Margareth Clémenti

Margareth Clémenti

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Margareth Clémenti
Margareth Clémenti

참여 작품

La deuxième femme
Over the course of more than fifteen years, Clémenti films a series of intimate diaries, starting from daily encounters. In La deuxième femme, we see Bulle Ogier and Viva, Nico and Tina Aumont, Philippe Garrel and Udo Kier, a performance by Béjart, a piece by Marc’O, concerts by Bob Marley and Patti Smith (not always recognisable)... It’s like a maelstrom of psychedelic images that are passed through a particle accelerator.
The Sun
Pierre Clémenti's Soleil presents a psychedelic meditation on his life and his detention in an Italian Prison in 1972.
White Journey
One of Werner Schroeter's most important and inventive works, this threadbare evocation of Jean Genet's notorious Querelle depicts the erotic adventures of two sailors through the world's seaports in the manner of a cut-rate silent movie.
The Kingdom of Naples
Cahiers du cinéma critic Serge Daney asks whether The Kingdom of Naples is "leftist fiction, kitschy melodrama, photo-roman, a decadent chronicle of a city, opera in a minor key, or simply the first realistic narrative film by Schroeter?" It is all of these and more: an epic chronicle of proletarian family life in Naples from 1943 to 1972 that brilliantly captures the wretched poverty, overwrought passions, and political, religious and economic upheavals of Sicily across two generations. Schroeter assimilates neorealist aesthetics and class sympathies with the tempestuous excesses of popular melodrama, borrowing freely from Rossellini, Pasolini, Visconti, Brecht, and Rossini. (Facets)
Sister Maddalena
유럽 각지를 떠돌며 모든 계층의 여성들과 관계를 맺은 귀족 카사노바는 열정의 흔적을 찾아볼 수 없는 차가운 여성 편력만을 가진 인물. 르네상스 시대 부르주아들의 아름답고 엽기적인 호색취향의 세계를 재현해낸 펠리니 후기 걸작.
Le Berceau de cristal
An androgynous poet/dreamer sits and writes and meditates on the aching void that is her life.
Visa de censure n° X
Shot in 1967 but not released until 1975, actor Pierre Clémenti’s acid-infused experimental whirlwind of colour and music featuring a who’s who of the French 60s underground.
I. You. They.
La protégée de la femme du van hippie
Little did this pretty brunette know when she applied for a babysitting job that her employer was an artist and that everything at his place differed from the outside world. What struck her the most was to find out that her boss had shrunk his wife and kept her in the fridge in order, as he said, to keep her safe from a hostile world!
아라비안 나이트
Aziz's Mother
고전 에서 발췌한 10개의 이야기를 가지고 경이로운 시각적 효과와 감각으로 만든 영화. 한 남자가 자신이 사랑하는 노예가 납치되자 그 노예를 찾아 외국으로 떠난다. 그는 이 나라 저 나라로 여행하면서 사람들로부터 에로틱한 이야기들을 듣는다. 그런 이야기에 몹시도 끌렸지만 그는 연인을 잊을 수 없으며 다시 찾고자 한다.
Morel's Invention
A castaway arrives on an island. He thinks it's uninhabited, but he sees a palace with also a hidden room. Soon he sees some people walking, dressed with old-fashioned clothes. He is afraid because people don't see him, like a ghost.
이 영화는 남편 제이슨이 더 이상 자신을 사랑하지 않으며 코린트 왕의 딸 크레우사와 결혼하기를 바란다는 것을 알게 된 여자 마법사 메데아의 이야기이다. 메데아는 복수하기로 결심하고 크레우사와 자신이 제이슨에게 낳아준 두 아들을 독살할 책략을 꾸민다.
처녀의 침대
Tortured woman
성경의 알레고리를 느슨하게 차용한 작품으로, 당대를 대표하던 패션모델이자 아티스트, 뮤지션인 주주가 막달레나 마리아로 분하며, 피에르 클레멘티가 예수 역을 맡았다. 감독 자신은 직접 엇나가는 제자로 출연한다. 필립 가렐은 당대의 68운동을 상징하는 인물로서 예수를 ‘궁극의 히피’로 내세운다.
Positano is an island of the Amalfi Coast that Neptune would have, according to legend, created for the love of a nymph. Perched on the rocks of the island, the house of Frédéric Pardo and Tina Aumont became in 1968 a meeting place for the underground community. Pierre Clémenti stays there for a while and makes images of dazzling sensuality. Beyond Pierre Clémenti's intimate love of these faces and bodies often naked in this Mediterranean landscape, the film reveals the moving beauty of a utopia where living together could still be achieved in a territory of sharing and permanent creation. Flow of perceptions of consciousness, visual impressions, physical impregnations, the work of Pierre Clémenti is an ode to sensuality and "life-cinema".
The Revolution Is Only a Beginning. Let's Continue Fighting.
Half family photo album, half ciné-tract, the film was shot in Paris during the events of May ‘68 and in Rome where the actor was featuring in the film Partner by Bertolucci. Rediscovered in a basement in 1999, this silent film appears to be one of Clémenti’s most purely beautiful and concentrated works, at times recalling Brakhage and Eisenstein. - MUBI
Chromo sud
One of the very few films made by Etienne O'Leary, all of which emerged from the French underground circa 1968 and can be very loosely designated 'diary films.' Like the contemporaneous films by O'Leary's more famous friend Pierre Clementi, they trippily document the drug-drenched hedonism of that era's dandies. O'Leary worked with an intoxicating style that foregrounded rapid and even subliminal cutting, dense layering of superimposed images and a spontaneous notebook type shooting style. Yet even if much of O'Leary's material was initially 'diaristic,' depicting the friends, lovers, and places that he encountered in his private life, the metamorphoses it underwent during editing transformed it into a series of ambiguously fictionalized, sometimes darkly sexual fantasias. - Experimental Film Club
Heads and Tales
Directed by a friend of Étienne O'Leary, this film missive, whose words are images, was held in very high esteem by Pierre Clémenti.
Homeo is a mental construction made from visual reality, just as music is made from auditive reality. I put in this film no personal intentions. All my intentions are personal. I’ve made this film thinking of what the audience would have liked to see, not something specific that I wanted to say: what the film depicts is above all reality, not fiction. Homeo is, for me, the search for an autonomous cinematographic language, which doesn't owe anything to traditional narrative, or maybe everything. Cinema is, above all, part of a way of life which will become more and more self-assured in the years and century to come. We are part of this change, and that’s why I tried in Homeo to establish a series of perpetual changes, in constant evolution or regress, which tries, above all, to focus on things.
Roméos et jupettes
Roméos et jupettes reflects on fashion and on letters written by women’s magazines readers.
결혼한 여자
Girl in Swimming Pool
샬롯뜨는 애인을 가지고 있는 결혼한 여자이다. 그녀는 그녀의 애인에게 이혼할 계획이라고 말하지만 뜻하지않게 임신을 하게 되고, 그것으로 그녀의 이혼에 대한 생각이 흔들리기 시작하는데...