Co-Executive Producer
주인공이 쓴 소설 "국제 암살전문가의 회고록"은 "진짜" 회고록으로 둔갑하여 출판되고, 진짜 암살자로 오해받은 주인공은 베네수엘라로 납치되어 "진짜" 암살 임무를 수행해야 하는 상황에 놓인다.
Cultures collide when an old Armenian man stars in a new reality show
Four friends reuniting a year after college, each of them now dealing with their own problems. They ultimately come up with a solution: rob a bank.
Four friends reuniting a year after college, each of them now dealing with their own problems. They ultimately come up with a solution: rob a bank.