Norma Moore

Norma Moore

출생 : 1935-01-01, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA

프로필 사진

Norma Moore

참여 작품

쥬니어는 문제아
Sister Samantha
Ben Healy and his social climbing wife Flo adopt fun-loving seven year old Junior. But they soon discover he's a little monster as he turns a camping trip, a birthday party and even a baseball game into comic nightmares.
7월 4일생
Massapequa Mom
론은 전쟁을 동경하면서 자랐다. 그래서 론은 베트남 전 역시 선의의 전쟁이라 믿고 참전한다. 그러나 전쟁의 실상을 목격한다. 전쟁중 동료인 빌리를 쏘게되어 심한 죄책감에 시달리다 그 또한 부상을 당해 불구가 된다. 퇴역한 론은 자포자기한 인생을 살게된다. 어느날 자신이 쏜 총에 맞아 전사한 빌리의 집에 찾아가 그가 죽은 경위를 설명하자 빌리의 부인은 용서를 받는다. 그 후 론은 진정한 삶을 되찾게 되고 어릴적 동경하던 전쟁이 허상임을 깨닫는데...
Lonnie and Rick seem to be complete opposites, at first glance. A survivor of suicide, Lonnie is introverted and ill at ease around her parents, Lois and Harvey. Rick, meanwhile, is sunny and charismatic. But appearances can be deceiving, as their families learn when the teens begin a romance. Upset about Lonnie's influence on Rick, his parents forbid the pair to see each other -- with tragic consequences.
Time Bomb
Peg Ridgeway
A gang of terrorists tries to hijack a truck carrying plutonium.
Scum of the Earth
Helen Fraser
Newlyweds Helen and Paul go to a backwoods cabin on vacation. When Paul goes back to the car for some cigarettes he's not given a chance to ponder the carcinogenic ramifications as an axe blade makes the point moot. Panic stricken, Helen runs into the woods, only to find Odie Pickett as her only savior. He takes her back to his place, where pregnant wife Emmy, thick-as-a-brick son Bo, and available-since-she-was-twelve daughter Sarah, do their best to give her a "family" welcome. While Helen's immediate danger is somewhat delayed, her newfound shelter begins showing some signs of danger as well.
Gundown at Sandoval
In this exciting western, cowpoke Texas John Slaughter rides out for revenge against the man who killed his friend. He heads for Sandoval, a notorious outlaw lair. Horses gallop, guns blaze, and mayhem ensues.
Unwed Mother
Betty Miller
A young, sweet girl from the country moves to Los Angeles with her mother and meets a young man who she thinks is just perfect. That is until she gets pregnant and he's on his way to jail.
Fear Strikes Out
Mary Piersall
True story of the life of Jimmy Piersall, who battled mental illness to achieve stardom in major league baseball.