Eric Portman
출생 : 1901-07-13, Halifax, Yorkshire
사망 : 1969-12-07
Eric Portman (13 July 1901, Akroydon, Halifax, West Riding of Yorkshire - 7 December 1969, St Veep, Cornwall) was a distinguished English stage and film actor. He is probably best remembered for his roles in several films for Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger during the 1940s.
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Cat burglar Henry Clarke and his accomplices the Moreaus attempt to steal diamonds from the chateau of millionaire Salinas.
A private eye is hired by an insurance company to investigate a shipping magnate suspected of deliberately sinking his own ships for the insurance money. He finds himself involved in a web of deception, double-crossing and murder.
Archie Ross
Margaret Ross is an impoverished old woman who lives alone in a seedy apartment and enjoys a rich fantasy life as an heiress. One day she discovers stolen money hidden by her son and believes her fantasy has come true.
British Ambassador
A dog with a spying device under its skin is sent to the Russian government as a present. When the Russians send the dog to a veterinary, British intelligence must get to the dog first and retrieve the spying device.
Commodore Wolfgang Schrepke, Deutsche Marine
미국 해군 구축함 베드포드가 그린란드 연안에서 소련 잠수함을 발견한다. 민간인 기자 벤과 나토 해군 고문으로 2차 세계 대전 당시 U보트 함장을 지낸 볼프강 슈레프 준장이 경고했음에도 불구하고 사령부로부터의 명령도 무시한 채 함장 에릭은 무자비한 사냥감으로 내몰아 공격하고, 상대방 잠수함에서는 핵어뢰가 발사되고 마는데...
Inspector Hofmeister
Joe Newman, a naturalised Briton, is telephoned by his German father, whom he believed long dead, at the same time as a funeral is taking place in Bavaria - with his father's name on the coffin. His investigation in Bavaria reveals startling facts and the obstruction he meets makes him suspect foul play.
Richard Dyce
Joe Beckett, seasoned citizen of the bedsitter belt, aged about 22, is the renegade son of modest, respectable parents and, to use his own description, 'an emotional leper'. He decides that he needs a violent shock to shake him back into life, and as a result accepts a commission to carry out the murder of a total stranger for a man he meets in a coffee bar...
Dr. Theodore Meynert
빈 대학 의학부를 졸업한 프로이트는 파리의 정신병원에서 샤르코의 지도 아래 히스테리 환자를 관찰하고 최면술을 통한 치료 과정을 보게 되면서 인간의 내면에는 본인이 의식하지 못하는 과정, 즉 무의식이 존재한다는 것을 믿게 된다. 같은 의사이자 정신적인 아버지라 할 수 있는 브로이어와 함께 히스테리 환자를 치료하던 프로이트는 자유연상법을 통해 세실이라는 젊은 여성 환자를 완쾌시키게 된다. 또한 그녀의 아버지에 대한 사랑과 어머니에 대한 미움, 그리고 젊은 남성 환자의 어머니에 대한 집착 등을 목격하게 되면서 차츰 오이디푸스 콤플렉스와 '소아성욕론' 이론을 정립해 나가게 된다. 그러나 보수적인 학계에선 이를 받아들이지 못하고 학회에서 자신의 이론을 발표한 프로이트는 심한 모욕을 받는다.
Jeremy Clay
Five years after George Radcliffe was the chief witness in a high profile murder case, his wife receives a blackmailing letter accusing him of the crime.
Jess Oakroyd
The story revolves around the Dinky Doos, a provincial musical troupe living from hand to mouth.
Henry Acheson
A lonely child must stay with her uncaring aunt and uncle after her mother is hospitalized. Her estranged father is a fugitive. For love and companionship, the eleven-year old girl becomes friends with the housemaid. When at long last, she meets her dad, she must vow to never reveal his location to the police.
A woman is unhappy in her marriage to a boring, stiff judge, so she takes up with a wild-living RAF pilot, who ends up being more than she can handle. (
While holding their annual reunion, the former members of a Royal Air Force bomber crew begin to sense the supernatural presence of their old squadron commander, the only member of the group not to return from their last mission of the war.
Colonel Richmond
동명 소설을 원작으로 2차 세계대전 당시 연합국 포로들을 수용하던 독일의 콜디츠성 안에서의 삶과 죄수들의 탈옥 시도를 그린 전쟁드라마
Doctor Burnet
Archaeologists Van Heflin and Eric Portman undertake an expedition in Tunisia in search of an ancient mask.
George Harrison
A trade union official becomes governor of a British island colony
Arthur Collings
사진관 조수인 윌리는 사진과 영화에 대한 열정으로 가득하다. 욕심 많은 주인 밑에서 몰래 사진 작업을 하던 윌리는 헬레나오 만나게 된다. 헬레나와 결혼한 윌리는 직접 사진관을 운영하게 된다. 하지만 사실, 윌리의 관심은 오직 활동 사진의 발명 뿐이었다. 결국 가장으로서도 사업가로서도 실패한 윌리는 자기 연구실에서 묻혀 지낸다. 경제적으로도 파산하고 아내 헬레나는 병에 걸려 죽어가지만 윌리는 활동사진의 발명에만 몰두한다.
Col. Youssef Bey
A police chief stationed in Egypt sets out to crack down on drug traffickers along the frontiers. With his assistant, he attempts to block the smugglers' passage along the notorious Cairo Road route into the country.
Fernand Maubert
"The Spider and the Fly is set in Paris during the cloud-cuckoo days before WW I. The storyline intertwines the destinies of three people. Guy Rolfe plays Phillipe de Ledocq, a resourceful safecracker who always manages to elude arrest. Eric Portman is cast as police-chief Maubert, who will not rest until Ledocq is behind bars. And Nadia Gray is Madeleine, the woman beloved by both Ledocq and Maubert. Just as Maubert has managed to capture his man, Ledocq is released at the behest of the government, who wants him to steal secrets from the German embassy revealing the whereabouts of the Kaiser's secret agents. And just how does Madeleine figure into all of this? Spider and the Fly is a diverting precursor to the 1960s TV series It Takes a Thief." ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Sir John Dearing KC
Justice, the poets have it, is a blind goddess. Eric Portman stars as the lawyer defending a lord, Hugh Williams, accused by his secretary Michael Dennison of having diverted public funds for his own use.
Eddie Tribe
A mysterious barber hides a secret identity that eventually leads to tragedy.
Paul Mangin
A man falls in love with a beautiful young woman and begins to suspect that he may have also loved her in a previous life.
Lee Warren
When a man discovers his wife is having an affair, he commits the perfect crime.
Richard Howard
An attractive young French girl instigates rivalry between two brothers when she becomes the bride of the younger one.
District Commissioner Randall
An African music student returns home and has to defeat the witch doctor who dominates his tribe and attempt to take them to healthier land away from disease-infestation.
Victor James Colebrooke
The son of a notorious hangman is gradually becoming insane and he finds himself unable to resist the urge to strangle women to death.
Himself - Commentator
A film showing the role played by the RAF, Dominion squadrons and briefly the USAAF in the preparation, invasion and securing of the Normandy beachheads in June 1944.
Capt. John Ellis
An impending V.I.P. visit causes bustle in an English village, while the Ellis family struggles with private problems.
Thomas Colpeper, JP
늦은 밤, 기차가 캔터베리 인근 마을에 정차한 후 떠난다. 인근 부대로 발령을 받은 영국 군인 피터, 캔터베리인 줄 알고 내린 미국 군인 밥, 그리고 일자리를 구하려는 앨리슨이 기차에서 내렸다. 그런데 어둠 속에서 나타난 괴한이 앨리슨의 머리에 접착제를 들이붓고 도망친다. 세 사람은 이렇게 여자만 공격하는 일이 심심찮게 있었다는 사실을 알게 되고, 앨리슨은 피터와 밥에게 괴한을 잡도록 도와 달라고 한다. 제목에서 알 수 있듯이 영시의 아버지로 불리는 제프리 초서의 걸작 『캔터베리 이야기』에서 영감을 얻은 작품이다. 마이클 파웰과 에머릭 프레스버거가 독일 출신 촬영 감독 어윈 힐리어와 처음 작업했으며, 영국 리얼리즘과 독일 표현주의 스타일이 섞여 있다.
Arthur Lawrence
During the Second World War a British schoolteacher working in Denmark is caught up when the Germans invade.
Charlie Forbes
Millions Like Us is a 1943 British propaganda film, showing life in a wartime aircraft factory in documentary detail. It stars Patricia Roc, Eric Portman, Megs Jenkins, and Anne Crawford, was written by Sidney Gilliat, and directed by Gilliat and Frank Launder. It was filmed at Gainsborough Studios. When Celia Crowson (Roc) is called up for war service, she hopes for a glamorous job in one of the services, but as a single girl she is directed into a factory making aircraft parts. Here she meets other girls from all different walks of life, and begins a relationship with a young airman.
L/S Hobson
나치독일에 대항해 싸우는 영국해군의 "Sea Tiger"호 잠수함의 활약상을 그린 영화.
독일의 새로운 전함 "브란덴 브룩크"호를 추적하기위해 덴마크의 비밀항구로 스며들어가 임무를 완수하고, 귀항 할때까지의 활약을 담은 영국영화다.
Erich Kohler
Equipped with an RAF uniform, an English accent, a photograph of his "wife" and a packet of Players (cigarettes), a German agent is parachuted into occupied Belgium to create anti-British propaganda. Unfortunately for him he chooses a night when the Belgian resistance are smuggling the crew of a British bomber home across the channel. Before he knows it he is landing on the south coast of England. With MI5 hot on his trail, the fugitive tries to contact his old German émigré friends in London. But they have all been interned on the Isle of Man. How will he escape back to Germany ?
Andre Delange
During the Nazi occupation of Belgium during World War II, a Belgian resistance group revives the newspaper "La Libre Belgique" to expose and counter Nazi propaganda efforts to deceive the people. They are so effective that the Nazis offer a reward for the capture of the paper's staff, although they don't know their identities. One of them is a well-known entertainer, and when his jealous partner hears of the reward, he turns him in. The paper's publishers escape capture, but their staff doesn't. The paper's founders must find not only a way to keep from getting captured by the Nazis but keep their newspaper going and get their staff released.
Tom Earnshaw, Copilot in B for Bertie
2차 대전 당시 영국 폭격기 한 대가 네덜란드 근처로 추락한다. 가까스로 살아남은 승무원과 동료들은 한적한 시골 마을로 숨어들어 신분을 숨기는 한편, 레지스탕스의 도움을 받아 고국으로 돌아가려 한다. 하지만 이를 위해서는 먼저 나치의 감시를 피해야만 한다. 파웰과 프레스버거의 공동제작사 ‘The Archers’에서 처음 만든 작품. (2017년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 마이클 파웰, 에머릭 프레스버거 특별전)
Lieutenant Hirth
이차대전 중, 독일의 유보트 37호는 벌써 수개월째 캐나다의 허드슨만에 출몰하며 오가는 선박들을 괴롭히고 있었다. 그러나 식량약탈과 주변정탐을 위해 여섯 명의 정찰대를 상륙시킨 직후, 캐나다공군에 의해 격침되고 만다. 불시에 고립된 정찰대는 일단 인근마을로 잠입해, 모피사냥꾼 조니(로렌스 올리비에)가 묵고 있는 집을 점거한다. 조니는 정치에는 무관심한 사람이지만, 나치의 침입을 알리기 위해 목숨까지 건다. 구조요청을 받고 출동한 수상비행기를 탈취해 도주하던 나치일당은 비행기의 추락으로 지휘관을 잃는다. 남은 일당을 지휘하게 된 히르트대위(에릭 포트먼)는 광신적인 나치주의자이다. 그는 당시 중립을 표방하고 있던 미국으로 탈출하기 위해 캐나다대륙을 횡단하기로 결심한다. 도중에 우연히, 히틀러의 학살정책 때문에 캐나다로 피난 온 독일인들의 협동농장을 가게 된다. 히르트대위는 그들에게 나치주의를 설파하지만 호응은커녕 배척만 받는다. 설상가상으로 전쟁 전 제빵사였던 부하 포겔마저 농장에 남겠다고 하자, 그를 탈영죄로 처형하고는 길을 떠난다. 고장 난 차를 돕는 척하며 약탈한 양복으로 갈아입은 일당은 기차를 타고 밴쿠버로 잠입한다. 그러나 시내에는 이미 수배령이 내려있다. 결국 한 명은 체포되고 남은 둘은 로키산맥으로 도주한다. 길을 잃고 헤매던 일당은 영국인 작가이며 민속연구가인 스콧(레즐리 하워드)의 도움을 받게 된다. 그러나 전쟁 따위에 초연한 그의 태도에 분개한 히르트대위는 강도짓을 하고 달아난다. 하지만 남은 부하 하나마저 스콧의 동료들에게 붙잡히고 혼자 도망치는 신세가 되고 만다. 간신히 미국행 열차 화물칸에 숨어든 그는 그곳에서 캐나다군 탈영병 앤디(레이몬드 매시)와 부딪친다. 군 생활에는 불만이 많았어도 애국심만은 확고했던 앤디는, 미국세관원들을 설득해 히르트대위의 미국행을 좌절시키고야 만다.
First Lord
Two boys – the prince Edward and the pauper Tom – are born on the same day. Years later, when young teenage Tom sneaks into the palace garden, he meets the prince. They change clothes with one another before the guards discover them and throw out the prince thinking he's the urchin. No one believes them when they try to tell the truth about which is which. Soon after, the old king dies and the prince will inherit the throne.
Mario de la Costa
In this romantic tale Paderewski, the famed pianist, and two other plane crash survivors are guests of a Swedish baroness. Interwoven throughout this gentle and charming story are exquisite piano solos performed superbly by the elderly pianist, Paderewski.
Carlos, the gypsy
In 1820s rural England, a young girl is tricked by tales of marriage from a villainous Squire. When she becomes pregnant and disappears, a gipsy lad is blamed.
Matthew Trimble
The film begins in a BBC studio with the 100th edition of "In Town Tonight". Flotsam and Jetsom open with a "topical number". Then there is an interview with a distinguished actor, which dissolves into a performance of one of his famous melodramas about a wicked moneylender etc.
Giuliano de Medici
Set in 15th-century Italy, The Cardinal stars Matheson Lang as one Cardinal de Medici. Bound by the rules of the confessional, the cardinal is unable to disclose the multitude of sins revealed to him by one of his most influential parishioners. De Medici's dilemma is compounded by the fact that the confessor has committed a murder for which the Cardinal's brother has been arrested. The basic plot gimmick was good for another go-round in the 1953 Hitchcock flick I Confess. This 7-reel British film was based on a play by Louis N. Parker.
In 1908, Sultan Abdul Hamid rules the Turkish Empire, but he is faced with the threat of revolt by the Young Turk party. He allows Hilmi Pasha, the leader of the Young Turks, to return from exile and form the country's first constitutional government. With tensions still growing, chief of police Kadar Pasha assassinates Hassan Bey, the leader of the Old Turk party, and makes it look as if a Young Turk committed the crime, in order to give Abdul an excuse for arresting the Young Turk leaders. Meanwhile, Abdul becomes infatuated with a visiting Austrian singer. When she rejects his advances, she endangers both herself and her fiancé, a Turkish officer who also knows who really shot Hassan Bey.
Edward Chester
A dead man's curse on a London party house seems to echo from 1780 to 1936.
A Doctor tries to pass off a singer as his wife in Paris in 1904.