Hilla Medalia

참여 작품

전쟁이라는 살상 행위를 합리화하기 위해서는 도덕적 당위성이 필요하다. 이스라엘의 모든 남성과 여성은 만 18세가 되면 병역의무가 부과된다. 무력 동원의 명분을 얻기 위해 유대인으로서 핍박받은 역사, 중동의 지정학적 상황, ‘하나님의 의로움을 드러낸다’는 종교적 신앙까지 이용된다. 이 과정에서 의문을 품고, 정신적 고통에 괴로워하며, 종내 죽음에 이르는 수많은 젊은이들의 목소리는 외면된다. 병역 거부가 터부시되는 사회에서 군 복무 중 목숨을 끊은 외로운 아이들이 겪은 내적 갈등과 외적 압박을 섬세하게 묘사한다.
H2: 점령 실험
요르단강 서안지구 남쪽에 있는 팔레스타인 자치구 헤르본. 도시의 H2 구역은 이스라엘의 관리하에 놓여 있다. 이곳에 위치한 1킬로미터 길이의 거리는 유대인과 무슬림 모두의 성지이자, 군대를 활용한 민족 분리 정책이 처음으로 도입된 팔레스타인-이스타엘 분쟁의 축소판이다. 영화는 H2 구역을 담은 아카이브 영상과 인터뷰들로 지난 54년간 극도의 긴장과 불안을 만들어 온 점령 정책의 흔적을 보여준다.​
The Reason Why
In 1993, 16-year-old Hanit Kikos disappeared from Ofakim, Israel. A few days later, Suleiman al-Obeid Hoda was arrested, confessing that he raped and murdered her but gave conflicting confessions to investigators. 30 years after his imprisonment, the films with those involved in the affair shine a new light on the case.
Love & Stuff
Seven months after helping her terminally ill mother during the end of her life in home-hospice, filmmaker Judith Helfand becomes a "new old" single mother at 50. Overnight, she's pushed to deal with her stuff: 63 boxes of her parent's heirlooms overwhelming her office-turned-future-baby's room, the weight her mother had begged her to lose, and the reality of being a half century older than her daughter.
Transkids' follows four Israeli teenagers who go through transition in a militaristic society in which teenagers go to the army right after high-school, and religion plays a very strong role in people's identity and is not separated from the state.
Transkids' follows four Israeli teenagers who go through transition in a militaristic society in which teenagers go to the army right after high-school, and religion plays a very strong role in people's identity and is not separated from the state.
위기의 30대 여자들
중국에서 20대 중반이 되도록 아직 결혼하지 않고 정착하지 않은 교양 있고 국제적인 여성들을 어떻게 묘사하는지 보여주는 영화이다. 엄청난 압박 아래 결혼 시장, 중매쟁이, 정부 지원의 데이팅 이벤트 등 속에서 자신들만의 사랑을 찾으려 하는 세 여성을 따라간다.
위기의 30대 여자들
중국에서 20대 중반이 되도록 아직 결혼하지 않고 정착하지 않은 교양 있고 국제적인 여성들을 어떻게 묘사하는지 보여주는 영화이다. 엄청난 압박 아래 결혼 시장, 중매쟁이, 정부 지원의 데이팅 이벤트 등 속에서 자신들만의 사랑을 찾으려 하는 세 여성을 따라간다.
위기의 30대 여자들
중국에서 20대 중반이 되도록 아직 결혼하지 않고 정착하지 않은 교양 있고 국제적인 여성들을 어떻게 묘사하는지 보여주는 영화이다. 엄청난 압박 아래 결혼 시장, 중매쟁이, 정부 지원의 데이팅 이벤트 등 속에서 자신들만의 사랑을 찾으려 하는 세 여성을 따라간다.
Daughter of Shanghai
A documentary about the life of Tsai Chin, one of the first Chinese actresses to break into the West.
Shalom Italia
Executive Producer
Shalom Italia tells the story of three brothers, who set off on a journey to find a cave in the woods of Tuscany. The place where they, as children, hid to escape the Nazis. But more than a search to find a geographical location, the brothers are on their way to locate the common ground of memory, the nexus where the conflicting versions of their stories can come to rest.
Muhi – Generally Temporary
Muhi, a brave and funny Palestinian child, was born in Gaza with a rare, life-threatening medical condition. Confined to an Israeli hospital for the past seven years, his time is running out and Muhi now faces the most critical choices of his life.
Censored Voices
The 1967 'Six-Day' war ended with Israel's decisive victory; conquering Jerusalem, Gaza, Sinai and the West Bank. It is a war portrayed, to this day, as a righteous undertaking - a radiant emblem of Jewish pride. One week after the war, a group of young kibbutzniks, led by renowned author Amos Oz, recorded intimate conversations with soldiers returning from the battlefield. The recording revealed an honest look at the moment Israel turned from David to Goliath. The Israeli army censored the recordings, allowing the kibbutzniks to publish only a fragment of the conversations. 'Censored Voices' reveals the original recordings for the first time.
The Go-Go Boys: The Inside Story of Cannon Films
Cousins Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus relive the creation, rise and fall of their independent film company, Cannon Films. This documentary recounts their many successes and discusses their eventual downfall.
The Go-Go Boys: The Inside Story of Cannon Films
Cousins Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus relive the creation, rise and fall of their independent film company, Cannon Films. This documentary recounts their many successes and discusses their eventual downfall.
인터넷 중독자 수용소
China is the first country in the world to classify Internet addiction as a clinical disorder. Caught in the Net features a Beijing treatment center where Chinese teenagers are being "deprogrammed," and follows the story of three boys from the day they arrive at the center, to their three-month treatment period, and their long awaited return home. The film provides a microcosm of modern Chinese life and investigates one of the symptoms of the Internet age. It examines inter-generational pressures and the disregard of the human rights of minors who get caught in the net.
인터넷 중독자 수용소
China is the first country in the world to classify Internet addiction as a clinical disorder. Caught in the Net features a Beijing treatment center where Chinese teenagers are being "deprogrammed," and follows the story of three boys from the day they arrive at the center, to their three-month treatment period, and their long awaited return home. The film provides a microcosm of modern Chinese life and investigates one of the symptoms of the Internet age. It examines inter-generational pressures and the disregard of the human rights of minors who get caught in the net.
댄싱 인 자파
유명한 사교댄스 댄서인 피에르는 이스라엘의 팔레스타인, 유대인 두 커뮤니티가 정치적 문화적 차이를 극복하는데 춤이 매개역할을 할 것이라고 믿는다. 그는 두 커뮤니티의 아이들이 댄스교실에 참여하도록 하여, 이들이 함께 춤추는 댄스 교실을 연다. 그리고 피에르가 만든 댄스교실에서는 마법과 같은 일이 일어난다. (2014년 제11회 서울국제사랑영화제)
댄싱 인 자파
유명한 사교댄스 댄서인 피에르는 이스라엘의 팔레스타인, 유대인 두 커뮤니티가 정치적 문화적 차이를 극복하는데 춤이 매개역할을 할 것이라고 믿는다. 그는 두 커뮤니티의 아이들이 댄스교실에 참여하도록 하여, 이들이 함께 춤추는 댄스 교실을 연다. 그리고 피에르가 만든 댄스교실에서는 마법과 같은 일이 일어난다. (2014년 제11회 서울국제사랑영화제)
After the Storm
AFTER THE STORM is a feature-length documentary film that follows a group of New York Broadway actors who were inspired to help the youth of New Orleans. They stage a musical theater production of the Broadway play "Once on this Island" with local teenagers at the St. Marks Community Center located at the edge of the French Quarter. The film follows the crew and the kids from auditions through performances and also includes the story of each young actor's life in the wake of Katrina.' The story of the musical reflects very much so the life in New Orleans post Katrina.
After the Storm
AFTER THE STORM is a feature-length documentary film that follows a group of New York Broadway actors who were inspired to help the youth of New Orleans. They stage a musical theater production of the Broadway play "Once on this Island" with local teenagers at the St. Marks Community Center located at the edge of the French Quarter. The film follows the crew and the kids from auditions through performances and also includes the story of each young actor's life in the wake of Katrina.' The story of the musical reflects very much so the life in New Orleans post Katrina.
To Die in Jerusalem
Ever since 17-year-old Rachel Levy, an Israeli, was killed four years ago in Jerusalem by a Palestinian suicide bomber, her mother Abigail has found hardly a moment's peace. Levy's killer was Ayat al-Akhras, also 17, a schoolgirl from a Palestinian refugee camp several miles away. The two young women looked unbelievably alike. TO DIE IN JERUSALEM unabashedly explores the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through the personal loss of two families. The film's most revealing moment is in an emotionally charged meeting between the mothers of the girls, presenting the most current reflection of the conflict as seen thru their eyes.
To Die in Jerusalem
Ever since 17-year-old Rachel Levy, an Israeli, was killed four years ago in Jerusalem by a Palestinian suicide bomber, her mother Abigail has found hardly a moment's peace. Levy's killer was Ayat al-Akhras, also 17, a schoolgirl from a Palestinian refugee camp several miles away. The two young women looked unbelievably alike. TO DIE IN JERUSALEM unabashedly explores the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through the personal loss of two families. The film's most revealing moment is in an emotionally charged meeting between the mothers of the girls, presenting the most current reflection of the conflict as seen thru their eyes.