Rosa María Sardà
출생 : 1941-07-30, Barcelona, Spain
사망 : 2020-06-11
Rosa Maria Sardà (30 July 1941 - 11 June 2020) was a Spanish Catalan actress and comedian.
Eva, a young and promising Spanish lawyer based in Edinburgh, sees her wedding plans with the heir to an important and ultra-conservative Scottish family in jeopardy when she learns that her grandmother, Sofía, has decided to marry…
Rosa Rosales
After her experiences in Nazi Germany, actress Macarena Granada traveled to Hollywood, where she became a star. In the 1950s, the diva returns to Francoist Spain to star a Hollywood blockbuster about Queen Isabella I of Castile. (A sequel to The Girl of Your Dreams, 1998.)
바스크 지역 출신인 주인공은 딸이 카탈루냐 지역 출신과 결혼하는 것을 막으려고 특단의 조치를 감행한다.
Two unemployed detectives with conflicting ideologies meet a rogue and seductive gypsy who proposes them a crazy mission. After that, their luck will change for the worse.
In the district of Gracia, in Barcelona, a nasty old woman shares a flat with a young man, non-conformist. The guy is struggling to find his place in the world. Neither of them let themselves being intimidated, though she holds the power and the young only illusions. The old woman has given up her dreams and the young man is discovering them. A perpetual fight without truce, although both need themselves. Humor, tenderness, agility, great neighbors, a neighborhood of young people, a beautiful girl and a powerful sound track. The positive side of life.
The title refers to those strange coincidences that happen to us sometimes and that seem inevitable, like a product of destiny. Inspired by the experience of a Canarian child victim of cancer, the film is conceived as a Christmas story.
6 characters—contemporary archetypes of urban solitude—in an old Barcelona building: an old husband and wife, her sister, and 3 tenants: a teacher of French, a young ex-footballer, now security guard, and a pregnant Latin American girl.
Victor works in a real estate agency in the well-known Chueca neighborhood of Madrid. He hides a terrible secret: he makes apartments available for sale by murdering the old ladies owners that live in them. Then, refurbishes and decorates the apartments to sell them to gay couples with high purchasing power. His ultimate objective is to transform Chueca into a kind of London Soho area.
Presentadora Premios Murillo
One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...
빠꼬(안토니오 레시네스)는 이따금씩 들어오는 수입으로 먹고 사는 '3류 킬러'로 머리엔 비듬이 그득한데다가 빚 투성이인 중년을 훌쩍 넘긴 그런 인물. 그가 살고 있는 지방 도시의 '비토 꼴레오네로(대부)'로 불리는 돈 로드리고(마누엘 알렉산드레)는 그 빚쟁이들 중 하나이다. 빠꼬가 빚을 갚기를 기다리기에 지친 로드리고는 두 가지 대안을 제시한다. 총을 맞아 죽던지 아니면 그 일에 끼어들 만한 재능이라고는 전혀 보이지 않는 어리버리 하면서도 기본적인 개념조차 없어 보이는 청년이자 그의 조카인 알렉스(조르디 빌체스)에게 일을 가르치는 것. 빠꼬는 자존심이 심하게 상하지만 어쩔 수 없이 두번째 조건을 선택하게 된다. 알렉스를 떠맡게 된 첫날, 빠코는 울적한 마음에 단골 술집을 찾게 되고, 그 곳에서 자신의 신분을 숨기는 노인에게 억만장자의 상속녀인 정육점 여주인 아라미스(로사 마리아 사르다)를 유괴해 두둑한 몸값을 받아내는 일을 제안받게 된다. 그러나 설상가상 알렉스가 술집에서 눈이 맞은 여종업원 따띠아나(엘레나 아나야)를 막무가내로 그 일에 끌어들이고 그들은 천신만고 끝에 납치에 성공하게 된다. 하지만 얼마 지나지 않아 그 일을 의뢰한 노인의 말이 모두 거짓임이 밝혀지고 빠코는 인질을 풀어주게 된다. 하지만 그의 킬러 인생(?)이 항상 그랬듯이 이 일로 인해 빠코와 알렉스, 아라미스는 상상도 못한 험난한 앞날을 맞이하게 되는데...
Madre de Elvira
In 1945 Spain a young man with Nazi contacts fell in love with a left wing family woman.
1938년의 봄. 나를 둘러싼 모든 것은 낯설고 힘들었다…
1938년의 봄, 스페인은 파시즘과 반 파시즘의 대립이 불러일으킨 내전의 폭풍에 휘말려있다.
이런 격동의 시기에 엄마와 함께 고향인 스페인의 시골마을로 여행을 떠나온 열두살 소녀 캐롤. 하지만 엄마는 이 곳에서 어린 캐롤을 남겨두고 세상을 떠난다. 또한 미국인인 캐롤의 아빠는 ‘국제여단’ 소속의 비행사로 전쟁 중이라 그녀에게 올 수 있는 상황이 아니다.
파시스트들이 가득한 마을의 따가운 시선에도 외할아버지는 캐롤을 감싸주려고 하지만, 결국 파시스트 남편을 둔 큰엄마의 집에 맡겨지게 된다. 약속해주세요... 비밀로 해주실거죠?
마을에 소문난 개구장이인 토미체를 만나게 된 캐롤은 토미체의 친구들과 함께 어울려 다니며 낯선 스페인에 꿋꿋하게 적응해간다.
하지만, 엄마의 죽음을 전쟁 중인 아빠에게 알리고 싶지 않은 캐롤은 엄마의 선생님이었던 마루하 아줌마와 토미체의 도움으로 아빠에게 엄마인 척 편지를 보낸다. 토미체는 개구장이지만 왠지 끌린다…내게 뽀뽀할 용기가 있을까?
마을사람들이 파시스트들에 의해 밤마다 처형되는 살벌한 현실 속에서도 토미체와 캐롤 그리고 친구들은 즐거운 추억과 사랑을 만들어간다. 함께 어울려 들판을 가로지르며 뛰어놀고, 둘만의 아지트를 만들어 함께 영어공부도 하며 행복한 시간을 보낸다.
하지만, 그러던 중에 스페인 내전은 파시스트 정권인 프랑코 장군의 승리로 끝나고, ‘국제여단’소속의 비행사인 캐롤의 아빠는 캐롤을 만나기 위해 위험을 무릅쓰고 캐롤이 있는 마을로 향하는데…
A fourteen year old lad discovers his first love at the point of his pencil whilst drawing the portrait of a sickly but coquettish fifteen year old girl. In the neighbourhood an old freedom-fighter pits himself against bad types, a pretty cinema-ticket girl takes to the streets at night and a young anarchist dedicates himself to telling tall stories. Far away, in Shanghai, a hero of the Republic meets a beautiful femme fatal with oriental eyes. Reality and fiction become fused in an embrace.
Sofia introduces her three adult daughters to her new lover who is their age and happens to be a woman. The women, in particular Elvira find it extremely difficult to accept their mothers sudden apparent sexual reversal. The news pushes the neurotic Elvira to the point of nervous breakdown. Sol, the youngest daughter, writes a lude rock song about it and performs in front of them at a concert. The daughters plot together on how to get their mothers new girlfriend, a native Czech, and brilliant pianist, out of her life. Their plot goes terribly wrong and turns the film from a light-hearted comedy, into mildly amusing drama.
A movie script is presented to Isabel. After reading it she realizes it's based on an old love affair she had with movie director Mario Fabra, the author of the script.
뒷돈은 용돈, 뇌물은 노후자금이라는 믿음으로 20년 간 활동한 베테랑 경찰 또랑뜨는 그만 하룻밤의 도박으로 전 재산을 날려버린다. 하는 수 없이 또랑뜨는 빚 청산을 위해 사설탐정학교를 차리고 어리숙한 학생들을 갈취하고, 여사님들의 불륜 뒷조사를 시작한다. 그런데 어느 날, 그의 앞에 미사일로 도시 전체를 불바다로 만들겠다는 테러범이 등장한다. 이 테러범을 잡는 순간, 엄청난 현상금이 떨어진다는 사실을 알아차린 또랑뜨! 이제 빚 청산을 위한 죽기 살기 테러범 소탕 작전이 시작된다!
Fifty-something widow Anita loses her lifetime dream job as a cinema attendant when the new owner wants to tear down the old theater and build a trendy multiplex in its stead. Depressed at first, Anita finds comfort in watching the shirtless hunks on the theater's construction site. She befriends a married excavator operator, Antonio, and the two start their secret candlelit trysts in the site's office cabin. But soon Anita learns that excavators are only needed in the early phase of a construction project...
Rosa's Mother
간호사인 마누엘라는 문학을 좋아하는 아들 에스테반과 단둘이서 산다. 마누엘라의 생일을 맞이해서 에스테반은 엄마에게 연극 <욕망이라는 이름의 전차>를 보여주는데, 연극이 마친 후 마뉴엘라는 에스테반에게 스탠리역을 했던 에스테반의 아빠와 이 연극을 공연했다는 이야기를 한다. 아빠에 대한 이야기를 처음 들은 에스테반은 아빠를 보고 싶어하는데...
Based on a work of Josep Maria Benet i Jornet entitled "Testament", the film tells the story of an aging professor of medieval literature with the dilemma of deciding who will inherit his essay on "The Book of friend and loved" by Ramon Llull. Feeling near death as a result of illness, he discovers that the ideal person is a young and intelligent student he is in love with and who is dedicated to male prostitution.
Rosa Rosales
A company of Spanish movie makers leaves Franco's Spain and moves to Hitler's Germany to make a film in co-production. Soon some problems start to arise...
The eroticism exudes in the eleven interconnected stories that recount difficult relationships and violent sexuality
An Andalusian duchess has the dilemma of what to do with a grove, whether to convert it into a natural reserve or to make a luxury urbanization. The duchess, who is torn between her aristocratic privileges and a social commitment that has cost her more than one dislike in the past, must make a decision about her lands, to which she wants to get some money without harming the people. On the other hand, An ambitious Basque financier, Antónón Ibarrondo, intends to build a luxury urbanization in the Marbella style in the grove. Around the duchess, the businessman, environmentalists and other members in the conflict, problems begin to arise and everything will be decided in a referendum, convened with the idea that it is the people who decide, which coincides with the annual celebration of the Pilgrimage del Pueblo.With a cast "
Mommy's boy Juantxo is engaged. Dragged to the party by his friends Konradin and Paco, he loses his expensive wedding ring inside the body of a prostitute. Mafioso whorehouse owner Villambrosa finds the ring. Meanwhile Villambrosa's rival gangster Souza sends femme fatale Fatima to check things out. Juantxo and his friends are trying to get the ring back and in the process get involved in the war between gangs.
Assumpta Roca
In order to prepare for her role as a certain well-known actress, a young woman has lengthy conversations with three different actresses who were good friends with the famous star. Emerging from these conversations are three equally different versions of the past and the events that shaped their lives and careers. This cinematic adaptation of a theatrical work is true to the original, but does not stray far from a theatrical rendering of the story.
Luis, a Spanish student, goes to London to get a course in Economics. He lives at a house the neighbor of her aunt, but when she broke up with her husband, Luis goes to live with her.
Ana and Marta are good friends but very different women. Ana is a housewife whereas Marta is an agressive lawyer, single and very independent. Ana is married to Santi and after a crisis she proposed Marta to be the lover of her husband to save her matrimony. Santi does not suspect anything and the triangle works fine during years... till Santi begins to go out with another person.
After the death of the abbot of a small convent the two monks who are left discover among the papers of the passed away abbot letters from the mother of one of them indicating that he is the natural son of a landowner in Extremadura. In order to claim the legacy of his friend the monk who has lived outside the convent for some time plans their voyage to the property of his father picking up on their way his daughter and lover. Once in Extremadura things look a little different to what the plans say.
Ama de llaves
The relationship that botanist Angel establishes in his mind between plants, their stems, petals and pistils and the legs and feet of women, is the common thread of a plot that mixes sexual passion, love, greed and picaresque through a study of characters and situations.
Pablo is a twenty-year-old man who wants to be a musician in order to be appreciated by his mother and find a male partner he can share his love with. He finds one, but because of his demanding behaviour, he is soon alone again. He tries to become a French horn player in the Youth Spain National Orchestra, but the examiner turns out to be his father, who's been living apart from his family and doesn't really accept Pablo's sexual trends. Once Pablo fails in his exam, he feels very depressed. When another French horn player from Valencia hasn't got a place to sleep, Pablo takes him home to his house. The next morning, however, he finds a girl named Salome inside of his bed.
The argument between Enrique and Javier, his best friend and Marta's husband, his lover, ends with the accidental death of Javier. Faced with the difficulty of proving his innocence, Enrique decides to start, along with Marta and the corpse of Javier, a trip without direction.
Catalina Foix
Gloria is a porn artist that performs live-sex. When his mate gets sick he brings her a young substitute, Manu. The boy works surprisingly well and then Gloria decides to go into business with him. Things get complicated when Gloria discovers that Manu is in trouble because of his gambling debts.
Montserrat Fils
She wanted to be rich, to have lovers, to go to Barcelona: but Montserrateta had to make do with living in a village in the Pyrenees, with her boyfriend, and milking cows on her parents' farm, until one day, she finds a lottery ticket.
Cuqui Planchadell
A peculiar family, which owns a nougat factory, decides to set out on a trip to Madrid in order to advertise its products in a Food Fair. Besides the disapproval from the family head and company founder, events are not as expected.
Baby Jane
While a radio show is on air, wild things happen.
In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.
In a small Catalan village take advantage of the visit of an ecclesiastical authority of Rome, during vacations, to organize a conference on the topic of religion and sex. This causes the people to divide into two camps, those who favor and those against the "Congress", until finally after a series of negotiations between both sides, we arrive at consensus. A large mosaic of characters carry the story to end happily, through critical situations with the conservative church.
Silvia travels to the big city where she meets a married man, with whom she ends up having a romantic relationship.