Rosemary Leach

Rosemary Leach

출생 : 1935-12-18, Much Wenlock, Shropshire, England, UK

사망 : 2017-10-21


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rosemary Leach (18 December 1935 – 21 October 2017) was a British stage, television and film actress and singer. She was born at Much Wenlock, Shropshire. Her parents were teachers related to Edmund Leach. She attended grammar school and RADA. After appearing in repertory theatres and the Old Vic she became well known to UK TV viewers between 1965-69 for playing Susan Wheldon, the mistress of building tycoon John Wilder (Patrick Wymark) in the TV boardroom drama The Power Game. Subsequently she became a familiar face on British television. In 1973, she played Aldonza/Dulcinea in the BBC production of Don Quixote (retitled The Adventures of Don Quixote), starring Rex Harrison and Frank Finlay. In 1981 she played Emilia opposite Bob Hoskins's Iago in the BBC Shakespeare's production of Othello. In 1982 she played Aunt Fenny in The Jewel in the Crown. Rosemary played a leading role as smitten Joan Plumleigh-Bruce in the six part ITV 1987 production of The Charmer (TV series) which starred Nigel Havers. In 1987, she was nominated for BAFTA's Best Supporting Actress for A Room with a View (1985). In 1992, Leach starred in An Ungentlemanly Act, a BBC television film about the first days of the invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982, portraying the real-life Lady Mavis Hunt, wife of the islands' then-governor, Sir Rex Hunt. Leach plays the part of Anna in BBC Radio 4's No Commitments, and Susan Harper's mother in My Family. She made a guest appearance as 'Bessie' on Waterloo Road (the TV series), in Series 3 Spring Term. Since 1994, she has made occasional appearances in The Archers as Ellen Rogers, the ex-pat aunt of Nigel Pargetter. In 2001 Leach played a leading role as a charming murderess in Destroying Angel, an episode of Midsomer Murders. Recently she has played Queen Elizabeth II three times: in the 2002 television movie Prince William; in a 2006 updated edition of The Afternoon Play, entitled Tea with Betty; and in 2009's Margaret. Description above from the Wikipedia article Rosemary Leach, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

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Rosemary Leach

참여 작품

May I Kill U?
A PC becomes a vigilante after a head trauma.
고스트 패밀리: 구출 대작전
The Queen
1919년, 크래기 포드 고아원 옥상에서 장난을 치다 떨어져 죽은 험프리. 그는 유령이 되어 고아원 지하에서 살던 유령들과 한 가족이 된다. 옛 스코틀랜드 전투에서 다리를 잃은 아빠 해미쉬, 자매들과 함께 참수당한 엄마 메이블, 마녀로 몰려 익사한 누나 위니프리드, 인간 탄환으로 목숨을 잃은 형 조지와 함께. 92년 뒤 어느 날, 총리의 재선을 위한 재건 프로젝트로 험프리네 가족뿐만 아니라 전국에 퍼져있던 전 세계 유령들이 한 순간에 집을 잃고 쫓겨난다. 최악의 위기 속에서 험프리와 그의 가족은 앞장서서 런던 의회로 쳐들어 가는데…
Mission London
Miss Cunningham
A concert to celebrate Bulgaria joining the EU is being planned at the Embassy in London and it is the job of VARADIN, the new ambassador, to ensure the Queen attends. But with corrupt staff, criminal gangs operating out of the kitchen, falling in love with a stripper and a little misunderstanding with a PR firm that provides look-alike royalties - his simple task turns into a chaotic nightmare.
The Queen
A detailed and compelling portrait of one of the most formidable characters in British politics as she faces her final days in power. The year is 1990 and Margaret Thatcher's support within the government is wavering - her hold on the premiership hangs in the balance. Then, long-serving politician Sir Geoffrey Howe resigns over Thatcher's attitude to Europe. His resignation speech sparks a chain of events that leads to the overthrow of Britain's first woman prime minister. This modern dramatic tragedy illustrates the strengths and fatal flaws of this iconic woman more clearly than ever before and reveals how the very aspects of her character that helped her secure power are the ones that ensured her downfall. Drama starring Lindsay Duncan.
Prince William
Queen Elizabeth
Prince William is the elder son of Britain's Prince Charles and if the late Diana, Princess of Wales. After his father, he is next in line to the British throne. A biography of his journey so far....
The Baroness and the Pig
A rich American woman and her French husband start a Parisian salon.
Back Home
Mrs. Dickinson
The war in Europe is over, but the one at home has only just begun. The Second World War is ending and throughout Britain, evacuees are returning home to their families - but not the families they remember. Like so many other women, Peggy’s life has been transformed by the war. Living and working with good friends, she is happier than she has been for years. Yet Peggy’s life is not the only one changed by the war. Her daughter, Rusty, has just returned from the U.S., where she has been living as an evacuee for the last five years. After so long abroad, her home in England has become unrecognizable. Just as Peggy begins to restore normal family bonds, her husband returns from the war, damaged and desperate to make everything as it was before. Adapted from the novel by Michelle Magorian, author of Goodnight, Mister Tom, Back Home is the story of a family who struggle to make sense of their new lives in a world irrevocably altered by the far-reaching effects of war.
Mrs. Henshaw
A beautiful psychiatrist befriends an abused patient, ultimately leading to lust and murder.
Whatever Happened to Harold Smith?
Harold's Mother
It's 1976, and Vinny is a confused teenager who can't decide whether he is a disco king or a proto punk rocker.
Bloodlines: Legacy of a Lord
Follows the discoveries of reporters after the disappearance of the 7th Earl of Lucan, Richard John Bingham after the murder of his children's nanny.
Blood and Peaches
Racial problems in Yorkshire
The Hawk
Mrs Marsh
Housewife Annie Marsh suspects her husband might be The Hawk, a brutal serial killer. Complicating matters is the fact that she once was incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital. When she discovers she does not have the happy marriage she always believed and begins to piece together the times and dates of her husband's frequent absences, her fears begin to take hold, and her sanity deteriorates.
Tender Loving Care
Night nurse Elaine Dobbs may be overworked and underpaid, but she has created a very special atmosphere in her ward and is extremely attentive to her patients. However, rather too many of them are dying.Inspired by the real-life case of four nurses in Austria who were tried for the murder of 42 patients in their care, this chilling drama stars comedian Dawn French in her first serious role, as an apparently irreproachable carer.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
An opium-addicted choirmaster develops an obsession for a beautiful young girl and will not stop short of murder in order to have her.
An Ungentlemanly Act
Mavis Hunt
Based on actual accounts, this film portrays the days and hours before and during the invasion of the Falkland Islands by Argentina, which eventually lead to the Falklands War. As the Argentine forces land on the main island and make their way towards Government House, the handful of British defenders batten down the hatches and prepare to defend the Governor Rex Hunt, his family and their fellow islanders from the invaders.
The Winslow Boy
In pre-WW1 England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, but his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.
Across the Lake
Connie Robinson
Starring Anthony Hopkins as speed king Donald Campbell. This 1988 film set In 1967 when Campbell broke the 300mph water speed barrier in his beloved BlueBird k7. Unfortunately Campbell never survived the record as his boat hydroplaned out of the water and disintegrated on landing. Campbell's body was never found until 2001.
When We Are Married
Clara Soppitt
Three married couples discover that, through a legal technicality, they are, in fact, not actually married in the eyes of the law. This was the fifth television film version of this play by J.B. Priestley made by the BBC.
Still Crazy Like a Fox
Eleanor Trundle
Jack Warden is back as quirky detective Harry Fox, who becomes a suspect in a murder case while on holiday in England.
전망 좋은 방
Mrs. Honeychurch
여행지 피렌체에서 ‘전망 좋은 방’을 루시에게 양보한 조지는 충동적이고 열정적인 몽상가. 그녀의 약혼자는 여성을 예술품처럼 소유하려는 보수적인 세실. 관습과 자유로운 삶 사이에서 갈등하며 진정한 사랑을 선택하려는 루시. 고지식한 사촌 샬롯의 가이드 없이 그녀는 지도 밖으로의 여행을 시작한다.
자유를 찾아서
Mrs. Charlie Inchcliff
니어러 던컨(글렌다 잭슨)은 동물에 관한 아동용 책을 쓰는 작가 겸 삽화가다. 성공한 작가로 널리 알려졌지만 창작을 향한 에너지가 점차 고갈돼가는 듯하자 니어러는 초조하고 불안해진다. 한편 블룸스베리 서점에서 점원으로 일하는 윌리엄 스노우(벤 킹슬리)는 안락한 것과는 거리가 먼 생활을 하고 있다. 윌리엄이 살고 있는 낡고 초라한 하숙집에는 친절하고 다정다감한 인치클리프 부인과 우아하지만 어딘지 모르게 우울한 닙 양, 그리고 예의 없고 참을 수 없을 만큼 화를 돋우는 산도르가 함께 살고 있다. 영감을 얻기 위해 종종 동물원을 찾는 니어러는 대형수족관 앞에 서서 유리창을 통해 거북들을 바라보곤 한다. 서로 한 번도 만난 적은 없지만 니어러와 윌리엄은 둘 다 수족관에 갇혀 있는 거북들을 측은하게 여기는 마음을 갖고 있다. 두 사람은 제각각 수족관의 수석 사육사인 조지(마이클 갬본)에게 이 거북들을 바다에 풀어줄 가능성에 대해 질문을 던지고, 조지는 이들의 마음을 이해하는데 그치지 않고, 오히려 적극적으로 그 생각을 부채질한다. 니어러와 윌리엄은 점차 서로에 대해 알게 되고 조지의 도움으로 거북들을 바다에 풀어줄 계획을 짜기 시작한다. 윌리엄은 조지가 준 정보를 바탕으로 거북들을 바다까지 싣고 갈 나무상자도 만들고 차도 빌린다. 드디어 조지가 D-데이로 지정한 날, 니어러와 윌리엄은 동물원을 찾아가 거북들을 차에 싣는다. 그리고 조지와 함께 샴페인을 마시며 거북들의 자유를 위해 건배를 든다.석양 무렵, 자유의 몸이 된 거북들이 대서양의 파도 속으로 사라지자 니어러와 윌리엄은 기쁨에 휩싸여 포옹한다. 런던으로 돌아와 다시 각자의 생활로 복귀한 두 사람, 그러나 모든 게 그대로인 듯 보이지만 많이 달라져 있는데…
Displaced Person
Sister Agnes
Displaced Person is a 1985 Emmy award winning drama based on a short story by Kurt Vonnegut. It was directed by Alan Bridges and adapted by Fred Barron from a story in the Welcome to the Monkey House collection.
The 17th Bride
Based on Ladislav Grossman's novel "The Bride", this drama was filmed back in 1984 in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, then the crew stopped filming, because protagonist Lisa Hartman had to promote her feature film "Where The Boys Are '84" in the States and they finally finished it on location in Wasserburg, Germany!
플래그 독: 전염병을 옮기는 개
Vera (voice)
블랙 래브라도 개 로프와 폭스테리어 스니터는 영국 국립공원 지대의 한 동물 실험 연구소에서 온갖 잔인한 실험을 당하며 갇혀 지낸다. 그러던 어느 날 관리자가 로프의 철창을 실수로 열어두고 퇴근을 하자 스니터와 로프는 기회를 틈타 연구소를 탈출한다. 근처 농장에 양을 잡아먹으며 배고픔을 달래던 두 마리의 개는 우연히 영리한 여우를 만나서 야생동물로 살아가는 법을 배운다. 한편 마을에서는 전염병에 감염된 실험실 개들이 탈출하여 가축을 습격한다는 소문이 퍼지고 사태가 심각해지자 정부에서 직원과 군대까지 동원해 로프와 스니터를 사살하려 한다. 두 마리 개의 험난한 모험을 통해서 인간의 잔인성이 생생히 드러나는데... 는 리차드 아담스의 소설을 애니메이션으로 제작한 작품. 영국정부의 동물실험 연구소에서 탈출한 두마리의 개 ‘스니터’와 ‘로우프’는 간교한 여우 ‘토드’의 도움으로 야생에서 살아간다. 하지만 탈출한 개들이 전염병을 옮겨 양들이 계속해서 죽어나간다는 소문이 퍼지자, 정부당국은 개들을 사냥하기 위해 나서게 된다. 감독은 인간의 흉포함과 무자비함을 실험동물의 자유를 향한 순수한 몸부림의 여정을 통해 보여주고 있다. (부산시네마센터 2011 - [개관영화제]애니메이션 천국)
Iago and a comrade-in-arms are outside the Venice home of Desdemona's father, who does not yet know that she has eloped with Othello. Iago confides to his friend -- who had hoped to marry Desdemona -- that he serves Othello to further his own ends. Venice needs Othello to protect its commercial interests in Cyprus where the Turkish fleet is headed. Desdemona insists on going to Cyprus, too. In Cyprus, Iago plots to convince Othello that Desdemona has betrayed him with Cassio. A lot more than political ambition seems to be motivating Iago.
All's Well That Ends Well
Widow of Florence
Helena loves Bertram, but he's of noble birth, while she's just a doctor's daughter. But Bertram is at the court of the King of France, who is ill, and Helena has a remedy that might cure him and win her the right to marry Bertram. But does Bertram want to marry her?
S.O.S. 타이타닉
Mrs. Odgen (uncredited)
The Titanic disaster as seen through the eyes of one couple in each of the three classes on board.
Queen Victoria
Disraeli is a British four part serial about the great statesman and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Benjamin Disraeli.
Hindle Wakes
Mrs. Jeffcote
In the best play of 1912, the conventional morals and manners of a North England mill town are overthrown by a young woman with ideas far ahead of her time.
Tiptoe Through the Tulips
TV play by Beryl Bainbridge. Friends arrange a dinner party to introduce two single friends, Rita and Piers, neither of whom are particularly keen.
When Day Is Done
Rosemary Warne
A determined wife tries to rescue her musician husband from mounting problems caused by his complicated life style.
Mrs. Gaines
Two strangers, both married to others, meet in a railway station and soon find themselves in a brief but intense affair.
Ghost in the Noonday Sun
A pirate crewman kills his captain after learning where he has hidden his buried treasure. However, as he begins to lose his memory, he relies more and more on the ghost of the man he just murdered to help him find the loot.
댓 윌 비 더 데이
Mrs. MacLaine
Britain, 1958. Restless at school and bored with his life, Jim leaves home to take a series of low-level jobs at a seaside amusement park, where he discovers a world of cheap sex and petty crime. But when that world comes to a shockingly brutal end, Jim returns home. As the local music scene explodes, Jim must decide between a life of adult responsibility or a new phenomenon called rock & roll.
The Adventures Of Don Quixote
Dulcinea / Aldonza
A self-proclaimed "knight" and his hapless squire travel the Spanish countryside, attacking "giants" that are really windmills in his attempt to win the love of the fair Dulcinea.
John Mortimer's play about the tangled love life of an East London pub landlord.
Cider with Rosie
An enchanting tale of childhood in a sleepy Cotswold village during and immediately after the First World War.
The Wild Duck
Gina Ekdal, Hedvig's mother
A devestating, yet bracing look at a family whose proximity to each other belies the decay of their relationships, The Wild Duck is just as modern today as it was when first staged. When Gregors Werle comes to stay with the Ekdals, his idealist nature refuses to tolerate the dreamworld of lies the family is living. However, in his bid to force the Ekdals to see the truth, the skeletons he unearths destroy the family that he wanted to redeem.
Chariot of Fire
Shelley Mitchell
A prison visitor becomes involved with a convicted sex offender.
Michael Frayn play part of TV series The Wednesday Play.
Face of a Stranger
A man released from prison falls in love with the blind wife of a cellmate, whom he promised, when inside, to visit. He poses as the real husband, planning to kill him, but finds the wife is not so innocent as he thought.