Leo Morimoto

Leo Morimoto

출생 : 1943-02-13, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

프로필 사진

Leo Morimoto

참여 작품

선생님!... 좋아해도 될까요?
Shoichi Hashiba
고등학교 2학년인 히비키는 아직 사랑을 모르는 내성적인 소녀. 사랑 이야기를 늘어놓는 친구들이 신기하기만 하다. 그런 히비키가 처음으로 좋아하게 된 사람은 세계사 선생님 이토. 학생들에게 엄격하고 무뚝뚝해 보이지만 방과 후 혼자 남은 히비키의 과제를 도와주는 다정한 면도 있다. 이토 선생님의 미소와 따뜻한 모습에 첫사랑의 감정을 느끼게 된 히비키. 마침내 이토 선생님에게 자신의 감정을 고백하는데…
Kyotaro Nishimura Travel Mystery 68: Disappearing Woman in Yamagata
Detective Nishimoto
Inspector Totsugawa of the First Investigation Division goes to Tsuruoka in Yamagata to attend the wedding of the son of Inspector Mukai, his former colleague who now works for the Yamagata Prefectural Police. While sightseeing at Mt. Haguro after the ceremony, he notices a young woman drawing him in her sketchbook. She introduces herself as Yuka Shiraishi and says she came to draw the Dewa Sanzan. Signing the drawing of Totsugawa next to the five-story pagoda with her initial, a 'Y' in the corner, she gives it to him as a present. The next morning, the corpse of a young woman who has been stabbed is discovered in a forest in Tsuruoka. When Totsugawa, on his way back, hears that a sketchbook signed with a 'Y' was found at the scene, he follows Mukai there. However, the body is not Yuka, the woman Totsugawa had met, and while no items pointing to her identity are found, the sketchbook is the same one Yuka had the day before.
Kyotaro Nishimura's Travel Mystery 67: Murder in Hakone - Leaves & Mountains
Detective Nishimoto
Detective Kamei of the First Investigation Division receives a request from lawyer Shinichi Nakamura, the son of his deceased close friend, to re-investigate a car accident. Akiko, the wife of Yasuo Furuki, a painter from Hakone, died in the accident 5 months earlier by crashing into a guardrail. Nakamura's client, Akiko's younger sister Yuki Izeki, suspects that she was actually murdered by Furuki for insurance money. Overwhelmed by these thoughts, Yuki had sent an email reading "I'll never forgive that man. I'm going to kill him and avenge my big sister," announcing a murder to Nakamura. In the middle of their conversation, Nakamura receives a call from Hakone PD confirming that Yuki had turned herself in that morning...
천사가 있는 도서관
Soichiro Tanaka
Sakura, who just graduated from a university, begins to work at a library in Katsuragi, Nara Prefecture. She is flustered with her new job and unfamiliar environment. One day, an elderly woman named Reiko visits the library and shows Sakura an old photo of a man and a woman. Sakura takes her to the place where the photo was taken. Reiko sometimes brings other photos and Sakura takes her to the place where the photos were taken. While doing this, Sakura learns about the history and culture of Katsuragi. She also talks with the residents and grows as a person.
후처업의 여자
Taiji Tsumura
Kozo Nakase attends meetings for single widowers looking to remarry. He meets Sayoko Takeuchi and eventually marries her. Not longer after their marriage, Kozo Nakase suddenly collapses and dies. Kozo Nakase leaves everything to Sayako. The rest of his family are left out of his will including his daughter Tomomi. Tomomi hires a private investigator, Honda, to find out more about Sayoko.
Kyotaro Nishimura Travel Mystery 66: Kushiro-Obihiro Murder Route
Detective Nishimoto
The strangled dead body of Hiroshi Hatano, accounting section chief at the longstanding apparel company Edaka International, is discovered in his apartment in Tokyo. At the scene, Inspector Totsugawa and Detective Kamei find out that a mysterious email stating "I'll be riding the Super Ozora 5 tomorrow" was sent to the victim's cell phone the night before. The sender, Manami Furuya, an employee of Edaka International's Planning Section, has strangely terminated her cell phone service and hasn't shown up to work that very morning. Immediately afterwards, Totsugawa is astonished to receive a report from the Hokkaido police stating that the body of a man, stabbed to death, has been found on the Super Ozora 5 limited express. The man is Yuuki Nakamura, a bar employee from Tokyo, who seems to have flown from Haneda Airport to Sapporo and then boarded the Super Ozora 5, which connects Sapporo and Kushiro. Totsugawa has the feeling that this can't be a coincidence...
Munesue keiji no kuroi matsuri
Shunichi Naka
Memories of Mom
Shiro Omori
After years of trying, Kyoko and her husband Takehiro are finally pregnant. But their joy at the prospect of becoming parents ends suddenly when they learn Kyoko has stage four cancer. They now must face agonizing decisions that force them to choose between the life of Kyoko or the health of their baby. Adapted from a true story.
Doctor Endo
일찍 남편을 여윈 긴코(요시나가 사유리)는 도쿄의 한 상점가에 있는 약국을 혼자 힘으로꾸려 나가며 외동딸 코하루(아오이 유우), 시어머니 기누요(가토 하루코)와 함게 살아가고 있다. 엘리트 의사와 코하루의 결혼식 날이 정해져, 가족 모두 행복에 젖어 결혼식날을 기다리고 있는데 결혼식 당일 긴코의 남동생 테츠로(효후쿠테이 쓰루베)가 나타나 술에취해 피로연을 엉망으로 만들어 버리고 만다.
블랙회사에 다니고 있는데, 지금 나는 한계에 도달했는지도 모른다
Sakushi Kuroi
백수 생활 10년 끝에 겨우 입사한 신입사원 ‘마코토’, 힘들게 들어간 곳이 바로 ‘블랙회사’라니! 살인적 근무와 쥐꼬리만 한 월급은 기본, 말끝마다 ‘멍청이’라 소리치는 팀장, 쉴 틈 없이 애니메이션 명대사를 읊는 덕후 선배, 대표와 불륜 관계인 경리 등 스트레스 유발 직원들까지 풀옵션 장착!
코바야시 타키지의 동명 원작소설을 영화화한 작품. 게를 잡아 가공해서 통조림으로 생산해내는 해공선에서 벌어지는 노동력 착취에 분노한 노동자들의 투쟁을 그린 영화.
Tea Shop Manager Hori
낡은 아파트에 사는 사진작가 사토시와 플라워 디자이너를 꿈꾸는 나나오는 벽 하나를 사이에 둔 이웃지간. 말 한 마디 나눈 적 없는 서로에 대해 전혀 모르는 두 사람이지만, 벽 하나를 사이에 둔 채 상대방의 일상 속 ‘소리’들에 편안함을 느끼기 시작한다. 차가운 벽을 사이에 둔 두 남녀의 소리를 통한 따스한 교감을 그린 사랑의 전주곡(Prelude). 롱테이크를 통해 자연스러운 일상의 공간과 그 안의 인물들을 생생하게 담은 작품이다. 제목 ‘오토나리’는 ‘이웃お隣’이라는 뜻과 ‘소리가 나다 音鳴り’라는 뜻을 가진 이중의미이다. 일본의 꽃미남 아이돌 V6의 오카다 쥰이치와 드라마 의 히로인 아소 쿠미코가 주연을 맡았다.
Ochanoma Transformation
A short film with live-action special effects made as a parody of the American live-action movie version 'Transformers'.
A man and a woman are together on the 'Chrysalis Day', the fatal day everything in your life will be decided depends on how you spend the day. A violent man holding pure love, Sai and a stunningly beautiful playgirl, Sheila. While Sheila flees with a large sum of money, she is chased by a cool but violent gang, crazy killers and an out of control cop. No one can stop Sai and Sheila's love runaway.
Shinichi Amamoto
유키는 아버지를 따라 동생 히데오의 요양 차 야미지마 섬으로 도착한다. 청년의사 미나미다가 섬에 도착한 유키 가족을 따뜻하게 맞아준다. 그의 안내로 섬을 돌아보던 유키는 우뚝 선 의문의 철탑, 토착문화와 이국적 문화가 공존하고 있는 섬의 낯선 풍경, 주민들의 끈질긴 시선 때문에 알 수 없는 섬뜩함을 느끼고 도망치듯 새 집으로 돌아온다. 다행히 옆집 여자가 찾아 와 여러 가지 충고를 해 주며 이사를 도와줘 그녀를 안심시킨다. 그러나 그녀가 마지막 말이 유키의 마음에 의문을 남기는데…
Hold Up Down
A bank robbery goes completely to pot, a pair of shoplifters get both an old man and a cop behind them. It is the beginning of this zany comedy, including the guys from boy band V6.
인 더 풀
Professor Samata
이라부(伊良部) 종합병원의 후계자이자, 병원 지하에 있는 정신과에 근무하는 정신과 전문의 이라부 이치로는 괴상한 옷차림에 환자들에게 거침없는 언행으로 대하는 무례한 의사이다. 하지만 그에겐 불가사의한 매력이 있어서 마음이 병든 환자들은 그와 잘 통하는 면이 있다. 어느날 그에게 대형매장 직원, 중견기업 영업사원, 르포 작가 등 업무로 스트레스를 받고 있는 3명의 남녀 사회인이 찾아오는데...
A detective and his assistant help send restless spirits into the spiritual world.
보노보노: 향기 나무의 비밀
보노보노 숲의 가장 높은 곳에 있는 쿠모모 나무(향기 나무) 아래에 앉으면 슬픈 기억을 잊을 수 있다. 기르던 벌레가 도망가버려 상심한 보노보노는 쿠모모 나무 아래에서 아버지와 단둘이 살고 있는 포포를 만난다. 포포는 매일같이 나무 아래에서 자신을 데려갈 사람을 기다리고 있었다. 한편 마을에서는 누군가 쿠모모의 나뭇가지를 훔쳐가고 있다는 소문이 돈다. 그러던 어느 날, 포포의 아버지가 돌아가시자 걱정이 된 보노보노는 포포의 집으로 향한다. 그러나 포포는 집에 있지 않고, 그를 찾아 쿠모모 나무 아래로 간 보노보노는 그 곳에서 나뭇가지 도둑을 잡기 위해 모인 숲의 동물들을 만나는데...
Kyotaro Nishimura's Travel Mystery - Soya Honsen Murder Incident
Detective Nishimoto
While returning from a business trip to Hokkaido, Detective Kamei of the MPD greets a middle-aged traveler in the waiting room of Minami-Wakkanai Station but is ignored by him. On the limited express to Asahikawa, the same man happens to entrust Kamei with a floppy disk before dying. The floppy contains his investigative notes on a murder that happened two years ago...
The Woman Who Disappeared From Her Red Car
Detective Nishimoto
Katsura Aya (Shiratori Yasuyo), a young and popular actress, is kidnapped. Igarashi (Honda Hirotaro), the president of the production company, calls Totsukawa (Mihashi Tatsuya) and Kamei (Aikawa Kinya) of the police. Totsukawa and Kamei learn that the kidnapper's name is Aoi Hebi (Blue Snake) and that Aoi Hebi is asking for one million yen for ransom.
러브 & 팝
Hiromi's Father
고교생인 히로미는 어느 날 갈등을 암시하는 듯한 이상한 꿈을 꾸다 잠에서 깬다. 아침을 먹고 다음 주 바닷가에 놀러가 입을 수영복을 사기 위해 백화점에서 친구들을 만난다. 그곳에서 히로미는 거액의 토파즈 반지에 마음을 빼앗기고 꼭 사고 싶다는 욕망에 휩싸이게 된다. 그런 히로미를 본 친구들은 돈을 구하기 위해 함께 원조교제를 시도하는데...
키즈 리턴
Homeroom Teacher
온갖 시시한 일들을 저지르고 다니는 마사루와 신지는 무료한 일상에 염증을 느낀다. 그러던 어느 날, 마사루는 자신이 돈을 뺏은 아이가 데려온 권투선수에게 맥없이 당하고 만다. 이에 마사루와 신지는 권투를 배우기로 하지만 신지와의 게임에서 무참히 패한 마사루는 이내 권투를 그만두고 떠난다. 고등학교를 졸업할 때까지 권투에 전념한 신지는 마침내 권투 시합에 나가지만 시합에서 지게 되면서 권투선수로서의 의지마저 꺾여버리고 만다. 또한 마사루는 야쿠자 보스들에게 버릇없는 언행을 하는 실수를 저지른다. 결국 마사루는 다시 돌아온 중간보스에 의해 린치를 당하고 만다.
Toki o Kakeru Shôjo
A high-school girl acquires the ability to time travel.
Bloom in the Moonlight
A dying pianist composes one final song for his childhood friend.
Mangetsu: Mr. Moonlight
Time Traveling Samurai
Mikadroid: Robokill Beneath Disco Club Layla
The Man in the Kiyasuyado
During World War II, the Japanese military established a secret underground laboratory in Tokyo. Three Olympic-level athletes were selected to undergo a process that would turn them into Jinra-go, superhuman armored soldiers. By March 1945, one of the soldiers had been completely transformed into the half man/half machine ultimate soldier called Mikadroid. But American B-29s firebomb the city and, while the two super soldiers manage to escape, Mikadroid and the lab are apparently destroyed. 45 years pass, Tokyo is rebuilt, and old secrets are forgotten. The site is now home to a complex that includes the Discoclub Layla. The disco’s patrons dance late into the night, unaware that a faulty basement generator has reactivated Mikadroid and the cyborg now prowls the basement levels, killing anyone in its path...
Kim's War
After shooting a gangster in self-defense, Kim Hui Ro takes refuge at a hotel and takes the guest hostages. Realising his position, he invites the press inside and explains why he was driven to his crime.
I Want To Grow Up: Too Many Rules
It's essentially Big, but with Reiko Kato instead of Tom Hanks
A Sandcastle Model Family Home
An opportune salaryman moves his family into a model mansion for 12 months; unfortunately, they must allow prospective buyers to trek through their home during business hours.
도구라 마구라
유메노 큐사쿠의 동명소설을 영화로 만든 작품. 쇼와 초기, 홀로 자신을 키우던 어머니를 살해했다는 의혹을 샀다가 이모 밑에서 자라나 사촌 여동생과 결혼하기로 되어 있던 젊은 청년 쿠레 이치로(吳一郞)[5]는 갑작스러운 정신발작을 일으켜 사촌 여동생을 목 졸라 살해하고 체포된다. 그리고 주인공인 '나'는 과거의 기억을 모두 잃은 채 정신병원에서 깨어나는데...
Mystery of the Coral Seas
Yosuke Hasuda
A trading company employee's girlfriend loses her memory while on a trip. In place of the friend who was supposed to have accompanied her the whole time is a mysterious man.
This Story of Love
Life and love stories of stunt men and women.
왕립우주군: 오네아미스의 날개
Shirotsugh Lhadatt (voice)
오네아미스 왕국에 평범한 계층으로 태어난 청년 시로츠구. 하늘을 날고 싶었던 시로츠구는 해군 파일럿에 지원하지만 성적 미달로 불합격하게 된다. 제트기 조종사에 대한 꿈을 접은 시로츠구는 대신 우주 비행사가 되기 위해 왕립우주군에 입대한다. 그러나 정작 희망을 갖고 들어간 왕립우주군은 유명무실한 집단으로 인공위성도 날려보지 못한 채 사람들에게 무시만 당한다. 동료 우주 비행사들 역시 무기력함에 빠져 술과 노름으로 시간을 보내고, 시로츠구도 우주 비행사에 대한 꿈을 잊게 된다. 아무런 목적 없이 허무하게 일상의 나날을 보내던 그는 어느 날 우연히 리이크니와의 만남을 계기로 세계 최초의 유인 우주선의 비행사가 되겠다는 희망을 되찾게 된다. 시로츠구의 열의는 무기력했던 우주군 동료들을 움직이고, 제자리를 맴돌던 유인 우주선 발사 계획은 본격적으로 진행된다. 하지만 국가 간의 음모에 의해 우주를 향한 시로츠구와 동료들의 도전은 위기를 맞게 된다.
Murder on Raicho 9
Detective Nishimoto
Haneda, the president of a company dealing in gold, is shot to death on the Raicho 9 limited express from Osaka to Kanazawa. Detective Kamei begins an investigation in cooperation with the Fukui Prefectural Police. In the Green Car, Detective Nishimoto had noticed a beautiful woman talking to the victim just before he was killed. Looking into her background, she turns out to be Yumiko Miura, living in Setagaya in Tokyo. An eyewitness who claims that she is the murderer also appears, and she is taken into custody. Before long, the victim's unexpected relationships will be revealed one after another...
Black Board
Takeshi Yasui, a junior high school student is found dead in a river. The police investigate it as a murder related to bullying. The dead boy turns out to have been murdered by two of his schoolmates, who he had been bullying.
더 레전드 오브 더 스타더스트 브라더스
Man of Shopping Bag
A shady music mogul brings together two wannabe stars—punk rock rebel Kan and new-wave crooner Shingo—and transforms them into the Stardust Brothers, a girl-friendly, silver-jumpsuited, synth-pop sensation. Along with their #1 fan, who herself dreams of a music career, the duo rockets to stardom.
Doctor Mambo & Kaitou Jibako: Uchuu yori Ai wo Komete
The dashing Dr. Mambo and his unlikely sidekick, Jibako the thief, help Princess Laura, former ruler of Eden, to regain her birthright from the usurping president Capo.
Distant Thunder
Tetsuo Wada
A young man living on growing tomatoes in a greenhouse in a residential area. Tomato cultivation is as doomed as his personal life where he tries to keep alive his romance with the eccentric Kaede and parents selected fiancee Ayako.
Disciples of Hippocrates
The story revolves around Ogino, who is in the last year of his medical studies. Between lectures, exams, on field training, his commitment as a pro-reformist militant and his girlfriend, Ogino is starting to wonder if he's really cut out to be a doctor.
The S.S. Happiness Sets Sail
Adaptation of a 1956 novel by Yukio Mishima.
Another Side
This is Yamakawa's first feature film in 16mm. A group of university students who grew up in an era of rapid economic growth yearn for "another side" of life as they face romantic conflicts and the suicide of a fellow student.
Heaven Sent
Sayoko is desperate to bear a child of her own, but her live-in boyfriend Shinsaku strenuously objects to the idea. One day, someone leaves behind a six-year-old child at their door, claiming that Shinsaku—or four other men—is the child's father! Sayoko and Shinsaku set out on a journey to find the real father.
모 호즈에 와 츠카나이
Mariko is living the life of a typical Japanese college student in the 70's, spending far more of her time balancing boyfriends and part-time jobs than on her schoolwork. She finds herself torn between a former boyfriend who's the tough, insensitive-but-sexy, type, and a new acquaintance who's more sensitive to her feelings, but who still acts childishly selfish at times. Will she choose one of them, or decide to go her own way?
The Strangling
The men who surround and torment the young protagonist (demanding teacher, owner of the company that rapes his own daughter, despotic and uncompromising father) are opposed to women (victims of men) as embodiment of salvation.
Youth - Part II
Isamu, a star athlete in high school, becomes a race cyclist. He wins his debut races, but soon his opponents see through his lack of strategy and beat him easily. Isamu's maths teacher, a race cycling freak, says he knows the solution to Isamu's problem. But will Isamu listen to him?
New - No Longer Human
Based on the novel by Osamu Dazai and distributed by ATG. The story of a young man who is caught between the breakup of the traditions of a northern Japanese aristocratic family and the impact of Western ideas. In consequence, he feels himself "disqualified from being human" (a literal translation of the Japanese title) and goes down the stairs to self-destruction step by step.
Tokyo kara kita onna no ko
Orange Road Express
A travelling group of young people running a pirate radio station from a small truck encounter an eccentric elderly couple who are on the run from the law.
Preparation for the Festival
Tateo, young and neurotic, wishes to leave the village his mother has raised him in.
Takehisa Yumeji monogatari: koi suru
Based on the life of artist Yumeji Takehisa
My Way
Dr. Gondo
Based on a true story, an elderly woman resiliently spends nine months attempting to retrieve her husband's dead body, fighting government bureaucracy and indifference all along the way.
청춘의 차질
Seijiro Ono
법학부에 다니는 대학생 에토 켄이치로. 아메리칸 풋볼 선수로 활동하면서 오하시 토미코의 가정교사를 한다. 그러나 머지않아 풋볼을 그만두고 사법시험에 전념. 토미코는 단기대학 합격 기념으로 켄이치로를 스키장으로 초대. 그곳에서 토미코와 관계를 맺게 되는 켄이치로. 토미코와의 관계를 유지하면서 사회적 지위를 다지기 위해 친척의 딸인 야스코와 결혼을 결정한다. 토미코에게 결혼 사실을 말하자 토미코는 임신 5개월이라고 한다. 동반자살을 강요하는 토미코의 목을 졸라, 시체를 묻어버리는 켄이치로. 야스코와의 결혼 후, 풋볼 시합이 출전한 켄이치로에게 두 명의 형사가 다가온다.
Second Chance
A man survives a double suicide attempt, while his girlfriend does not.