A quirky romantic dramedy that tells the story of a girl who believes in relationships and marriage, and who falls for a comic book and superhero-loving man who does not share her same beliefs.
A quirky romantic dramedy that tells the story of a girl who believes in relationships and marriage, and who falls for a comic book and superhero-loving man who does not share her same beliefs.
Alexis and Jonathan are two brothers from Puerto Rico that were separated after a terrible family tragedy. After 17 years, Alexis has become a doctor while Jonathan has become entangled with a dangerous group of people. One day, suddenly, Alexis packs up his things and moves to Los Angeles on a mission to reconnect with his long lost brother. The two brothers meet and are forced to face their past, themselves and try to restore the bonds of brotherhood.
Alexis and Jonathan are two brothers from Puerto Rico that were separated after a terrible family tragedy. After 17 years, Alexis has become a doctor while Jonathan has become entangled with a dangerous group of people. One day, suddenly, Alexis packs up his things and moves to Los Angeles on a mission to reconnect with his long lost brother. The two brothers meet and are forced to face their past, themselves and try to restore the bonds of brotherhood.
Alexis and Jonathan are two brothers from Puerto Rico that were separated after a terrible family tragedy. After 17 years, Alexis has become a doctor while Jonathan has become entangled with a dangerous group of people. One day, suddenly, Alexis packs up his things and moves to Los Angeles on a mission to reconnect with his long lost brother. The two brothers meet and are forced to face their past, themselves and try to restore the bonds of brotherhood.
A black comedy about Chalo, a lone security guard who acquires his first gamecock and discovers the bittersweet taste of friendship.
A Colombian ex-Air Force official, newly exiled to the U.S, becomes submerged in the Los Angeles underworld and tries to make a last ditch deal to save his family and himself.
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