This is not exactly a biopic about the famous comedian, champion of prank calls; is a film about Jorge, a clumsy and shy office worker who stutters when speaking in public and doesn't know how to approach the girl he likes. But Jorge is also, as those who know him well know, a faithful and very funny friend. And when one day, by chance, he ends up being the subject of a hypnosis session, he discovers that he has a new ability: to pick up the phone and become the irreverent Doctor Tangalanga to make those who need him laugh.
아르헨티나 북부 코리엔테스 지방, 라스밀(Las Mil)이라는 작은 마을을 배경으로 펼쳐지는 우정, 사랑, 힘의 관계를 보여준다. 감독은 영화 배경이 되는 지역의 역사나 정치적 상황을 전면에 드러내거나 일절 설명하지 않는다. 하지만 부재를 통해 실제 부재했던 힘을 묘사하는 방식으로, 영화 속에 어떤 공적인 힘도 등장하지 않게 함으로써 실제 정치권력이 수년간 주민들을 방치한 결과를 약물과 빈곤을 통해 드러낸다. 시나리오는 지방 생활의 관습을 보여주는 많은 이야기 속에서 이리스와 레나타 사이의 사랑 이야기를 탄생시킨다.
A cinematographic meeting of four writers who are also actors, directors, teachers and playwrights. This multiplicity of trades is related to the word and the common point of two episodes four that compõem or film. Four stories, four protagonists: two men, two women who reflect, in different ways, on writing, reading, the generational clash and the creative process.
Down on his luck and recently divorced, Paulo has begun driving a cab around Rio, hoping he’ll make enough to send his ex money to support their ten-year-old son. He mostly works nights, so in addition to his encounters with a colourful variety of customers, colleagues, cops and others, he must cope with loneliness, fatigue and new faces in his life.
Romina returns to her roots to rediscover who she is. After the first overwhelming years as a mother, it's as if the mist starts to rise: she's a little too old for disco parties and hanging round with twenty-somethings, but still young enough to fantasise about others. Actress Romina Paula points the camera at herself, her son and her mother in this intriguing mixture of documentary and fiction.
Associate Producer
Tania learns that her grandmother spent the last years of her life in the loving company of an alien. Together with two friends, the Trans woman travels through rural Argentina to bring the creature back to its place of origin.
Body-obsessed teenager Lucas and his mystically-inclined older sister, Gilda, unexpectedly become stranded when they travel to a nearly deserted coastal town to try to fulfill their dead mother's last wishes in whatever way they can.
Martina and Manuel cross the border from Bolivia as «mules». Manuel dies with the cocaine capsules inside his body. Martina turns to her father, who she never met before, for help.
A rock concert, the irruption of the police, four friends forced to flee quickly and forget their backpack there. Friendship and adolescence combined as one, the future less than a time to travel rather than a space (a city) to discover.
Dignified, strong and formidable, and oozing erotic attraction: young malambo dancer Gaspar is at one with his passion for dance that he has made his profession.
A young mother and sex worker from Buenos Aires suffers the hypocrisy of the laws that are supposed to protect her, in this compelling, profoundly political drama about the dismal choices foisted upon vulnerable women.
Leopoldo is an 11 year old boy who grew up surrounded by artists. During the three months of spring, the boy discovers love in one of his of poetry classmates which she then leaves him with a broken heart.
After many years away, Ariel is summoned by his distant father to his childhood home in the bustling Jewish quarter of Buenos Aires, known as El Once. Over the course of seven days, during the vibrant holiday of Purim, Ariel seeks to reconnect with his father, who runs a Jewish charity and is regarded as a big macher in the close-knit community, but was frequently absent due to his obligation to fulfill the Jewish quorum of having 10 men present at all funerals.
여러 해 동안 헤어져 지낸 어린 시절의 두 친구. 둘은 함께 웃고 추억을 떠올리고 눈물을 흘리면서 잊지 못할 며칠을 보낸 후, 작별을 고한다. 우정과 사랑의 비가이자, 죽음을 삶의 일부로 받아들이는 용기를 유머러스하고 정직하게 그린 초상화다.
The Cenacle, a unique restaurant offers single-table work. In a ruined temple every night there is a last supper. Diners sitting at the table, define something important in their lives. Four stories plus the secret that bond the owners. Superb music.
지도자를 잃고 혼돈을 겪었던 1835년 아르헨티나가 배경이다. 특히 광활한 사막은 무법지대나 다름없었고, 군부 잔당들은 이곳에서 피비린내 나는 세력다툼을 벌이며 경쟁하듯 폭력을 행사했다. 야심찬 세뇨르 역시 두 부관과 함께 남부 지역 팜파스로 자신의 거점을 옮겨 새로운 정치공동체를 만드는 실험에 착수한다. 이들은 농부와 마을 주민들에게 자신을 따를 것을 강요하고, 협박하고, 심지어 죽이기도 한다. 세뇨르는 자신의 행동이 국가적 결집을 위한 필요악이며 정치 정화 운동이라고 주장하며 공포스러운 독재자로 거듭난다.
A couple must hold on to $100,000 for 24 hours as they wait to buy a house. As the time ticks by, the true nature of their love unravels.
Associate Producer
Tensions rise when a doctor (Daniel Veronese) pressures his teenage son to follow in his footsteps.
Life-long business partners Santiago and Eugenio care for each other, and need each other. When Eugenio suddenly vanishes, Santiago and Eugenio’s wife, join forces to look for him. What they discover is not what they set out to find, and their shared journey becomes a surprising and lighthearted meditation on friendship, love, and loyalty.
형법 전문가인 로스쿨 교수 ‘로베르토’의 수업 첫 날, 교내에서 여학생이 살해된 채로 발견 된다.‘로베르토’는 눈앞에서 펼쳐진 살인 사건의 범인을 밝히고자 갖가지 조사를 하던 중 의문을 품게 되고, 모든 증거가 한 사람을 가리키고 있다는 것을 발견 한다. 하지만 아무도 ‘로베르토’의 추리를 믿어 주지 않는 상황. 더욱이 범인이 추가 살인까지 예고하면서 사건은 점점 더 혼란에 빠진다. 이제 범인을 막고 무고한 희생자들을 구할 사람은 '로베르토' 단 한 명뿐이다.
A professional poker player seeks out an old flame after his marriage fizzles.
After being fired from his job, Norberto tries his luck as a real estate agent, but he doesn't tell his wife right away. His new boss advises him to take an assertiveness course to overcome his shyness, and Norberto starts taking classes in an acting workshop for beginners. While he works toward the quarterly festival, Norberto fails to get his wife and clients to believe anything he says, but he finds out he is very good at lying to himself.
The story of Julián Lamar, an Argentine actor who tries to get a part in a North American western that will be shot in Argentina.
Executive Producer
Luis Ortega's apocalyptic third feature follows a group of five survivors as they embark on a journey that will force them to face their fears, dreams and longings in their quest for salvation across the Fijman River.
Are we what others see, or are we what we allow others to see? Most likely it is the view of others which delimits our own identity, as a young divorced mother named Julieta convinces herself. This evening is like any other: her two young sons are roughhousing in their cramped apartment. They whoop and shout while their mother makes desperately futile attempts at the computer to concentrate on writing a report for work. Feeling intense pressure, Julieta tries to quiet the conflict but finds it difficult without a partner to help. The tense situation changes unexpectedly when her two-year-old falls and hurts himself. In this story of a mother suspected of hurting her own child, the movie investigates themes of motherhood, guilt, duty, the role of men and women, fathers and mothers
They are both alone. They need each other but, at the same time, they despise each other. Siblings Marcos and Susana are unable to heal the old wounds festering within them after the death of their mother. When Susana sells their mother's flat, she deprives her brother of the home where he had cared for their mother his whole life. Marcos's need to start living again surfaces when his sister forces him to leave Buenos Aires for Uruguay.
Traída pelo namorado e pela amiga com quem morava, Clara se vê obrigada a procurar outro lugar para viver. Acaba dividindo um apartamento com um homem misterioso, a quem apelidou de Teo, e juntos eles combinam um ‘código de convivência’, com uma regra fundamental: nada de amantes.
Ezequiel is a film music composer that can't find the inspiration he needs to compose a new score and Paula is a pregnant woman recently abandoned by her boyfriend whose mother has just came from Spain to meet her husband. Together they will try to solve their problems.
Empty Nest tells the story of a couple who have to struggle to find themselves after their children grow up and move out. It starts out as a fairly simple story of a couple but becomes complicated by a series of events that may or may not be occurring only in Leonardo’s mind.
This film focuses on an aging starlette (Silvia Perez) was once an it-girl. She returns to her hometown for her niece's birthday party and has to deal with her conservative family who does not agree with her chosen lifestyle.
Angel decides to return to his hometown. In an inn on the route meets Dora, and they engage in conversation, but their relationship did not end there. Once installed in the same city, Angel gets a job as a taxi driver will take you to reconnect with Dora. The attraction they both feel continues, even though Angel discovers that Dora is the wife of his boss, a former police officer made in the street, given to sudden outbursts of violence. .
This is a film that finally approaches our moral meanderings with a true vision. Julio Cesar is a beautiful character who undertakes his life without major worries, even though his life is clearly astray. He simply stumbles along finding his way as the road unravels. Such as life truly is in this part (and many others) of the world, when numerous reasons lead one to put aside moral concerns when a quick opportunity may lead to some personal advantage.
A man in his thirties does not want to be like his father, but that seems to be unavoidable.
Production Manager
A writer dying of AIDS searches for a cure and human interaction in the hospitals and sex clubs of Buenos Aires.
Executive Producer
A writer dying of AIDS searches for a cure and human interaction in the hospitals and sex clubs of Buenos Aires.
A collection of 10 short films made by known Argentine directors on the AMIA bombing of July 18, 1994.
Executive Producer
In Buenos Aires, the twenty-something Jewish-Argentinean Ariel Makaroff ditches the University of Architecture and spends his time wandering through the downtown gallery where his mother has a lingerie shop and his brother runs an importation business. Ariel has never understood why his father left him when he was a baby, but when his dad returns to Argentina, that will soon change.
23살의 의대생 에르네스토 게바라(퓨세)는 생화학자 친구 알베르토 그라나도와 함께 남미대륙 횡단을 계획한다. 안데스산맥을 가로질러 사막을 건넌 후 아마존을 거쳐 베네수엘라까지 가는 것이 이들의 목표. 여행을 통해 만난 세상은 지금까지 알던 현실과 너무 다르고, 퓨세와 알베르토는 세상의 불합리함에 분노한다. 청년 퓨세의 인생을 뒤흔든 생생한 기록 모터사이클 다이어리. 그는 이 여행을 통해 훗날 현명하고 인간적인 지도자로 추앙 받은 세기의 우상, 체 게바라로 거듭난다.
The film does not describe, rather it observes, in a distant manner, the world of Martin, a seventeen year old who feels he doesn’t belong anywhere, not at home, school, nor with his friends or members of his rock band. In search of some happiness, Martin takes off to the coastal town of Mar de Plata, where his older brother lives. Unglamorous, yet enchantingly addictive and refreshingly genuine, Acuña paints a confused and uncomfortable world, and makes us want revisit it over and over again.
Teresa is a stewardess who lives a perfect life in the midst of his impeccable suits world clean and prepared foods. However the world scares land: men, motherhood, love ... Meanwhile, Julian, a young doctor, must travel to Ushuaia to throw the ashes of his dead wife in the place where they fell in love.
Executive Producer
Fabián, a magician from Buenos Aires, saves his money from weddings, birthdays, and bar mitzvahs, and uses a hidden camera to document a week-long trip to the Falkland Islands where he has a patriotic plan: to impregnate a British woman. If 500 Argies do this annually, the islands will soon be overrun with children belonging to both cultures. He spends his first couple of days in Stanley doing reconnaissance, setting his sights on Camila, whom he's first seen in church. He chats her up at an Internet café. They go out for drinks, then dinner, then to the see the King penguins and a 1982 battlefield. Back home, editing his Dogma 95 film, he receives a final message from Camila.
In 1999, Argentina's peso craters. Ariel, a young man from Buenos Aires' Jewish community, deals with his mother's fatal illness, finds a job as a night shift surveillance camera monitor, and wonders when he'll discover sex. Santamaria, middle aged, loses his bank job and is dismissed by his wife; he finds stolen wallets in dumpsters to return to their owners. Ariel tells Santamaria's story to a TV reporter who profiles lives on the street. She's Laura, in a relationship with another woman, but perhaps available. Ariel desires Laura, while Santamaria courts Elsa, a washroom attendant who's husband is in prison. Christmas and Hanukkah approach; can anyone connect?
A dramatized approach to the Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) through the recreation of some of his works and the staging of various aspects of his thought and his life.
Executive Producer
A beautiful Argentine activist receives preferential treatment from a man supposed to torture her.
Supervising Producer
Marcelo makes a living as a painter in a Buenos Aires square, with other street artists. Rejected and lonely as a result of his family's break up, he devotes himself to his girlfriend, and dreams of a happy future together with her. She, however, has other plans, which, along with Marcelo's discovery of the reasons for his family's separation, create increasing conflicts between them, and make Marcelo face reality more clearly.
Production Executive
A girl, whose father is incarcerated as a political prisoner, is not allowed to draw pictures of birds or anything related to freedom. She will find a way to deliver her message of hope to her father in a very unusual way. Based on a story by Eduardo Galeano.
Production Director