It took Kaori Sakagami six years to receive permission for shooting her documentary in a Japanese prison. In a unique project, a limited number of inmates can participate in a therapeutic circle in order to understand the mental and social conditions of their behavior. Even after being released from prison, former inmates are supported by psychologists and social workers. What is remarkable in the process: the inmates learn to support each other and to open up toward the experiences of others.
Manami's mother died when she was a child. She moves to Okinawa, where her ailing aunt lives and she feels connected with her mother. Manami has always lacked self-confidence, but she becomes more positive after meeting Koa, a Vietnamese researcher following his dreams. But then Koa returns to Vietnam.
One might think that beautiful pictures, a compelling story, and brilliant movement are the three essential elements of a good animated film. The word "anima" from which animation is derived, as we all know, means "to breathe life into". And "life" means "limited time" and that there could be an approach that does not include any of the aforementioned "three elements". The result of several years of exploring new methods was an "animated film" that eschews the so-called "animated" structure. This film aims to visualize "shifting consciousness" through a method of filming in which approximately 5,000 pencil drawings are constantly overlapped"
A female office worker grows tired of her popular and attractive colleague's office affairs, and releases explicit footage of her as revenge.
Original Music Composer
Many people have forgotten what happened in Fukushima.
16살 치요코(모리카와 아오이)는 10년 전, 교통사고로 엄마를 잃었다. 아빠도 고모도 함께 지내지만 자신이 가장 의지 할 수 있는 것은 자매처럼 지낸 반려견 줄리에타 뿐. 그 줄리에타도 엄마 곁으로 가버린지 반 년이나 되었다. 개가 되고 싶은 치요코는 우연히 학교 선배이자 영화부였던 마사무네(스다 마사키)와 함께 좋아하는 영화 속의 주인공처럼 여행을 하며 그들의 영화를 찍게 되는데...
Erotic suspense depicting the dangerous love revenge drama created by the Internet society. Mari, who aims to become an actress, meets Joichiro on SNS, which she started as a distraction, and falls in love. As he gets closer, he demands naked photos and videos, and Mari tries to respond ...
Original Music Composer
After the 11 March 2011 tsunami and nuclear disaster, residents of Futaba, a town in Fukushima Prefecture, are relocated to an abandoned high school in a suburb of Tokyo, 150 miles south. With a clear and compassionate eye, filmmaker Atsushi Funahashi follows the displaced people as they struggle to adapt to their new environment. Among the vivid personalities who emerge are the town mayor, a Moses without a Promised Land; and a farmer who would rather defy the government than abandon his cows to certain starvation.
Yasuko and Shizuka, friends and coworkers, come to be so much more after a terrible incident involving Shizuka’s boyfriend. After an intense fight that left Shizuka with a black eye, she takes her revenge by bludgeoning her boyfriend in the head, leaving his lifeless body on the bathroom floor. Yasuko pledges her support to Shizuka and tells her its all going to be ok, and that she will help take care of the body. The two women share a bed while staying with Yasuko’s sister, and things start to get hot and heavy.
Original Music Composer
A French couple has been living in Lisbon for years, and they return to Paris for a friend's wedding. They announce to another friend they are having dinner with that they are going to split.
Satoko, a married woman who repeats flings using a dating site using her mobile phone. One day, she meets Atsushi, a designer blinded by an accident, and suddenly begins to take care of him and love grows between them.
Original Music Composer
전후 프랑스 문학의 문제적 작가 마르그리트 뒤라스의 각본으로 현대 영화의 거장 알랭 레네가 연출한 1959년작 을 리메이크하기로 한 스와 노부히로 감독은 주연을 맡을 프랑스 배우 베아트리스 달과 시나리오 작가 마치다 코 등을 만난다. 히로시마 출신이기도 한 스와가 다큐멘터리의 형식을 빌어 을 리메이크하려는 과정을 담았다. 이야기 속에서 기억을 되돌아보고 과거를 대담하게 재구성한 스와는 과거와 현재는 물론, 픽션과 다큐멘터리의 경계까지도 무너뜨린다. © Wowow Inc.(Japan) (2018년 영화의 전당)
남자(미우라 토모카즈 분)와 여자(와타나베 미키코 분)의 커플이 있다. 두 사람은 결혼하지 않고 서로를 구속하지 않은 채 함께 살고 있다. 남자에게는 헤어진 처와의 사이에 여덟살난 아들이 있었다. 어느날 두 사람의 삶에 이 남자아이가 끼어든다. 아이가 끼어듦으로써 남자와 여자에게 아버지와 어머니의 역할이 주어지고 그때까지 자유로웠던 두 사람의 관계는 흔들리기 시작한다.