George Hernandez

George Hernandez

프로필 사진

George Hernandez

참여 작품

Tom Mix in Arabia
Arthur Edward Terhune
Tom Mix travels from the desert of the American West to the Sahara desert in this picture, which is as much farce as it is Western
Bluebeard, Jr
The Lawer
Newlyweds Tom and Nan Beech have trouble settling into their tiny new apartment, and once they have, they get into an argument that sends Nan storming out. Almost as soon as she is gone, Tom gets word that his uncle will give him 50 thousand dollars if he can prove he is a happily married, successful businessman.
Billy Jim
Dudley Dunforth
Billy Jim is a rich cowboy who tries to seduce a young girl whose father exploits a mine.
First Love
Tad O'Donnell
The O'Donnells are a typical, everyday family -- Tad (George Hernandez) is a sensible working man, his wife (Fannie Midgely) is a good mother and their daughter Kathleen (Constance Binney) is pretty and innocent to the point of naiveté. Kathleen works in a factory and its owner, Donald Holiday (Warner Baxter), has taken a shine to her. But instead she falls for slick cab driver Harry Stanton (George Webb), who insists, "Honest, kid, you're the only girl I ever loved." Kathleen falls for this, and when her perceptive father makes clear he doesn't approve of Stanton, she moves out on her own.
After Your Own Heart
Luke Bramley
The Double Bit Ranch and the Rolling G Ranch are at odds over a valuable watering hole.
The Road Demon
Tom Mix trades horses for cars. Tom Higgins meets Patricia O'Malley whose father is a car manufacturer. O'Malley is hoping to land a contract with a Japanese firm, if only his car wins the Los Angeles-Phoenix auto race. Hap enters, but O'Malley's driver, Luther McCabe causes the race to be lost. Higgins discovers that McCabe is in league with O'Malley's competition, so for the next race, in Fresno, he takes over when McCabe drops out and wins the race.
A Village Sleuth
Mr. Richley (as George F. Hernandez)
A bumbling would-be detective always seems to reach the wrong conclusion, but one day accidentally stumbles across a real crook, guilty of a real crime.
Seeds of Vengeance
George Hedrick
In the mountains of West Virginia, Alderson Cree is mortally wounded in an ambush by Kip Ryerson, after Kip's wife, Martha, seeks refuge at the Crees's home for herself and her stepdaughter, Eileen. Cree makes his young son, David, promise to avenge his death once he has grown into manhood. As David Cree runs for help, Alderson recants and instructs Martha Ryerson to release his son from his promise. However, to eliminate her brutal spouse, Martha Ryerson remains silent, and George Hedrick, the local storekeeper, leads a crowd to drive Kip out of town. Hedrick later announces Kip's death, relieving David of his obligation to his father. Years pass, and David, now an adult, is engaged to Mary Reddin. When Kip Ryerson returns to town, David's mother demands that he keep his promise to avenge his father.
The Daredevil
Buchanan Atkinson
When Timothy Atkinson arrives in a rough Western town to become the telegraph operator, the locals peg him as a tenderfoot.
Mary Regan
Peter Loveman
Mary Regan is the daughter of a gentleman crook and an heiress. Although she has received a good upbringing, she refuses to marry Robert Clifford for fear of damaging his career as a city official. Some old associates of her father, Peter Loveman and Jim Bradley, want her to help them in their blackmailing schemes. She won't, and escapes from her trying situation by going to the mountains for a rest.
The Silver Girl
Chuck Wilson
Jefferson Hunter (Frank Keenan) is a Western mining man. Anne Kepple (Catherine Adams) has inherited the mine next to his, but a loan shark steals it from her. Hunter helps her get it back, and out of gratitude Anne marries him, even though she is half his age.
The Courageous Coward
Big Bill Kirby
Sessue Hayakawa was making the transition from Asian villain to sympathetic hero in this picture. The plot is a combination of racial stereotypes that were common in the U.S. during the silent era and real-life situations experienced by Asians living Stateside. Hayakawa plays Suki Iota, a student who, while born and bred in America, wants a wife with traditional Japanese values. She appears in the form of Rei (Tsuru Aoki, Hayakawa's real-life wife), a singer who becomes known as the Japanese Nightingale.
A Taste of Life
When her husband, struggling lawyer Horace Dillingham, is unable to provide adequate money for her insatiable desire for expensive cherries, Kitty Dillingham goes to work as a stenographer for him. One day while Horace is out of the office, Kitty mistakes Jonas Collamore, a defendant in a divorce suit for whom Horace is acting, for an important client. Kitty agrees to lunch, and, swallowing many maraschino cherries along with their cocktails, becomes drunk. Jonas takes her to a nearby inn where they are followed by Mrs. Collamore's detectives, who then summon Mrs. Collamore and her lawyer Horace.
You Can't Believe Everything
Henry Pettit
Patricia Reynolds, the belle of the summer resort she is visiting with her friend, Amy Powellson, attracts the attention of Arthur Kirby, whom Amy loves. On an evening drive, Arthur tries to kiss Patricia , whereupon she leaps from the car and walks home. While Amy, disguised in Patricia 's clothing, accompanies Arthur to a roadhouse, Patricia , walking near the beach, sees her invalid friend, Jim Wheeler, jump into the ocean intending to kill himself. After rescuing him, Patricia persuades Jim to visit a specialist, but when she later is accused of spending the night with Arthur, she refuses to defend herself in order to conceal Jim's attempted suicide.
Betty Takes a Hand
James Bartlett
Discovering that her father, Peter Marshall, had been defrauded by a business partner named James Bartlett, Betty goes to Los Angeles to visit her aunt, Mrs. Hamilton Haines, whose late husband had a hand in ruining Peter. Tom, Bartlett's son, has arranged a yachting trip for Mrs. Haines and her daughter Ida, and Ida, deciding that her cousin is too pretty to come along, persuades Betty to stay behind. Tom, on the way to the yacht after a quarrel with his father, passes the Haines mansion and, noticing a sign advertising room and board, stops. Meeting Betty who is posing as Miss Haines, Tom moves in and falls in love with his landlady. When Betty accidentally meets Tom's father, the old man is so captivated that he offers her $5,000 to marry his son. After Tom and Betty are married, when both fathers discover their in-laws' true identities they are first indignant but later are reconciled.
Broadway Arizona
Uncle Isaac Horn
While on vacation in New York, millionaire cattle rancher John Keyes falls in love with musical comedy star Fritzi Carlyle. Recognizing the opportunity for a great story, Fritzi's press agent encourages her to accept the Westerner's proposal of marriage, only to deny it the next day in a wave of newspaper publicity. Disheartened, Keyes returns to Arizona and Fritzi continues performing until she suffers a nervous breakdown. Reading of Fritzi's misfortune, Keyes returns East, kidnaps Fritzi and takes her to Arizona. There, the change of climate performs wonders and she recovers quickly. Meanwhile, her stage manager sends detectives after her, and when they arrive in Arizona ready to arrest Keyes for kidnapping, Fritzi explains that the whole adventure was an elaborate publicity stunt and announces that she and her Arizona cowboy are going to be married.
Mr. Opp
Jimmy Fallows
Optimistic in the face of failure, Daniel Webster Opp finally attains success as a traveling salesman for a shoe firm, but just when his prospects are best, he receives word that his stepfather is dead. He leaves at once to meet his brother Ben at Cove Junction, where they settle the estate according to Ben's demands. Ben takes the money, while Mr. Opp is given the homestead and custody of Kippy, his feebleminded half-sister. Sacrificing all to remain with his sister, Mr. Opp founds a newspaper, the Opp Eagle, and begins to promote the town.
Southern Justice
Judge Morgan
Three old men -- Judge Moran (George Hernandez), Roger Appleby (Jack Curtis) and Caleb Talbot (Jean Hersholt) -- are the caretakers of a young boy, Daws Anthony (Elwood Bredell). When Ray Preston (Fred Church) comes to the small Southern town where they all reside, he stirs up a load of trouble.
Grandfather Whitaker
Although Esther Whitaker is in love with Caleb Tilden, her sea captain father demands that she marry his first mate. However, Esther's grandfather encourages her and Caleb to marry in secret. After Grandfather Whitaker's death, Esther discovers she is pregnant. The captain, believing that she has disgraced the family, beats Caleb to death (at least that's what he assumes) and drags his daughter along on the ship. Afraid of the consequences, the captain refuses to go home and eventually the crew mutinies.
God's Crucible
Lorenzo Todd
Having worked himself out of grinding poverty, grouchy millionaire Lorenzo Todd adopts a chip-on-the-shoulder attitude concerning the rest of Mankind. The only people Todd truly cares about is his son Warren and his boyhood chum Dudley Phillips. Eventually, however, the old sourpuss manages to alienate these two people as well. T
The End of the Rainbow
The daughter of a lumber man disguises herself and gets hired as the secretary of her father's rival.
A Romance of Billy Goat Hill
In a Southern town, Don Morley is apparently the sole witness to a gunfight during which his friend, Lee Dillingham, badly wounds Sheely. To avoid testifying against Lee, Don leaves town, but after he is gone, Lee double-crosses Don and blames him for the shooting. Then, Don's sweetheart, Miss Lady, heartbroken to learn that Don is a criminal, marries the elderly Professor Querrington. To take her mind off her mundane marriage, Miss Lady befriends a mute boy and pays for an operation that restores his speech. The professor dies, and soon after Don, unaware of his alleged guilt, returns to town to find himself charged with Lee's crime.
The Girl of Lost Lake
Judge West
The Secret of the Swamp
It Happened in Honolulu
Mr. Wyland
Story of a pretty girl whose ambitious mother wants to marry her off to an English nobleman. The girl, however, loves a plain American, the son of a wholesale fish dealer. The girl's ineffectual father likes the young American too, but his wife overrides him and the family heads for Honolulu, where the matriarch hopes her daughter will wed the nobleman.
A Son of the Immortals
Sergius Nesimir
A general ousts the king of Kosnovia, and makes the king's idle son ruler. Unexpectedly, the new ruler begins instituting democratic reforms, angering the General.
Capt. Cruickshank
Dorothy Cruickshank is secretly in love with Captain Westwood, whom her parents have never seen, and they plan to elope. Her father, an old sea captain, has quarreled with a Professor Jogram, following a public denunciation of a book Jogram has written on navigation.
The Making of Bobby Burnit
David Applerod
Bobby Burnit, a naïve young man, inherits $300,000 from his father, a hard-working entrepreneur. Because the will specifies that the money must be invested, Agnes Elliston, Bobby's sweetheart, suggests that he take over his father's chain of stores. Soon Bobby becomes the dupe of various swindlers and charlatans, among them Sam Stone and Bobby's shady lawyer. With the help of Bobby's friend Biff Bates and Daniel Johnson, a loyal employee of Bobby's father, the swindlers are exposed in the newspaper and Bobby's inheritance is saved. Finally, after rescuing Agnes from Stone's advances, Bobby proposes to her, thus complying with all of his late father's wishes. -From Database, powered by the AFI.
Old Man Featherley - Jane's Father
Willie Clark is in love. His girl. Jane Fetherly thinks a great deal of him also. Willie, whose training has made him a home boy and a mama's pet, fears the loud voice and stentorian tones of Jane's father. Jane urges Willie to take the fatal step and speak to her father, which Willie finally does under protest.
When the Night Call Came
When the night call came, it found a young woman struggling with great emotions, the better impulses of her sex battling against the perverted sordid side of her nature. It was the culmination of the biggest game Nell Delaney and her gang had ever undertaken. The girl, in order to land an over-cautious victim, had actually married Karl Kreidt, an unsophisticated young man, who had just come into possession of a large amount of money. He was thoroughly infatuated with the woman, could do naught but plan for her comfort, and so fell into the trap she had devised.
Tested by Fire
Old Man Carroll, Mountaineer
Hal Arnold, a forest ranger in one of the California mountain reserves, in going the rounds, frequently passes old man Carroll's cabin, where Betty, a typical Sierran lassie, is a most magnetic attraction. Arnold frequently leaves the trail at this point and rides up the hill and makes visits with the quaint old woodcutter and his fond daughter. Algernon Fordham, scion of a wealthy New York family, comes into the west on a mining trip and makes arrangements to board at the Carroll's. His style soon attracts the unsophisticated country girl, and for the nonce she turns from the wholesome son of nature toward the man of the world.
The Trail of Cards
The Old Druggist
In a bustling little coast town a blustering man, who poses as a sea captain, and a trig U.S. Revenue officer, are in love with the same girl.
A Pair of Boots
A short comedy about a tramp who enters the home of a wealthy family, indulging in food and drink, and tries on the father's new boots. The mother scares him off, and then tries on the boots herself.
The Maid at the Helm
Rastus - the Cook
Story about a girl at sea with rough sailors.
The New Superintendent
James Morley - the Old Superintendent
James Morley, superintendent of the Crown Hill oil refinery, is unable to cope with the rough element in the works. Jack Hartway asks for a position, and Mr. Hastings discharges Morley. Hartway is duly installed as the new superintendent, and his first act is to put up a sign that Rooney, the bully, has formerly resented. Rooney tears the sign down, goes to the office to confront Hartway, is knocked down, and is made to nail the sign up again.
The Sanitarium
A young man transforms his uncle's palatial residence into a sanitarium only to end up paying back the money his patients gave him.