Manny is summoned by the police and shown photos of himself being watched by a girl he doesn't know. He goes looking for her, they get involved and he disappears. Or so it may seem. An Israeli story about fluid borders and troubled minds.
Manny is summoned by the police and shown photos of himself being watched by a girl he doesn't know. He goes looking for her, they get involved and he disappears. Or so it may seem. An Israeli story about fluid borders and troubled minds.
Danni Hoffman
Two pairs of assassins are sent by a holocaust survivor's son to bring the last Nazi for a show trial in Israel.
Skin Deep is a tragic comedy of a destined loser who will do anything to prove that the destiny is wrong. A story of a hopeless romantic who wants to surprise his love one with a tattoo on his left arm carrying her name, and ends up by surprising her with another lover. Now he has tow options: abandon his belief in an eternal love or find another girl with the same name.
Israeli short films mini-series.
Israeli short films mini-series.
Israeli short films mini-series.
Teacher Mounitz
The year is 1999 and the storyline is actually a number of sub-plots all revolving around the 13-year old Clara, a girl that can predict the future and has telekinetic powers. The sub-plots include a boy in her class who has a crush on her, his family, her family and her principal that keeps talking French for some strange reason.
Hahamishia Hakamerit (Hebrew: החמישייה הקאמרית, The Kameri Quintet) was a weekly Israeli satirical sketch comedy television program created by Asaf Tzipor, who was also the main writer of the show, and Eitan Tzur, who directed the entire run of the show. Hahamishia Hakamerit was broadcast on Israeli Channel 2 and Channel 1 between the years 1993-1997. Later on, reruns of the show were broadcast on the cable channel Bip (channel). The show's often surreal skits were characterized by a satirical point of view which did not spare the audience sensitive subjects such as politics, national security, the Holocaust and sex.
Hahamishia Hakamerit (Hebrew: החמישייה הקאמרית, The Kameri Quintet) was a weekly Israeli satirical sketch comedy television program created by Asaf Tzipor, who was also the main writer of the show, and Eitan Tzur, who directed the entire run of the show. Hahamishia Hakamerit was broadcast on Israeli Channel 2 and Channel 1 between the years 1993-1997. Later on, reruns of the show were broadcast on the cable channel Bip (channel). The show's often surreal skits were characterized by a satirical point of view which did not spare the audience sensitive subjects such as politics, national security, the Holocaust and sex.
Hahamishia Hakamerit (Hebrew: החמישייה הקאמרית, The Kameri Quintet) was a weekly Israeli satirical sketch comedy television program created by Asaf Tzipor, who was also the main writer of the show, and Eitan Tzur, who directed the entire run of the show. Hahamishia Hakamerit was broadcast on Israeli Channel 2 and Channel 1 between the years 1993-1997. Later on, reruns of the show were broadcast on the cable channel Bip (channel). The show's often surreal skits were characterized by a satirical point of view which did not spare the audience sensitive subjects such as politics, national security, the Holocaust and sex.
1983년 텔아비브. 차 한대가 인적이 드문 거리에 고장이 나서 서 있다. 두 명의 젊은이가 장관 공관을 감시하는 모사드 예비시험을 치르고 있는 중이다. 그러나 그들은 경찰에 연행되고 구타당하며 고문받고 곧 석방된다. 그 중의 한 명이 프랑스인 아리엘 브레너다. 그는 그의 18살 생일을 지내자 마자 그의 누이동생과 가족 그리고 파리에 있는 집에 말 한마디 없이 이스라엘로 온다. 그의 목적은 전설적인 모사드의 요원이 되는 것이다. 4년 동안 그는 교관인 '요씨'로부터 힘든 훈련을 끝내고 파리에서 이스라엘에 위협이 되는 핵 연구를 하는 핵물리학자를 포섭하는 임무를 책임지고 공작을 했지만 실패를 하고 결국 공작을 음모와 모략에 뛰어난 선배 공작원 '요씨'에게 넘기고 만다. 요씨는 유명한 뮌헨 복수조의 ?? 요원이었는데 그는 아리엘을 계속 곤경에 빠뜨린다. 이 공작에서 아리엘은 실패를 하지만 애틋한 사랑의 감정을 미인계로 썼던 콜걸 '마리'에게서 느끼게 되고 공작 실패 후 사라져버린 '마리'를 그리워 하게 된다. 미국 워싱턴으로 온 아리엘은 미국에서 정보수집을 하는 미국인 '펠만'과 공작을 하지만 '펠만'의 뜻하지 않은 실수로 정체가 노출되면서 이 공작 마저 실패하게 된다. 실패한 미국정보원 '펠만'을 이스라엘은 잔인하게 외면하게 된다. 많은 음모와 계략이 판을 치는 첩보 세계의 모든 기술에 익숙해진 아리엘은 이미 모사드의 뛰어난 전문가가 되어 있었다. 점점 그는 실수가 용납되지 않으며 신이 아니라 운명이 지배하는 세계에 대해 회의를 느끼기 시작한다. 운명이었는지 그는 그토록 그리워 했던 여인 '마리'를 공항에서 우연히 만나게 되는데.
1921년 부다페스트에서 저명한 극작가의 딸로 태어난 한나(Hanna: 마르슈카 데트머스 분)는 히틀러의 유태인 탄압으로 작가의 꿈을 단념하고 팔레스타인 농과 대학에 입학한다. 한나는 제2차 세계대전이 전 유럽을 휩쓸 때 영국 공군 소속 특공대에 가입하여 맹훈련을 받은 후, 유고슬라비아로 투하된다. 이반 소령의 도움으로 헝가리 국경으로 향하던 한나는 독일군에게 잡혀 독방에 감금된다. 모진 고문을 견디지 못한 한나는 자신의 이름을 자백하게 되나, 체포당한 어머니와 함께 잔인한 고문을 이겨낸다. 드디어 소련군이 헝가리 국경으로 진주해 온다. 재판에 회부된 한나에게 예상대로 유죄 판결이 내려진다.
Can Fear be a self fulfilling prophecy? A husband, a wife and their best friend return from a ski vacation. The husband suspects that his wife has fallen in love with the friend. He confronts his friend rather than his wife. The friend dismisses the accusation. Is he lying? and if not, how will these doubts affect him, and will he view the wife differently from now on? And the wife: Is she indeed in love? if so, will she do something about it? If not, will she sense the suspicions around her? could she not? And the husband: should he discover that he was wrong, would he be able to stop that which he had begun with mere words? An anxiety that settled in the mind of one, takes over his life and rocks the lives of two
Can Fear be a self fulfilling prophecy? A husband, a wife and their best friend return from a ski vacation. The husband suspects that his wife has fallen in love with the friend. He confronts his friend rather than his wife. The friend dismisses the accusation. Is he lying? and if not, how will these doubts affect him, and will he view the wife differently from now on? And the wife: Is she indeed in love? if so, will she do something about it? If not, will she sense the suspicions around her? could she not? And the husband: should he discover that he was wrong, would he be able to stop that which he had begun with mere words? An anxiety that settled in the mind of one, takes over his life and rocks the lives of two