David Deutsch

출생 : 1926-01-10, Birmingham, England, UK

사망 : 1991-12-13

참여 작품

Bitter Melons
Sophia, a female line cook is tasked with delivering bitter melons to her estranged father. The delivery doesn't go as planned, but through personal encounters and challenges involving the bitter melons, she is forced to confront her past and connect with her heart, tribe, and cultural roots.
A historian writing a biography of Isaac Newton spends a Summer with a dysfunctional family in Co. Cork, Ireland.
The Chain
Executive Producer
Comedy featuring interweaving stories of seven households caught up in a property chain on moving day, each one dependent on the other.
자칼의 날
1962년 프랑스령 알제리의 독립을 허용한 이래 드골 대통령은 프랑스 국민들, 특히 알제리 주둔군이나 식민지 거주 국민들로부터 매국노로 크게 지탄을 받았으며 암살 기도까지 여러 차례 있었다. 군 출신의 드골 제거 조직인 OAS의 저격 사건 후 조직이 와해되고 대표가 처형당하자 후임자인 로댕 대령은 프랑스인이 아닌 외국의 살인청부업자에게 일을 시키기로 결정한다. 적임자로 선택된 것은 영국인으로 콩고나 도미니카에게 독재자들을 암살한 전력의 30대 미남으로 암호명은 재칼이다. 그는 오직 혼자서 일하고 철저한 비밀 유지를 위해 연락도 잘되지 않는 신비스러운 인물이다. 그가 요구한 돈은 50만 달러. 재칼은 랜트카를 타고 이태리를 거쳐 더건이란 이름의 위조여권으로 프랑스에 입국하지만 프랑스 첩보 부대에서는 레벨이란 민완 수사관이 나서서 재칼이라 암호명과 차종까지를 밝혀낸다.
A Day in the Death of Joe Egg
A couple uses extremely black comedy to survive taking care of a daughter who is nearly completely brain dead. They take turns doing the daughter's voice and stare into the eyes of death and emotional trauma with a humour that hides their pain.
Lock Up Your Daughters
Three sailors on leave turn a British town upside down.
A young female journalist in London falls in love with a married orchestra conductor.
와일드 위크엔드
Dinah is a famous model and actress who is getting tired of life in the limelight and wants to take a break. While shooting a commercial spot for meat, she meets Steve, a stuntman. Dinah and Steve hit it off and decide to head to an island to get away from it all, bringing along four of Steve's friends. Before long, Dinah is reported missing and everyone is looking for her, making their getaway anything but tranquil.
리게아의 무덤
인간의 의지와 죽음의 사유 세계!! 사랑하는 아내 리게아를 땅에 묻은지 몇 년이 지나 사랑스런 여인 로위나를 만나 결국 결혼을 한다. 그녀를 만난후로 깊은 사랑에 빠지면서도 리게아가 늘 곁에 있음을 느낀다. 어느날 묘비명에서 리게아의 사망일자가 지워져 버린 것을 발견 하게 되는데...
Nothing But the Best
Success has James Brewster's name written all over it, and he also has his heart set on his boss's daughter. A con artist hires him to help out on a bank scheme, but then again, James will do anything to get rich and be the most successful businessman in Britain-even if it means murder!!!
Blind Date
Dutch painter Jan-Van Rooyer hurries to keep a rendezvous with Jacqueline Cousteau, an elegant, sophisticated Frenchwoman, slightly his elder, whose relationship with him had turned from art student into one of love trysts. He arrives and is confronted by Detective Police Inspector Morgan who accuses him of having murdered Jacqueline. Morgan listens sceptically to the dazed denials of Van Rooyer as he tells the story of his relationship with the murdered woman. Morgan, after hearing the story, realizes that the mystery has deepened, and it becomes more complicated when the Assistant Commissioner, Sir Brian Lewis, explains that Jacqueline was not married but was being kept by Sir Howard Fenton, a high-ranking diplomat whose names must be kept out of the case.
High Tide at Noon
Associate Producer
After returning home to a rugged island near Nova Scotia, Joanna, daughter of the local bigwig, struggles to choose between three eligible bachelors -- the rebel (Patrick McGoohan), the steadfast friend (Michael Craig) and the poetry-quoting newcomer (William Sylvester). As the local lobster supply dwindles due to overfishing, the island's inhabitants encounter economic difficulties.
Assistant Editor
게는 감추고 싶은 비밀이 있다. 다음 날, 경찰들은 아기가 학대당하고 있다는 신고를 받고 출동하는데, 집에 홀로 남겨진 아기가 창가에 앉아 있는 위험한 광경을 목격한다. 영국에서 가장 많은 작품을 남긴 여성 감독 뮤리엘 박스의 작품으로, 여성 경찰들의 다사다난한 하루하루를 다큐멘터리 스타일로 담았다.