's health takes a turn for the better and now his son doesn't know how to break the news that he's engaged to someone else, especially since his father is so taken with the impostor.
Tom - Ward's Valet (uncredited)
Circumstance, an old flame and a mother-in-law drive a happily married couple to the verge of divorce and insanity.
First Butler at Party (uncredited)
프레스턴 스터지스가 시나리오를 쓰고 직접 감독한 고전적인 로맨틱 코미디로 헨리 폰다와 바바라 스탠윅이 주연을 맡았다. 재기 넘치고 생기발랄한 남녀간의 밀고 당기는 싸움을 그린 이 영화에서 헨리 폰다는 대부호의 상속자, 찰스 파이크를 연기했다. 뱀에 관한 전문가인 찰스는 아마존에서 일년간의 연구를 마치고 뉴욕으로 돌아오는 여객선에 오른다. 승선하자마자 찰스는 능력 있는 결혼상대자를 찾는 배 안의 미혼여성들의 관심의 초점이 되는데, 찰스를 주의 깊게 보는 사람들 중에 전문도박사들인 해리 해링턴 대령(찰스 코번)과 그의 파트너 제랄드, 그리고 대령의 딸 진(바바라 스탠윅)이 있었다. 만찬장에서 모든 여성들이 찰스에게 눈독 들이는 걸 지켜보던 진은 찰스의 발을 걸어 그의 관심을 끄는데 성공한다. 대령과 제랄드는 찰스를 속이기 쉬운 상대로 보고 게임을 하려고 하지만 진 역시 찰스에게 끌리는 자신을 발견하고는 놀란다. 그러던 중, 어린 시절부터 찰스를 돌봐온 경호원 먹시는 대령과 진이 전문도박사임을 증명하는 사진을 찰스에게 보여준다. 충격을 받은 찰스는 진에게 사기꾼임을 알고 거짓으로 그녀에게 끌리는 척했다고 말한다. 화가 난 진은 복수를 다짐하고 영국의 귀족 여인, 레이디 이브로 행세하며 다시 찰스 앞에 나타난다. 찰스는 진과 똑같이 생긴 레이디 이브를 보며 혼란스러우면서도 또다시 이브에게 빠져드는데…
적령기를 맞고 있다. 온순하고 마음이 착하며 만사에 내성적인 맏딸 제인에 비해, 둘째 딸 엘리자베스는 인습에 사로잡히지 않고 재치가 넘치는 발랄한 아가씨였다. 제인은 근처에 이사온 늠름한 청년 빙리를 사랑하게 되지만, 신중하게 자기 애정을 숨기고 있다. 빙리의 친구 다시는 겉치레를 우습게 알기 때문에, 성격 연구가임을 내세우는 엘리자베스에 대해서조차 신분을 내세우는 `오만`한 남자라는 인상을 주지만, 결국 자유롭고 활달한 엘리자베스를 사랑하게 된다. 그러나, 다시는 베네트 부인과 아래로 세 명의 딸들이 어리석게 행동하기 때문에 그 이상 더 엘리자베스와 관계가 깊어지는 것을 꺼려하였다.
빙리도 역시 제인을 사랑하고는 있었으나, 그녀의 사랑을 받을 수 있을 것인지 자신감을 상실하게 된다. 이리하여 결국 이들 두 청년은 그 땅에서 떠나간다. 다시는 그 뒤 신분의 격차가 있고, 저속한 중매인에 대한 혐오감도 있지만, 그 모든 장애를 뛰어넘어 엘리자베스에게 구혼한다. 그러나 그녀는 다시가 `오만`하다는 `편견`을 가지고 있었기 때문에 그 구애를 거부 한다. 그러나 경박하고 낯이 두터운 콜린스와 싹싹하기는 하지만 성실하지 못 한 위컴과의 교제를 통하여 첫인상이 중요하지 않다는 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 그 외에도 여러 가지 사건과 만남을 통하여 다시가 실은 너그럽고 생각이 깊은 인물이라는 사실을 알게 되어, 엘리자베스는 자기 `편견 `을 시정한다. 한편 다시는 빙리에 대한 제인의 사랑이 진실되다는 사실을 알고, 두 사람의 결혼을 주선한다. 그리고 다아시와 엘리자베스도 이해와 애정과 존경으로 맺어진다.
Butler (uncredited)
To escape the police, the stooges pose as plumbers and are hired to fix a leak in a fancy mansion. They wind up crossing the electrical system with the plumbing and generally ruin the place. One memorable scene has the lady of the house tuning into a television broadcast from Niagara Falls as a torrent of water pours from the set. To escape the wrath of the homeowners the stooges escape through a magicians trap door.
Although young and beautiful, schoolteacher Anne Gladden fears a dull future. She finally decides to take a walk on the wild side, splurging on some fashionable new clothes and setting off to find adventure. Her new confidence inspires her to flirt with complete strangers. When a gangster pays unwanted attention to her, she ditches him and flees in his car, unaware that there's a corpse in the trunk. Determined to recover his stolen vehicle and its incriminating cargo the thug begins a desperate search. The oblivious Anne, comes to the aid of a handsome young man stranded alongside the road. Romance blooms, but after the shocking discovery of a body in the trunk, the duo decide they have to return the car. The bickering lovebirds head back to the city, trailed by both the angry gangster and the cops, who suspect the young couple of murder.
Butler (uncredited)
A group of adventurers head deep into South American jungle in search of an ancient Incan treasure.
The D.A.'s Valet (uncredited)
A newspaper publisher and his Korean servant fight crime as vigilantes who pose as a notorious masked gangster and his aide.
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
Hopper's Butler (uncredited)
잭슨시를 대표하는 상원의원이 임기 중에 급사한다. 잭슨시의 다른 상원의원인 조세프 페인은 잭슨시 주지사에게 전화를 걸어 새로운 상원의원을 선출하라고 지시한다. 새로운 의원의 조건은 페인과 그의 재정적 후원자인 짐 테일러의 댐건설 계획을 방해하지 않을 인물이어야 한다는 단서가 붙는다. 주지사는 고민 끝에 보이스카웃 단장인 제퍼슨 스미스를 임명한다. 아이들과 다람쥐나 잡으러 쫓아다니는 순박한 촌뜨기야말로 정치판의 꼭두각시 역할로 적격이라는데 의견을 같이했기 때문이다. 스미스는 죽은 아버지의 친구이자 존경하는 정치가인 페인 의원과 함께 워싱턴으로 향한다. 상원의원으로 임명된 제퍼슨은 잭슨시의 월워크 계곡에 소년 야영장을 만들려는 계획을 입안하여 상정하려 하지만 월워크 계곡에 댐을 건설하려는 페인과 테일러의 계획과 맞부딪친다. 이에 페인은 스미스를 등원시키지 않으려고 음모를 꾸미는데...
Servant (uncredited)
Producer Bob Temple, who's brought an American show to London, loves his star Diana, but she won't take him seriously as a lover. To show her, he picks up stranger Lady Arlington, whose financier husband neglects her. On a weekend at the Arlington country house, Bob is used by both Lady A. and her friend to make their husbands jealous; this works all too well, and Bob is in danger from both husbands.
Assistant Purser
남미의 항구 바란카에 보니라는 미국인 쇼걸이 도착한다. 혼자서 여행 중이던 보니는 우연히 미국 출신의 비행사들을 만나 그들이 하는 항공 우편물 수송업무를 보게 되고 비행에 대한 그들의 열정과 동료애 등 낯설기 그지 없는 그들의 생활에 호기심을 느껴 그곳에 남기로 결심한다. 하지만 사실 그녀를 떠나지 못하게 한 건 항공사 사장인 제프였다. 그는 악천후에도 아랑곳없이 비행을 명하는 냉정한 면모가 보이는 사업가이다. 여자에게는 절대 부탁이란 걸 하지 않는다며 버릇처럼 되뇌는 제프는 보니의 선택에 별다른 언급을 하지 않고, 보니는 그런 그가 야속하면서도 그에게 점점 빠져드는 자신을 어찌 하지 못한다. 그러나 제프는 누구보다도 진한 동료애를 지닌 남자였고 악천후 속의 강행군도 동료인 더취에게 유리한 조건의 계약을 따주기 위해 약속한 비행 횟수를 채우기 위한 것이었다. 그러던 중 맥피어슨이라는 새 비행사가 도착하고 또 다른 갈등이 시작된다. 제프의 옛 애인인 주디의 남편이 되어 바란카를 찾은 맥피어슨은 제프의 항공사 비행사, 키드의 동생이 죽은 것과 관련이 있었기 때문이다. 킬 갤런이라는 본명을 가진 맥피어슨은 키드의 동생과 함께 비행기를 타고 가던 중 사고가 나자 그를 기내에 두고 혼자 낙하산을 타고 살아남았다는 이유로 비행사들 사이에서 평이 좋지 않았다. 비행사들은 맥피어슨의 영입을 반대하지만 큰 계약을 앞두고 있는 제프는 맥피어슨을 받아들이지 않을 수 없었고 비행사들간의 갈등과 그들 사이의 긴장이 계속되는 가운데 무리한 비행은 계속되는데...
Jordan's Butler (uncredited)
Cora, an heiress who gives it all up for the excitement of looking for a job and living on her own, meets up with unemployed and flat broke Dick. The two of them embark on a wild night of gambling and winning, where everything they touch turns to gold. Pretty soon they're in love and, to the horror of Cora's father, married.
A racetrack melodrama, The Long Shot features Marsha Hunt and Gordon Jones as trainers of a thoroughbred horse. Despite the rivalries of their parents, the couple prepares to jointly enter the Santa Anita handicap. The odds are against their entry, but Hunt and Jones have every confidence of winning. Just before the starting bugle, gangsters intrude, demanding that the trainers throw the Big Race.
Martin, Butler (Uncredited)
After committing a murder, Kay assumes a new identity and boards a ship. But, Kay is unaware that Sam, a skirt chasing detective, is following her and must outwit him to escape imprisonment.
Spoiled child Geoffrey Bramer teams up with a pair of small time crooks to pose as an aristocrat and steal jewelry from exclusive shops. During a a caper, Geoffrey is caught and is sentenced to a reformatory where young men are trained to be sailors. He is befriended by model in-mate Terry O'Mulvaney but soon starts to get them both in trouble.
Sailor at Bar
Two daredevil pilots go after the same girl.
The Butler
A dull statistician changes his life after winning a pile of money after successfully determining the number of beans in a barrel. He decides to do something novel with the prize and ends up buying a barrel factory. He encounters trouble when the nearby pickle factory is threatened by a shyster attempting to close it.
Macklin - Raihoa Saloon Owner
Wallaby Jim and his men have just found a valuable source of pearls in the South Pacific. But Jim's associate Norman has put the whole operation in jeopardy because of his gambling problem. Jim's unscrupulous rival Richter decides to exploit the situation by jumping Jim's claim and trying to take over for himself.
Francois (uncredited)
Andy Hardy and his sister find romance during a family vacation in Catalina.
A society girl is suspected of murdering an artist whose brother is a notorious racketeer. In her pursuit of an alibi, she inadvertently implicates a struggling advertisement photographer. Now they must keep up the appearance of being engaged as a bumbling detective snoops around, and their initial distaste for each other blossoms into romance.
Lamont Cranston assumes his secret identity as "The Shadow", to break up an attempted robbery at an attorney's office. When the police search the scene, Cranston must assume the identity of the attorney. Before he can leave, a phone call summons the attorney to the home of Delthern, a wealthy client, who wants a new will drawn up. As Cranston meets with him, Delthern is suddenly shot, and Cranston is quickly caught up in a new mystery.
Neighboring Butler (uncredited)
J.B. Ball, a rich financier, gets fed up with his free-spending family. He takes his wife's just-bought (very expensive) sable coat and throws it out the window, it lands on poor hard-working girl Mary Smith. But it isn't so easy to just give away something so valuable, as he soon learns.
Butler (uncredited)
A chic jewel thief in England falls in love with one of her marks.
Townsman (Uncredited)
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Reid's Butler
An Italian immigrant studying the law gets mixed up with crooks.
Bates - the Butler
A 1936 exploitation film directed by Walter Shumway. This film presents the viewer some strong information about what can happen to children when they are ignored by their parents.
Steward on Queen Mary (Uncredited)
도스워드 자동차 회사의 설립자인 샘 도스워스(Sam Dodsworth: 월터 휴스턴 분)는 미국 굴지의 사업가이다. 경제적으로 안정된 생활 속에서 중년의 삶을 살아가고 있던 어느날, 아내 프랜(Fran Dodsworth: 루스 채터톤 분)의 청으로 은퇴할 것을 결심한다. 사회적 책임에서 벗어나 자유롭게 새 인생을 시작하자는 아내의 소망에 따른 것이다. 샘과 프랜은 주위의 만류에도 불구하고 제2의 인생에 대한 희망으로 유럽 여행을 떠난다. 뉴욕항에서 이들을 배웅하는 친구들과 갓 결혼한 딸 에밀리(Emily: 캐서린 마로 분) 부부. 런던으로 향하는 배 안에서 프랜에게 첫 눈에 반한 아놀드(Arnold Iselin: 폴 루카스 분)는 그녀의 주위를 맴돌며 프랜의 마음을 흔들리게 한다. 처음에는 주저하던 프랜도 20년동안 나무랄데 없는 남편이었던 샘 대신 아놀드를 자신의 변화된 삶 속에 어울리는 동반자로 여기게 된다. 역시 배 안에서 만난 이혼녀 에디뜨(Edith Cortright: 매리 애스터 분)와 함께 샘, 프랜 그리고 아놀드는 런던에 도착한다. 그러나 아내 프랜과는 달리 계속되는 여행과 파티에 싫증을 내고 있던 샘은 집으로 돌아가길 원하고 결국 혼자 돌아가게 된다.
Jones (uncredited)
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
Bliss' Butler
A sports announcer and a friend investigate after a pitcher misses a series. When they discover that gangsters are trying to find a hidden fortune, they use the radio show to foil the plan.
Simpson - Butler
A famous detective is invited to a swanky party at an elegant mansion, but before the night is over he finds himself involved with gangsters, blackmail and murde
Silas' Butler
Peyton Wells (Ben Lyon) rescues Judy Jones (Joan Marsh) from a very dull young man, at a sedate party given for her by her multi-millionaire grandfather Silas P. Jones (Purnell Pratt.) Judy refuses to accompany Peyton on a slumming trip to a cheap dance hall, and Peyton dances with several of the dowagers and tells them that Silas is practically dying of scarlet fever. The guests hastily depart and Joan joins Peyton at the Dreamland Dance Hall. She is mistaken by Jimmy Cassidy (Edward J. Nugent) as one of the hostesses and decides to dance with him as a lark. One thing follows another and Judy gets disinherited and takes a job at the dance hall through Jimmy and his friend Mabel(Isabel Jewell.) Jimmy confides to Judy his ambition to become a dance instructor over the radio and Judy decides to help him but can't get the needed financial backing. She gets Peyton to front the money, promising him she will reconsider his offer of marriage if Jimmy's plan fails.
Butcher (uncredited)
After the woman who raised him claims he's not her son, Richard searches for clues about his identity. Urged on by his mentor, Capt. Randolph Courtney, Richard focuses on Julia Trent Anders, a middle-aged actress who just might be his real mother. But soon, Richard begins to fall for Julia's stepdaughter. Amidst the upheaval, Richard schemes to return Julia to the stage -- but he's in for another big surprise.
The cunning Cardinal Richelieu must save King Louis XIII from treachery within his inner circle.
A ghostly and deadly dinner party, which at first turns out to be an elaborate staging of a new play for the benefit of a Broadway producer, becomes a true mystery when the players start to go missing.
Scorsby's 1st Butler
In this drama an older actress plays her last role. The aging thespian is terribly depressed and ready to kill herself when she finds out that an older more successful friend has vanished. The missing actress's family is in a real quandry. To help them, the other impersonates the older actress. Loose ends are knitted together and then she admits her ruse.
Watkins, Neilsen's Valet
Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
Andrew Cook
The old men meet a young girl, broke, hungry and discouraged, in the park. Colonel Henry Randolph Ransome (Henry B. Walthall) bluffs his way into obtaining enough money to support the welfare of the girl,Rose Wentworth (Sally Blane), and his two cronies. He sends for the girl's former sweetheart, who turns out to be a crook.
Gelding's Servant
A long-absent father is reunited with his daughter, who still holds a grudge that he had deserted his family years earlier.
The film begins with a guy waking up from a bump on the head. The people around him try in vain to convince him that five years have passed and that he's a rich guy. However, none of this makes sense to the character played by Miljan AND none of it makes any sense to the audience...none. After this plot is quickly abandoned, the film begins to get better. It seems that a wife and her business partner are trying to use Miljan as a double for her estranged and missing husband.
A disgraced former District Attorney plots his revenge on the members of a criminal gang who had him framed and sent to prison.
Monk's Barman
In the small town of Larrup, Arizona, Smiley, a con-artist traveling with cohorts Kingfish, Morris and Ambrose, persuades Lynn Martin, a traveling demonstrator of pancake making, to accompany him to a carnival, where Kingfish sells a large number of bottles of Bambo, an elixir...
Withers, Butler
When a mother dies of heart failure in a doctor's office, the physician--feeling somewhat guilty because he couldn't save her--takes an interest in the woman's young daughter, and makes her his ward, but his fiancé doesn't particularly like it. After he returns from a three-year engagement in Europe, the doctor discovers that his ward is now a beautiful, full-grown woman, and finds himself falling for her--even though she's engaged to his fiancé's brother.
Ship Steward (Uncredited)
Shirley, a married woman, who is fed up of her husband's incessant nagging, decides to go on a cruise. Her husband also gets on the cruise as a worker in the barber shop to keep an eye on her.
Jim's Valet Merton
런던의 잘나가는 변호사 짐은 사랑하는 아내와의 결혼 7주년을 앞두고 있다. 아내가 집을 비운 사이, 짐은 친구 존과 어울리다가 젊은 점원 도리스를 알게 된다. 자신에게 관심을 보이는 도리스에게 짐은 자신은 유부남이며, 자신과 관계를 이어가는 건 이로울 게 없다고 경고한다. 하지만 도리스는 짐을 잊지 못하고, 더 이상 만날 수 없다는 짐의 편지에 결국 자살하고 만다. 로버트 고어-브라운의 소설 「불완전한 연인」을 바탕으로 한 작품. 로널드 콜먼의 섬세한 연기가 인상적이다.
Waiter at Benefit (uncredited)
Two destitute New Yorkers meet cute in Central Park and then separate and independently get tangled up with some gangsters only to be reunited again in the end.
Prince Wolfram's Valet
A prince betrothed to a mad queen falls in love with an orphan girl from a convent.
Hawkins - The Butler
Ordered out of town by angry Judge Beaumont, vagrants Stanley and Oliver meet a congenial drunk who invites them to stay at his luxurious mansion. The drunk can't find his key, but the boys find a way in, sending the surprised woman inside into a faint.
Paula's Butler (uncredited)
A farmer's widow takes on the land and her late husband's tempestuous son.
George (Second Butler) (uncredited)
When Fred Smith's wife dies in childbirth, Emma Thatcher, who has been nanny to the couple's three children, cares also for the family's new addition. Fred becomes rich and successful, then he and Emma marry. When Fred dies, his will becomes a source of trouble between the children and Emma.
Elaine's Butler (uncredited)
A sportswriter jilted by his globe-trotting girlfriend marries a woman jilted by her boyfriend.
A wealthy ex-bootlegger comes to the rescue of a formerly rich society girl after her gold-digging fiancé leaves her stranded when he finds out she's broke. The bootlegger proposes a deal: he will settle her debts if she teaches him how to be "a gentleman".
Two small town widows bring their children to Hollywood, where their children become competing film stars. The girl is sweet, the boy is a killjoy sissy. For publicity, the rival families go to London to meet a middle European boy King. The three kids decide they need to escape their stifling lives and run away to the docks and join a gang.
Wilson - the Butler (uncredited)
Bobby Jones shows Huntley Gordon and Vivian Oakland some tips on the use of the niblick (9 iron)
After catching their husbands with other women, two wives go on a girls-only vacation.
A student is pressured into pretending to be a classmate's Aunt so he can act as a false chaperone.
The Butler
Infamous burglar "The Bat" commits a daring jewelry theft despite heavy police presence. Soon after, a bank theft occurs, which may be the work of the criminal as well. Meanwhile, Cornelia Van Gorder has various people arrive at her old mansion, including her niece, Dale, a bank employee, and police detective Anderson. When guests start turning up dead, Cornelia begins to suspect that The Bat may be lurking around the estate.
Norma Martin (Clara Bow) is an American movie star in France trying to avoid the attention of men. Going to visit a friend in Southern France, she finds herself "married" to a playboy song writer Ralph Forbes (Larry Charters) she hadn't yet met. Some of his lady friends then show up. Some very good sequences, but also some flat spots. Her "husband's" house is very Hollywood deco and some of the costumes are very good.
A distinguished English gentleman has a secret life--he is the notorious jewel thief the press has dubbed "The Amateur Cracksman". When he meets a woman and falls in love he decides to "retire" from that life, but an old friend comes to him with a predicament that entails him committing one last job.
Sir Thomas' Butler Briggs (uncredited)
A scheming musician seduces a wealthy woman for love and money.
Winnie - the Braleys' Butler (uncredited)
Musical about two sisters in love with the same man.
McAndrews' Butler
A comedy romance in which breezy Haines, as a young lady killer, tries to capture the heart of Hyams who has turned him down for Bushman. Haines plots dozens of extreme measures to win her over, and finally goes so far as to drag her from the altar, bound and gagged.
A romance runs into difficulties because the girl has seen a great deal of the turbulence in her sister's household, and has no illusions about married bliss.
In her first Talkie, Joan Crawford plays Bingo, a jungle-raised oil heiress, who turns Manhattan upside down in her hunt for Andy McAllister, the man of her dreams. Unfortunately for Bingo, Andy is penniless and refuses to agree to the match until he can provide for the wild, rich girl. Andy's prideful position is more than encouraged by Bingo's Uncle Ben, who seeks to scuttle their love match.
Hoskins - the Butler
Laura Sergeant (Leatrice Joy), together with her husband, Humphrey Sergeant (Sidney Blackmer) operates a scam scheme to extort money from millionaires through blackmail and victimization until she mistakenly victimizes Tony Williams (Walter Pidgeon), the man she really loves.
Bulldog Drummond is a British WWI veteran who longs for some excitement after he returns to the humdrum existence of civilian life. He gets what he's looking for when a girl requests his help in freeing her uncle from a nursing home. She believes the home is just a front and that her uncle is really being held captive while the culprits try to extort his fortune from him.
When a newspaper owner is murdered, his son takes over his crusade against a corrupt politician with criminal associations.
Members of a municipal band, Stanley and Oliver seem to be always following someone else's lead, rather than that of the temperamental conductor.
Pie Victim in Top Hat
Fight manager takes out an insurance policy on his puny pugilist and then proceeds to try to arrange for an accident so that he can collect.
Perkins, Norton's Valet
A wealthy bachelor lies his way out of a speeding ticket by telling the cops he's on his way to visit his baby girl in hospital - ever helpful, they accompany him whereupon a little girl attaches herself to him, with hilarious results.
Butler attacked by Slasher
An escaped convict is out to kill the judge who sentenced him. Two inept detectives are hired to guard the judge.
When Tom Brown, a wealthy young bachelor with a reckless penchant for speed, wrecks his car in an accident, he is assisted by Mr. Smithfield… When he meets Ethel, Mr. Smithfield's beautiful daughter, Tom falls in love with her at first sight…
A young hypochondriac who believes that he has only a week to live. His name, by the way, is Welland Strong. He decides to visit his uncle in the short amount of time he has left in the world. Eventually Strong winds up in Chinatown.
A young man fakes his identity to impress a girl.
Butler (uncredited)
Charley needs $10,000 right away. Mrs. Schwartzkopple has inherited $2 million from her late husband and wants to marry a younger man. Mr. Blaylock, her attorney, sees a way to solve both their problems, and keep control of her $2 million.
Grandma's Butler
When a hardened businesswoman who goes by the initials A.B. overhears someone calling her an “Amazon” because of her butch ways, she agrees to a more “feminine” makeover. In the end she learns that no matter how she looks she’s still the smartest person in any room.
Johnny works as a Western Union messenger, while his mother earns a meager living with an old sewing machine. One day he interrupts a robbery, scares off the thieves, and rescues a beautiful young girl. Later he captures the robbers, and receives a $1,000 reward given him by the girl's father, Johnny happily buys his mother a new sewing machine.
Mrs. Garth's Butler (uncredited)
Silent melodrama.
Extra (uncredited)
The first part tells the story of Moses leading the Jews from Egypt to the Promised Land, his receipt of the tablets and the worship of the golden calf. The second part shows the efficacy of the commandments in modern life through a story set in San Francisco. Two brothers, rivals for the love of Mary, also come into conflict when John discovers Dan used shoddy materials to construct a cathedral.