이름을 버리고 숲속에서 트러플 돼지와 살던 롭. 그를 방문하는 사람은 푸드 바이어 아미르 뿐이다. 어느 날, 롭은 낯선 이들이 훔쳐간 소중한 돼지를 되찾기 위해 아미르의 도움을 받아 15년 전에 떠난 포틀랜드로 다시 돌아간다. 그곳에서 롭은 한때 가까웠지만 이제는 자신을 잊고 사는 사람들을 만나게 되고, 그는 사라진 돼지의 행방을 알아내기 위해 진짜 이름을 밝히게 되는데…
Mrs. Newburgh
Free spirit Lee Ann plans to sell her baby to pay her rent, much to the dismay of her roommate.
Free spirit Lee Ann plans to sell her baby to pay her rent, much to the dismay of her roommate.
A retired school teacher is reminded of her past after she befriends with one of her former students, Todd Cope.
A daughter must choose between her career as a book editor at a high powered New York firm, or return home to care for her aging father whose mental state is deteriorating.
A daughter must choose between her career as a book editor at a high powered New York firm, or return home to care for her aging father whose mental state is deteriorating.
Frannie Vaughn (Fawcett) comes back home after being away a long time, only to find that her mother has died. She also finds out that her sister, Natalie (Crow) and her husband, Jake (Bryce), are planning to sell the acres once owned by Frannie and Natalie's family. To buy the land back from her sister, Frannie gets a job and falls in love with a fellow worker, Rubin (Johnson). In the end, Frannie's dreams come true and Natalie comes to her senses and moves in to the old family house with Frannie and Rubin.
Frannie Vaughn (Fawcett) comes back home after being away a long time, only to find that her mother has died. She also finds out that her sister, Natalie (Crow) and her husband, Jake (Bryce), are planning to sell the acres once owned by Frannie and Natalie's family. To buy the land back from her sister, Frannie gets a job and falls in love with a fellow worker, Rubin (Johnson). In the end, Frannie's dreams come true and Natalie comes to her senses and moves in to the old family house with Frannie and Rubin.
A story of a young boy who becomes an elective mute after witnessing what he believes to be the killing by his older brother of a teenage boy. The young boy's brother then tells him not to say anything because of the trouble it would cause in the family... so he doesn't say anything again. The problem is that the young boy so enjoys his acceptance by others of his mutism that it brings his family, a loving and caring farm family, to the brink of financial ruin in medical and psychological costs to cure him. Based on a true story, this is the intelligent telling of a family in crisis, and the work of doctors in dealing with this mental illness.
Fact-based story about a Pasadena cab driver who picks up what he believes is a routine fare, an elderly woman on her way to a funeral. However, the wealthy woman is soon is insisting that the cabbie drive her on a cross-country trip that ends up entailing 3100 miles and ending in Vancouver. Initially contentious, the two eventually find a reluctant friendship growing.
Fact-based story about a Pasadena cab driver who picks up what he believes is a routine fare, an elderly woman on her way to a funeral. However, the wealthy woman is soon is insisting that the cabbie drive her on a cross-country trip that ends up entailing 3100 miles and ending in Vancouver. Initially contentious, the two eventually find a reluctant friendship growing.
When a brilliant crime writer investigates a 40-year-old murder, he confronts a small town's worst fears.
눈이 먼 자폐아를 양육하며 세상과 싸우는 강한 모성애를 지닌 텍사스 여성의 실화를 바탕으로 한 영화! 자폐증상을 보이긴 하지만 천부적인 음악적 재능을 부여받은 아들 토니에게 그녀는 장애아들에 대한 기존의 체제를 거부하며 누구나 인생에서 성공할 수 있다는 것을 증명한다.
13살이 되고 남부에 살며 축구를 매우 좋아하는 꼬마친구 크리스티와 그녀의 여자 친구들은 아르바이트로 아이돌보기 클럽을 운영하기로 하고 자기 시간에 맞추어 열심히 아이들을 돌보는데, 방학을 맞이하여 베이비시터 클럽 캠프를 계획한다. 드디어 캠프는 열리고 고리스티와 다운, 그리고 제씨등의 어린 소녀 보모들은 근사한 캠프를 만들어 신나는 방학을 보내는데 옆집에 사는 고지식한 할머니를 고려해 넣지 않았다. 게다가 베이비시터클럽을 시기하는 마녀같이 생긴 두여학생의 방해가 이만저만이 아니다. 할머니는 시끄럽다고 고발하려 하지 않나 사사건건 호통치고 괴롭힌다. 그리고 두 원수같은 여자애들은 클럽의 온갖 장식물을 다 망가뜨리고 물감을 뿌려놓고 여하튼 제일가는 골치거리들. 그러나 할머니의 이러한 옹고집도 도리스티 일행의 헌신적인 노력에 감동되어 오히려 산장의 멋진 화원을 소개해 주어 최고의 베이비시터 클럽 캠프를 탄생시킨다. 그 꼬마 아가씨 원수들이 큰 코 다치고 도망간 것은 당연한 일.
Lily Marshall has a loving, supportive husband, two great kids and an unfulfilled dream: to return to college and get the degree she always wanted. "Is there life beyond her family and home?", Lily wonders. The hole in Lily's life is soon filled by too much. There's a confusing new social life on campus, schoolwork keeping her up late, a part-time job keeping her from her husband and kids whose mom is turning into a stranger. Lily's strength, love and perseverance are the only things that can help her now.
Margaret, who has certain mental disabilities, struggles when her husband, Jake, is diagnosed with schizophrenia and the authorities wish to take her children away from her. She has to prove in a court of law that she is capable of taking care of her family.
Margaret, who has certain mental disabilities, struggles when her husband, Jake, is diagnosed with schizophrenia and the authorities wish to take her children away from her. She has to prove in a court of law that she is capable of taking care of her family.
Kate is a high-powered, workaholic executive who discreetly takes time off from her work to live with her artist friend Holly, who reveals she has terminal cancer which leaves her with only six months left to live. Over the course of those months, things get tense after Kate accepts custody of Holly's daughter.
A Down-syndrome boy left in an institute by his parents. Ginny works in the institute and wants to have Jonathan but has to fight the system and the parents.
A woman, her lover and her best friend cope with the tragedy of her misdiagnosed medical condition.
A woman, her lover and her best friend cope with the tragedy of her misdiagnosed medical condition.
Doc Wallace
소니의 부모님은 캐딜락차의 뒷칸에 소니(Sonny Boy: 마이클 그리핀 분)를 태운 채 사막을 달린다. 그러나 휴식을 취하기 위해 잠시 정차한 사이 사막의 무법자 일당에게 차를 강탈당하는데 무법자 일당은 차의 뒷칸에 아이가 있다는 걸 발견하고는 끔찍한 발상을 하게 된다. 그 아이는 급속하게 성장하게 되고 그들은 아이가 말을 못하도록 혀를 자르고 야수같은 동물로 키운다. 어느날 소니는 로즈(Rose: 알렉산드라 파워즈 분)란 여자를 만나게 되는데.
In an effort to get away from the city and all its crime, Chuck Yoman and his family move to a big old house in a peaceful lakeside town. The discovery of a mutilated corpse in the lake and another body in the woods, however, suggests that the Yomans would have been safer if they had stayed put...
In an effort to get away from the city and all its crime, Chuck Yoman and his family move to a big old house in a peaceful lakeside town. The discovery of a mutilated corpse in the lake and another body in the woods, however, suggests that the Yomans would have been safer if they had stayed put...
An Air Force nurse about to leave the service is badly disfigured about her face in a car accident in which she also loses her baby.
1928년 뉴욕. 마조리 키난 롤링스(메리 스틴버겐)는 출판사로부터 자신의 소설 출판을 거절당한다. 그 일이 있은 후 롤링스는 남편에게 플로리다 주에 위치한 크로스 크리크라는 곳에 있는 작은 오렌지 농장을 구입했으니 함께 들어가서 살자고 하지만 이마저 거절당한다. 결국 혼자서 자동차를 몰고 그곳까지 가다가 농장 인근에서 차가 고장 난다. 인근에 사는 노턴 바스킨(피터 코요테)는 그녀에게 호감을 느끼고 자신의 차로 그녀를 오렌지 농장에 있는 황량한 오두막집까지 태워다 준다. 다 쓰러져가는 오두막과 온통 먼지투성이인 집안 살림에 롤링스는 당황하지만 흑인 여인 ‘기치’가 오두막을 불쑥 찾아와 적은 급료라도 좋으니 가정부로 일하게 해달라고 하면서 점차 크리스 크로스에서의 생활에 익숙해져 간다. 그리고 인근에 산다는 마쉬 터너(립 톤)가 딸 엘리(다나 힐), 그리고 엘리가 키우는 새끼 사슴 ‘플랙’과 함께 롤링스를 찾아오면서 이웃들과의 교류도 시작된다. 하지만 농장 운영은 생각보다 어려웠고 이웃들과의 교류도 생각처럼 쉽지만은 않다. 롤링스는 새로운 소설을 쓰면서 인근 주민들을 고용해서 농장에 물을 댈 관개 수로를 새로 정비하며 농장에는 활력이 찾아온다. 어느 날 롤링스가 엘리의 14번째 생일을 맞아 마쉬의 집을 찾아간다. 그런데 엘리가 키우던 플랙이 우리를 탈출해서 한바탕 소동을 일으킨다. 마쉬는 평소에도 플랙을 곱게 보지 않았는데 가족들이 키우는 야채를 뜯어먹고 엘리의 생일 케이크까지 망쳐버리자 결국은 총으로 쏴 죽인다. 엘리와 가족들의 원망어린 눈빛에 밀조한 술에 잔뜩 취한 마쉬는 마을로 내려가서 주정을 부리다 보안관의 추적을 받는데... (EBS)
This is the story of actress Frances Farmer, her struggles with mental illness and involuntary confinement in an insane asylum.
This is the story of actress Frances Farmer, her struggles with mental illness and involuntary confinement in an insane asylum.
Two young girls from different sides of the tracks compete to see who will be first to lose their virginity while at camp.
The story of the life and times of the legendary Hollywood blonde bombshell, Marilyn Monroe, from her meteoric rise to stardom to her marriages and untimely death.
부유층의 자녀로써 잘 교육받은 훼리스(Ferris Whitney: 테이텀 오닐 분)와 서민 가정에서 거칠고 차가운 성격으로 자란 앤젤(Angel Bright: 크리스티 맥니콜 분)은 함께 여름캠프에 가게 된다. 즐거운 캠프생활 도중 사람들은 그들에게 누가 먼저 처녀성을 잃게 되는가에 대해 내기를 건다. . 그들은 서로 경쟁을 하면서도 그속에 우정이 생기고 캠프는 혼란이 일어나 난장판이 되버린다. 두 소녀는 성에 대해 새롭게 눈을 뜨면서 서서히 성장한다.
A worker at a nuclear power plant finds life in danger after she points out unsafe conditions.
The true and tragic story of a very young and very talented comedian from the 70's whose sudden rise to fame had some of its benefits -- and some of its burdens.
Kirsten Baker and Leslie Cedarquist are the Girls Next Door in this buoyant sexploitationer. The ladies move in bag and baggage into a sleepy suburban community. Before long, every husband in the vicinity has fallen for their charms. A few trousers have fallen as well, which is why the film carries an R rating. The Girls Next Door is worth watching for an early performance by TV favorite Perry Lang.
Things were cool. Chicks were pretty. Waves were groovy. Cars had muscle. Jan and Dean rode their wave to the top of the pop charts. Then, in 1966, on their way to becoming rock and roll legends, they have to cope with a devastating car crash that leaves Jan brain-damaged and their dreams shattered.
Based on the true story of coal miners who became trapped underground in a cave-in on Christmas Eve, 1951.
A young doctor tries to convince everyone about an impending epidemic, but he is accused of creating panic.
In this sequel to Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway, Alexander's story is told in both the past and the present. Alexander's parents send him away from home for being too sensitive and not helping enough on their farm. He goes to Los Angeles in hopes of going to art school, but when he can't find a job as a minor, he turns to prostitution. After being arrested, he wants to head to Arizona to marry Dawn, but he falls into a lucrative job/relationship with a gay football star.
15-year-old Dawn runs away from what she feels is an intolerable home life. In the big city, she ends up turning to prostitution when she is unable to get a job due to her age. She meets Alexander, a young male hustler who takes her in, but when she starts working for a pimp, Alexander becomes a target.