Grzegorz Kowalczyk

Grzegorz Kowalczyk

출생 : 1967-05-12, Wałbrzych, Polska

프로필 사진

Grzegorz Kowalczyk

참여 작품

In a world where Augmented Reality has taken over every aspect of human life, there is a very tempting vision of a return to a technology-free world. The heroes will abandon intelligent lenses and private avatars and move to a place that will irretrievably change their lives.
Serce do walki
major UB Strączyński
In the 1940s, a small band of underground paramilitaries attempt to fight back against the Soviet-backed security ministry in post-war Poland. Determined to fight for their country's future, the group goes to extreme lengths to make their voice heard.
After a prison leader grants an interview before his release, a reporter investigates the course of events that led to this inmate's untimely death.
Hans Kloss. Stawka większa niż śmierć
The cinema war-action movie takes place partly during WWII and partly in 1975 in Spain. The main characters: agent Capt. Hans Kloss and Herman Bruner, want to find the stolen treasure, putting their lives at stake.
Under Jakob's Ladder
Based on a true story, 'Under Jakob's Ladder' is a full-length feature film that takes place in the Soviet Union during 1938. Jakob, a former teacher who lost his job due to the new Communist system, can only stand by and watch as the world around him slowly disintegrates and fear and suspicion rule the day. Like most of the men in his village, he soon finds himself in a Soviet prison. But it is there that he discovers that the freedom he craves might actually be found within the walls of his cell.
Between 2 Fires
A young mother with her daughter escapes child trafficking in their home country Belarus just to end up in a refugee camp in northern Sweden. In her vulnerable situation she becomes a easy target for her surrounding. Soon enough she get put in front of extreme choices which turns her life to a nightmare.
General Nil
prokurator Benjamin Wajsblech
Generał Nil is a Polish historical film, based on the life of general Emil August Fieldorf, pseudonym "Nil". The film was directed by Ryszard Bugajski and was released in 2009.
gwałciciel żony Dawida
Dwudziestosześcioletni Łukasz, niesłusznie posądzony o napad na starszą kobietę, trafia do aresztu śledczego. Adwokat wynajęty przez matkę bezskutecznie próbuje go stamtąd wydostać. Pod wpływem dramatycznych wydarzeń w celi przejściowej Łukasz za wszelką cenę chce znaleźć się wśród grypsującej części więźniów. Świat gitów wymaga jednak przestrzegania panujących tu twardych zasad. Reżyser uzyskał zgodę Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych na realizację zdjęć w więzieniu na Białołęce.
Rolls Royce Driver
정부조차 그 존재를 알 수 없는 비밀 조직 '포리너'. 지하세계 최고의 처리사로 신분을 위장하고 잠입한 조나단(스티븐 시걸)은 보스 마르케로부터 밀폐된 상자를 전달받아 의뢰인에게 보내라는 임무를 부여 받는다. 그러나 문제의 상자는 16년전 사상 초유의 항공 테러로 기록되었지만 범인은 미스테리로 남아있는 미결사건의 실마리가 담긴 비행기의 블랙박스. 최종 수신자의 배후를 밝혀야 하는 조나단은 위험을 각오하고 프랑스로 향한다. 하지만 한적한 접선지에서 갑자기 들이닥친 특수부대원들과 총격전 끝에 가까스로 목숨을 구하지만 또 다른 음모가 숨겨져 있음을 직감한다. 동료조차 믿을 수 없는 킬러의 세계에서 호시탐탐 자신을 노리는 암살자들과 전쟁을 벌이며 어렵사리 사건의 열쇠를 쥐고 있는 의뢰인의 저택에 잠입한 조나단. 그러나 거대한 배후 세력을 밝혀내야 하는 그의 임무는 점차 예상을 넘어선 치명적인 음모 속으로 빠져들게 되는데...
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Hijacking Agatha
Winnio, kierowca bombowca
A parliament member's sixteen year old daughter Agatha falls in love and runs away with a convicted young tramp, while her father uses his friends in the government and police to brutally break their happiness.