Tyler is a surfer who constantly searches for good surfing spots. When he's traveling through Mexico, he finds one of the best places he has ever seen. He invites his brother Colin to join him and his friends in surfing the wild Mexican waves. Colin gathers 4 friends and leaves for Mexico but is surprised that nor his brother nor his brother's friends are there. They start realizing that there's something wrong with the beach, a curse that says that no one will leave the beach alive...
Kenneth Bianchi, one of the two serial rapists and killers who terrorized the Los Angeles area in the late 1970s, is giving police station interviews to psychiatrist Samantha Stone, who has disquieting lifestyle issues of her own. It falls to her to delve into the details of the case to determine the veracity of Bianchi's claims of multiple personality disorder, but in so doing, she is forced to relive the horrific crimes, one of which occurs at her very doorstep.
LA 지역의 거물 에디 내쉬의 저택에 침입하여 거액의 돈과 마약을 훔친 일당이 며칠 후 무자비하게 살해된 실화를 영화화 한 이야기. 당시 사건에 깊이 연루된 것으로 추정되는 전직 포르노 스타 존 홈즈와 그들 일당 중 한 사람인 데이빗 린드의 상반된 증언을 토대로 사건의 진실이 무엇인지 다루고 있다.