Amado Zumaya

참여 작품

The Rose Strangler
Doctor Henner
A trio of female cops are on the trail of a serial killer who maybe connected to a satanic cult.
Mundo mágico
Anthology movie that presents 3 stories about romance.
Aquel famoso Remington
Historical drama about the career of a hit-man who specialized in political assassinations in Mexico in the 1920s-30s.
Es mi vida
El Noa Noa
Juan Gabriel became one of the most popular Mexican singer-songwriters, beginning his career in this Ciudad Juárez cabaret. This is his story.
El Noa Noa
Juan Gabriel became one of the most popular Mexican singer-songwriters, beginning his career in this Ciudad Juárez cabaret. This is his story.
The Sowing of Others
Short film. Unknown plot.
Nuestro Juramento
"Nuestro Juramento" is the life of the singer, Julio Jaramillo, presented episodically, having as background his childhood, youth, his first loves, the apotheosis of his career and his dramatic end. The musicalization of the film has the singles taken from the singer's original recordings.
El tahúr
Three childhood friends; when they grow up, the poor boy is shut out from the possibility of romancing the girl because of class issues. He leaves town, learns to play pro-level poker, wins a fortune, then goes home to ruin his rival's life.
Broken Flag
When a group of young filmmakers witness and film a crime of passion, the most outrageous blackmail of the century begins. By means of a fantastic plan, the filmmakers send to the murderer, a financial and industrial big shot, a copy of the movie that incriminates him and they demand him an improvement of the standard of living for the working class.
The Year of the Plague
A terrible disease is found in a Mexican town. A doctor tries to alert the authorities when he discovers its epidemic nature. No one listen to him and soon after the disease spreads. The government tries to control the information in order to prevent panic. (IMDb)
Papá Indígena
Returning from a business trip, a man meets some peasants who arouse fears in him.
La mafia amarilla
Blue Demon must stop an evil chinese gang and their reign of terror.
Two humble indigenous woodcutters discover the wreckage of a plane that has crashed at the top of the mountains and decide to steal the belongings of all the occupants killed in the accident
Santo in the Vengeance of the Mummy
Old Indian (uncredited)
When Santo accompanies a troupe of archaeologists in the search for Aztec artifacts, they find the Mummy of an Aztec who leaves a warning to those who tamper with his resting place. The adventurers ignore the warning, and before long, the Mummy starts bumping them off one-by-one with his bow & arrow.
Valentín de la Sierra
El amor de María Isabel
Follow up to Maria Isabel. Newly wed to a rich man, Maria Isabel must still struggle with being branded as a lowly maid and endure the scorn of her adoptive daughter and the infidelity of her husband.
Shark Hunters
Aurelio is a shark fisherman who works very hard to send money to his family in the city and keep Manela, his young lover on the coast. One day, he decides to move to the big city.
The Terrible Giant of the Snow
A man and his wife discover they are in danger when they hear reports of a Yeti that lives on a nearby volcano is on the prowl.
Desperate because of his son's illness, the peasant Eufemio steals a pearl from the image of Santa Lucía in the village church.
The Important Man
Animas Trujano is a colorful but irresponsible Indian in a small Mexican village. He hopes above all things someday to be chosen mayordomio of his village, a place of great honor usually conferred upon the wealthiest and most respected citizens. Animas has a loyal wife, but cheats on her and gambles away every cent they raise. Chances arise for Animas to turn over a new leaf and even hope realistically for the honor of mayordomio.
A blind teacher is the victim of endless pranks and pranks from his students.
La Cucaracha
The Mexican Revolution serves as a backdrop to a torrid love triangle composed of three freedom fighters: a colonel, a widow, and a fiery female soldier.
Carcelero (uncredited)
In the fall of 1824 Javier Montenegro, Bradomin Marquis is spared death hanging by Captain Casares, and in return, the Marquis agrees to help him escape to America. Adaptation of "Sonata de Otoño" and "Sonata de Estío" of Ramón María del Valle-Inclan, which included elements Bardem later works of the author.
Preso (uncredited)
브뉘엘의 또 다른 영화 "트리스티나"의 원저자이자, 톨스토이, 발작, 졸라, 디킨스와 비유되는 위대한 스페인 작가인 베니토 페레스 갈도스의 원작 소설을 각색한 작품. 브뉘엘은 19세기 스페인을 배경으로 한 원작과는 달리 "나자린"의 배경을 독재 정권이 지배하던 19세기말의 멕시코로 옮겨 그리스도의 계율에 따라 엄격하게 살고자 하는 성직자의 퇴락의 과정을 심오하게 그리고 있다. 이 영화에서 브뉘엘은 성직자 또한 인간임을 보여준다. 그런 점에서 옥타비오 파스는 이 작품이 '인간의 조건을 드러냄과 동시에 그것을 넘어서는 방법을 보여준다. 나자리오는 신을 잃어버렸지만 사랑과 형제애를 발견한다'라고 평했다. 이 영화에 담긴 그리스도에 대한 헌신, 신앙, 희망, 고통과 인간에 대한 사랑과 형제애에 대한 모호성 때문에 성직자들은 이 영화를 종교적인 영화로 받아들였고, 무신론자들은 이 영화를 신성모독을 보여주는 대표작으로 손꼽고 있다.
Indígena (uncredited)
The story of an indigenous who gave his life for the love of a white woman, whom he confused, because of her beauty, with Maria the virgin, fighting against the society, the prejudices, and the race.