Michael Robinson

참여 작품

A Simple Curve
Caleb is 27, and was raised in the majestic Kootenays by his bush hippie parents. He loves his father Jim and understands his reverence for wood working, coriander and Soya products, but he just doesn't get Jim's determined effort to achieve economic disaster at every turn. His father is a relentlessly unsuccessful business man, and as the junior partner in their carpentry shop, Caleb is powerless to stop the fiscal self sabotage. When Matthew, an old friend of Jim's, arrives in the valley to develop a high-end fishing lodge, Caleb sees fortune looming, provided he can keep his father distracted long enough. But a small deception leads to colossal betrayal, and soon Caleb must face the fact that he's reached that treasured day when a boy becomes man enough to tell his father get lost.
Wild Blue
Neils Deighton
A touching story about the relationship of an American pilot named Ray Walker with a boy and his family on a ranch in New Zealand. Bill, the grandfather of the family, knows that only Ray can teach flying to his grandson.
스톤의 추적
공해가 심각한 어느 해변 도시에서 환경 보존에 관한 연설이 열리던 중 연사가 총에 맞아 숨지는 사건이 발생한다. 마침 주변에는 한 무리의 히피족이 있었고 우연히 그중의 하나가 연사에게 총을 쏘는 암살자를 목격한다. 하지만 그 사건 이후 세명의 히피가 연이어 의문의 죽음을 당하게 되자 조사를 위해 형사 스톤이 히피족에 잠입한다. 스톤은 히피의 생활 습관에 따라 누더기 옷을 입고 오른쪽 귀를 뚫은 후 그들과 함께 생활 하기 시작하는데...