Jean Marais

Jean Marais

출생 : 1913-12-11, Cherbourg, Manche, France

사망 : 1998-11-08


Jean-Alfred Villain-Marais (11 December 1913 – 8 November 1998), was a French actor and director. Description above from the Wikipedia article Jean Marais, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia. ​

프로필 사진

Jean Marais

참여 작품

Fantômas: A Thoroughly Modern Villain
Self (archive footage)
The story of Fantômas, the first villain of modernity, from his birth in 1911 as a novel character to his contemporary vicissitudes, passing through Louis Feuillade, André Hunebelle, surrealism and Moscow.
Belmondo: Il était une fois le beau monde
Self (archive footage)
Catherine Deneuve, belle et bien là
Self (archive footage)
Catherine Deneuve couldn’t care less about being a celebrity, but fame made her an icon long ago and she occupies a special place in our imagination. The star is not one to let others get too close, but when she gives you her confidence, she keeps her word. If Deneuve’s career covers a half-century of cinema, it also bears witness to the force of a generation that experienced the deepest transformation of mores. This portrait reflects her entirely. The story of a mystery and an adventure.
At World's End
An english tv-team discovers a special white flower in the indonesian rainforest, but they never get to investegate it further, before the danish recluse Severin has shot them down. A danish special enforcement with a psychiatrist in front is sent off, and they find out, that Severin claims, that he is 129 years old, and it's the flower, which keeps him young. Soon all hunts the white flower, which apparently gives eternal life.
Jean Marais, le mal rouge et or
Federico Fellini's Autobiography
Self (archive footage)
Federico Fellini was one of the most individual and thought provoking directors who based most of his films upon his own reflections, dreams, life events and fantasies, who did not convey any special message for humanity but regarded cinema simply as entertainment. Is there an answer to everything? Can it possibly be? If yes, then life can no longer be so curious, so dynamic, so creative...
Luchino Visconti
A chronological look at the creative life of Luchino Visconti (1906-1976). It examines his theatricality, role in the neorealist movement, use of melodrama, and relation to decadence. It touches on the impact of a fabulously wealthy childhood, his writing for "Cinema," his politics, his work with Renoir, his appreciation of Thomas Mann, and his deep knowledge of literature and the arts. Visconti moves constantly between film and the theater, staging plays provocatively, working with Maria Callas at La Scala, and shooting films in theaters. Clips from his films and interviews with actors, crew members, and critics provide details for this portrait of creativity.
The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender
Self (archive footage)
A film scrapbook, images, phrases from our past, hiding their meanings behind veils. Let's lift those veils, one by one, to find how images, at one time seeming innocent, have revealed, after decades, to have homosexual overtones.
Jean Cocteau: Lies and Truths
This documentary consists mainly of archive interviews of Jean Cocteau, and it features interesting contributions by Jean Marais and especially Jean-Luc Godard, who discusses Cocteau's foray into cinema. The film documents all the artistic media explored by a man who defined himself, first and foremost, as a poet.
Screening at the Majestic
Self - Interviewee
More than fifty years after its making, we return to the set of Jean Cocteau's 1946 film "La Belle et la Bete" (Beauty and the Beast). Included are interviews with the the lead actors, the cinematographer, along with excerpts read from the director's journal.
스틸링 뷰티
M. Guillaume
유럽 예술영화의 뛰어난 수사학을 보여주는 거장 베르나르도 베르톨루치 감독 작품 !! 19살의 아름다운 미국 소녀 루시 하몬(리브 타일러)은 이태리의 어느 한적한 전원 마을에도착한다. 자신의 초상화를 그려줄 어머니의 친구이자 화가인 이안(도날 맥칸)과 아내 다이아나(시너드 쿠삭)을 만나러온 그녀는 요름동안 다니아나의 집에서 보내기로 한다. 사실 루시는 4년 전에 그곳에서 만났던 니콜로 도나티(로베르토 지베티)를 만나고 싶어한다. 다이아나의 집에는 기욤(장 마레)이란 대범한 노인과 불치의 병으로 죽어가는 영국인 작가 알렉스(제레미 아이언스)가 있었는데, 알렉스는 그녀가 빗나가지 않도록 충고해준다. 루시는 알렉스에게 루시의 어머니가 죽기 전에 자신의 아버지에 대한 단서가 들어있는 글을 남겼다는 이야기를 해준다. 그녀는 알렉스와 자신의 초상화를 그리는 화가 이안, 그리고 군인으로 복무했던 카를로(카를로 체치) 중에 아버지가 있을 거라고 추측한다. 이때, 여행 갔던 니콜로와 오스발도(이그나찌오 올리바)가 도라오는데 알고보니 니콜로는 바람둥이였고, 자신이 감동했던 편지는 오스발도가 쓴 것이었다. 루시는 그와 사랑에 빠지고, 알렉스는 병원으로 실려간다. 루시는 드디어 자신의 아버지가 누구인지 알게 된다. 베르나르도 베르톨루치가 15년만에 고국인 이태리로 돌아와 찍은 영화로 그와 합작한 촬영감독 다리우스 콘지는 이태리 어느 마을의 초록빛 자연과 대지의 건강한 정서, 그리고 따뜻한 태양광선을 한껏 살린 화면으로 보는 이를 사로잡는다. 음악을 담당한 리처드 하틀리의 음악이 화면과 조화를 이룬다.
The World of Jacques Demy
Self (archive footage)
Agnès Varda's documentary portrait of her late husband, Jacques Demy. A companion piece to her Jacquot de Nantes.
Les Miserables
Mgr Myriel
In France during World War II, a poor and illiterate man, Henri Fortin (Jean-Paul Belmondo), is introduced to Victor Hugo's classic novel Les Misérables and begins to see parallels between the book and his own life.
Dis papa, raconte-moi là-bas
A father tells his story to his eight-year-old son. Pictures of his past in Algeria come back in flashback : Bab El Oued, la Madrague, Sidi Ferruch, Chenoua, Tipasa, Oran, Constantine, Candle , the Kabylie, the light, the noises, the music, the events, the last hopes.
Shipwrecked Children
Marc Antoine
Eight children of a wrecker live together on a strange island, in a supernatural happiness. Until their little paradise is disturbed when an old lady is discovered murdered there. They then embark on the investigation in search of the truth.
Damia: Concert in Black Velvet
Documentary on the singer Damia.
Hadès / The Devil
Orpheus is a rock star who composes love songs for Eurydice, who designs his album covers. As he wrestles with his additional love for Calaïs, his sound engineer, Orpheus finds that Eurydice had died of a drug overdose, so he descends into the Underworld to try and make a deal with Hades.
내 미국 삼촌
Self (Archival Footage)
장은 우연히 보러 간 연극에서 여배우 자닌을 만난다. 이내 두 사람은 깊은 사이로 발전하게 된다. 장은 그녀와 함께 살기 위해 아내와 아이들을 버리고 집을 나온다. 그러나 장이 친구의 배신으로 국장직에서 밀려나게 되고 그 스트레스로 신장병이 재발하게 되면서 두 사람의 사랑에 위기가 찾아온다. 그러던 어느날, 장의 아내가 몰래 자닌에게 찾아와 자신이 죽을 병에 걸렸음을 알리며 마지막 남은 시간을 남편과 함께 보낼 수 있게 해달라고 부탁한다. 자닌은 장과 헤어진 후 여배우에서 디자이너로 변신한다. 한편 르네는 아버지의 고루한 농장 경영에 환멸을 느끼고 집을 뛰쳐나와 파리의 의류회사에 취직한다. 보잘것없는 학력이지만 르네는 타고난 성실근면함으로 말단 직원에서 직원 200명을 거느린 공장장으로 승진하게 된다. 그러나 최신 공정이 도입되고 경쟁이 치열해지면서 르네의 위치는 점점 불안해지게 되고, 결국 경쟁에서 밀려나 지방에 있는 공장으로 자리를 옮기게 된다. 가족들과도 헤어져 회사를 위해 온몸을 바쳐 일하지만 희망은 점점 멀어져간다. 결국 르네는 회사의 디자이너 자닌으로부터 레스토랑의 매니저로 가라는 굴욕적인 제안을 받게 된다. 자닌은 2년이라는 시간이 흘렀어도 여전히 그를 잊지 못한다. 르네에게 회사의 방침을 전달하러 내려간 시골에서 그녀는 우연히 그렇게 그리워하던 장을 만나지만 그의 아내가 여전히 건강하다는 이야기를 듣고 자신이 속았음을 깨닫는데...
Donkey Skin: Behind the Scenes
A look behind the scenes of Jacques Demy's Donkey Skin (1971).
당나귀 공주
Le roi
먼 옛날 어느 왕국. 상냥하고 아름다운 왕비가 갑작스럽게 세상을 떠나자 국왕은 아내와 꼭 닮은 공주와 결혼하려 한다. 아버지와의 결혼을 피하기 위해 온갖 어려운 요구들을 하던 공주는 당나귀 가죽을 뒤집어쓰고 궁궐에서 도망치는데... 샤를 페로의 동화를 각색한 환상적인 뮤지컬 영화. 장 콕토의 에 경의를 표한 영화로 장 마레가 국왕 역을 맡았으며, 아름다운 음악과 현란한 의상, 화려한 세트 등 볼거리로 가득하다.
The Provocation
Diamond Rush
Manuel Thomas, dit Manu
Traumatized by the War of Algeria and by the accidental death of his wife and his son, Manu left the right road. His last caper was the attack of the Antwerp-Tangiers Express, carrying a precious cargo of industrial diamonds. But the whole affair was bungled and all of his accomplices got shot. The only survivor of this disaster, Manu now finds refuge in the mountain house of Lucia, the widow of a smuggler who lives alone there with her little boy.
Le Jouet criminel
Le vieil homme
A couple abducts an "angel" for their entertainment, who will escape with the help of an old man.
판토마 3: 스카치 판토마
프랑스가 낳은 악의 영웅·판토마의 암약을 그린 시리즈 제3탄. 인류를 위기에 빠뜨릴 비밀 병기를 입수한 판토마는 세계의 자산가들에게 "생명 보장 세금"을 요구한다. 이에 반기를 든 맥라쉴리 경은 예전의 비밀 조직 동료나 이탈리아의 마피아 그리고 쥬베 경감과 팬돌, 엘렌느 등과 합세해 판토마에 대항하는데...
판토마 3: 스카치 판토마
Fantômas / Fandor / Sir Walter Brown / Giuseppe Luigi
프랑스가 낳은 악의 영웅·판토마의 암약을 그린 시리즈 제3탄. 인류를 위기에 빠뜨릴 비밀 병기를 입수한 판토마는 세계의 자산가들에게 "생명 보장 세금"을 요구한다. 이에 반기를 든 맥라쉴리 경은 예전의 비밀 조직 동료나 이탈리아의 마피아 그리고 쥬베 경감과 팬돌, 엘렌느 등과 합세해 판토마에 대항하는데...
Seven Guys and a Gal
Captain Dorgeval
Italy during the Napoleonic wars: A French General and his Adjutant are separated from their unit get beyond the enemy lines. There they meet Carlotta the resolute daughter of an Italian Count, who cannot withstand the charm of the French.
Le Saint prend l'affût
Simon Templar
The Saint Lies in Wait
Simon Templar
Oscar Chartier plays a dangerous double game by selling secret plans to the German and American secret services, to ensure a comfortable future for his daughter, Sophie. But the plans are fake and Chartier decides to get help from his good friend Simon Templar.
판토마 2-전광석화
프랑스가 낳은 악의 영웅·한토마의 암약을 그린 시리즈 제2탄. 쥬베 경감의 훈장 수여식에서 괴도·판토마로부터 축전이 도착한다. 그때 판토마는 텔레파시 유도 총을 개발했던 마르샤 교수를 유괴하고 이번엔 공동 개발자인 르페브르 교수의 유괴를 노린다. 한편 판토마의 가공할 계획을 일찌감치 깨달은 팬돌은 판토마에게서 얻은 힘을 사용해 르페브르 교수로 변장하고 기다리는데...
판토마 2-전광석화
Fantômas / Fandor / Professeur Lefèvre / Marquis de Rostelli
프랑스가 낳은 악의 영웅·한토마의 암약을 그린 시리즈 제2탄. 쥬베 경감의 훈장 수여식에서 괴도·판토마로부터 축전이 도착한다. 그때 판토마는 텔레파시 유도 총을 개발했던 마르샤 교수를 유괴하고 이번엔 공동 개발자인 르페브르 교수의 유괴를 노린다. 한편 판토마의 가공할 계획을 일찌감치 깨달은 팬돌은 판토마에게서 얻은 힘을 사용해 르페브르 교수로 변장하고 기다리는데...
Operation Double Cross
Antoine Donadieu
In Barcelona, secret agent Antoine Donadieu thwarts the plans of a Nazi scientist.
Killer Spy
Stanislas Dubois
The most secret agent Stanislas Dubois, tired of saving the world alone decides to retire and to start writing his memoirs. The enemies of humanity, progress and peace in the world found out about it and created an international network of espionage "13 columns". Unfortunately they platted a slot in the good old France. They should think better...
Ivory Coast Adventure
Jean-Luc Hervé de la Tommeraye
An Embassy attache and a butterfly hunter become involved in a treasure hunt between two rival gangs.
Fantômas / Fandor / Lord Shelton / Vieux gardien de la prison
Fantômas is a man of many disguises. He uses maquillage as a weapon. He can impersonate anyone using an array of masks and can create endless confusion by constantly changing his appearance.
Friends of the family
Noël Carradine
Leon Rollo whose nickname is "Patate" is an inventor adored by his wife and is daughter. He is mostly happy but his best friend Noël seems to succeed in everything he undertakes... Patate become increasingly jealous of this incredible luck.
Cherchez l'idole
Self, guest at Sylvie Vartan's show (uncredited)
After stealing a diamond from Mylène Demongeot, Richard hides it inside a guitar. But on returning to the music shop he discovers that the precious instrument has just been sold! The problem is complicated by the fact that five stars all bought the same model that morning...
The Reluctant Spy
Stanislas Dubois is the manager of a successful advertising agency. One day, he comes up against an imposing woman who foists on him a cumbersome painting by Cézanne.
The Invincible Swordsman
François de Capestan
Lovers are united by a political and royal coup within the court of King Louis XIII.
The Iron Mask
Charles D'Artagnan
The story of the Three Musketeers, D'Artagnan, and the imprisonment in an iron mask of the identical twin of the King of France, Louis XIV.
Rodolphe de Sombreuil
후작 루돌프는 우연히 마차를 타고 일하는 남자를 뛰어 다니며 부당하게 강도 혐의로 기소된 그의 과부가 실종된 딸을 찾도록 돕습니다.
Pontius Pilate
Ponzio Pilato
The events that culminated with the Passion of Christ seen from the perspective of Pontius Pilate, the Procurator of Judea who unwillingly condemned Christ to death. Based on the biblical Gospel of John.
Romulus and the Sabines
The classic story from the early days of Rome where there are no women. Romulus, the founder of Rome, finds women to be wives from Sabina where there are a lot of women. The Sabine men, of course, attack Rome to get their wives and daughters back.
Napoléon II, l'aiglon
General de Montholon
Blood on His Sword
Robert de Neuville
Charles le Temeraire asks in marriage Jeanne de Beauvais, daughter of King Louis XI, wishing to get her valuable lands in dowry. The King is wise to this, and since his daughter does not feel inclined to accept, he refuses. Charles sets up a plan to abduct the prince, in a way that the suspicions will fall upon Robert de Neuville, a noble enamoured of the princess. Robert manages to free her from the castle where she was being kept. Charles keeps setting traps, and managing people to perjure against Jeanne, and the King himself. Finally, Jeanne escapes alive from a pack of wolves, who set watching the lady alone in the snow covered woods, instead of attacking her. Charles does yet accuse her of being a witch - wishing to have her dead rather than being the wife of Robert... Robert will be her champion in a Judgement of God. Will the 'miracle of the wolfs' repeat itself, or fearless Charles defeat Robert in the sword duel?
프라카스 장군
Fracasse alias Sigognac
A ruined Baron Philippe de baron, meets one day a troupe of traveling actors led by Herod. Attracted by the one who plays the role of the ingenue: Isabella, and by the dynamism and enthusiasm of his companions, he takes the place of the deceased poet of the troupe. And during performances, Philippe became the captain Sunder. For his part, Isabelle loves Philip, but does not consider marriage, nobility him missing, she refuses to harm the career of Baron. And one day, the Duke of Vallombrosa, seduced by Isabella, finds himself challenged to a duel by Philippe for touching the girl. Defeated, he launched his men against Sunder, then removes Isabelle. The actors throw themselves then to storm the castle where she is being held. This time Vallombrosa was seriously injured, and the duke's own father, rushed to the scene, Isabelle discovers the girl he had once been an actress. Nothing stands now the union of Sunder and Isabella, under the tender gaze of the actors Herod and Scapin.
Princess of Cleves
Le Prince de Clèves
When a young teen marries the Prince of Cleves, more than twice her age, she automatically becomes an official Princess and takes her new position to heart. Although distracted by the elite entertainments found at court, the princess cannot help but mourn her impossible love for the dashing Duc de Nemours.
Captain Blood
François de Capestang, dit Le Capitan
Le capitan is a 1960 French-Italian swashbuckler film directed by André Hunebelle and starring Jean Marais, Bourvil, Elsa Martinelli and Lise Delamare. It is based on a novel by Michel Zévaco.
아우스트리츠의 영웅
Napoleon Bonaparte crowns himself emperor and fights the English, Austrians and Russians in 1802.
오르페의 유언
‘시인 3부작’의 마지막 작품이자 장 콕토의 유언과도 같은 작품. 콕토 자신이 시인으로 직접 출연하여, 시인의 삶과 죽음, 부활을 보여 준다. 시의 영감을 얻기 위해 다른 세계를 통과하는 여정이 이중인화, 음화, 디졸브, 슬로모션 등 다양한 효과를 통해 판타스틱하게 그려지고 있다. 장 마레, 마리아 카사레스 등 절친했던 배우들은 물론이거니와, 파블로 피카소, 프랑수아즈 사강, 샤를 아즈나부르, 율 브리너 등 쟁쟁한 인물들이 카메오로 출연했다.
Henri de Lagardère
공작 필립 드 느베르(위베르 노엘)는 아름다운 아내 이사벨(사빈느 셀망)과 결혼한 영향력 있고 인기 있는 사람이다. 그의 라이벌 필립 드 공자그(프랑수아 쇼멧)는 죽일 만큼 그를 싫어했다. 드 공자그의 졸개들이 한꺼번에 공격할 때 공작은 앙리 드 라가르데르(장 마레)와 함께 있었다. 수적인 열세 때문에 라가르데르는 자신의 친구를 구할 수 없었다. 그는 복수를 맹세하며 공작의 딸을 구해서 탈출한다. 그리고 오랜 친구 파스팔(부르빌)과 함께 스페인에서 어린 소녀를 키운다. 동시에 그는 프랑스에 자주 돌아가 친구의 살인자를 추적하며 놈이 혼자 남을 때까지 하나하나 적들을 검으로 해치운다. 마지막으로 그는 필립 드 공자그가 그가 찾고 있던 사람이라는 것을 알아내는데...
Life Together
Teddy Brooks
The writer Pierre Carot became rich and famous with his book "Life as a Couple", which was based on the loving relationships of four couples. Now he's setting up his will and wants to leave his wealth to the couples among the four, which are still as deeply in love - if any: else, his companions get the money. He sends them out to visit the couples and test their love.
Every Day Has Its Secret
Xavier Lezcano
King on Horseback
Henri La Tour
Henri La Tour, a strolling player, is also a daring adventurer. So, when, after accomplishing a brilliant feat, he is awarded a title by King Louis XV, the Duke of Saint-Sever takes offense at it and challenges Henri to a duel. However, while they fight, a group of Austrian soldiers appear suddenly and the two rivals instantly unite to repel their enemies. Unfortunately, Saint-Sever is mortally wounded and, feeling he is about to die, he entreats his new friend to offer protection to Toinon, his natural daughter, whose life is being threatened...
한가로이 한밤의 거리를 거닐던 수줍음 많은 청년 마리오는 다리 위에서 누군가를 기다리고 있던 여인 나탈리아를 만나게 된다. 마리오는 그녀의 미모와 매혹적인 분위기에 빠져들고, 용기를 내 나탈리아에게 다가선다. 해가 지지 않는 백야가 계속되던 며칠 동안, 마리오는 꿈속을 헤매듯 나탈리아에게 이끌린다. 한편, 나탈리아는 돌아오지 않던 애인에게 편지를 전해달라는 부탁을 하고, 편지를 받아 든 마리오는 고민에 빠진다. ---- 순수한 사랑의 본질과 이중성을 서정적으로 담아낸, 러시아의 대문호 도스토예프스키의 작품을 영화화했다. 비스콘티는 네오리얼리즘적 시각에서 다소 벗어나, 사랑과 절망을 백일몽과 같은 환상 속에서 아름답게 그려냈다. 전세계에서 사랑 받은 이탈리아의 국민배우이자 페데리코 펠리니의 영화적 동반자이기도 했던 마르첼로 마스트로얀니가 처음으로 주연을 맡은 작품이기도 하다. (시네마테크부산 - 2011년 루키노 비스콘티 특별전)
A Girl in a Pocket
Prof. Jerome
A professor experimenting in suspended animation accidentally shrinks his dog and later, his female lab assistant, when she drinks the liquid by accident and shrinks to 3 inches tall. The professor keeps her in his pocket until he can find an antidote. Sometimes she's naked, too.
S.O.S. Noronha
Frédéric Coulibaud
Typhoon Over Nagasaki
Pierre Marsac
Pierre Marsac, a French engineer working for the Nagasaki shipbuilding yards, has fallen in love both with Japan and a charming Japanese girl named Noriko. But Françoise Fabre, a French journalist and Pierre's former lover, contacts him while visiting the Land of the Rising Sun. They meet again, find out their love might not be dead. Meanwhile, Pierre gradually becomes estranged from sweet, humble Noriko. One day, a typhoon strikes Nagasaki...
엘레나와 남자들
Général François Rollan
19세기 말, 폴란드 왕자의 아내였지만 젊은 나이에 과부가 된 엘레나는 수많은 남자들의 주목을 받으며 파리에서 생활하고 있다. 세계대전이 일어나기 전, 그녀는 새롭게 떠오른 수려한 외모의 장군 롤랑을 만난다. 글로와르 정복에 나서려던 롤랑은 엘레나에게 도움을 요청하고, 엘레나는 롤랑을 위해 음모와 책략을 꾸미는 데에 가담한다.
The Whole Town Accuses
François Nérac
François is the benefactor of the town; but later on, all the inhabitants turn against him.
Goubbiah and the Gipsy Girl
If Paris Were Told to Us
François Ier
Historical film directed and written by Sacha Guitry follows the the history of Paris from its founding through the significant events in the city's history.
School for Love
Eric Walter
At the Conservatory of Vienna the student only have eyes for their beautiful singing teacher, tenor Eric Walter.
Count Montholon
The film follows the life of Napoleon from his early life in Corsica to his death at Saint Helena. The film is notable for its use of location shooting for numerous scenes, especially at the French estates of Malmaison and Fontainebleau, the Palace of Versailles, and sites of Napoleonic battles including Austerlitz and Waterloo.
Boom on Paris
In the early 1950s, the popular radio show "La Kermesse aux Étoiles", hosted by the famous Jean Nohain, mixing lottery games and performances of various artists, will be disrupted by the adventures of a man and his fiancée seeking to recover a dangerous bottle of perfume (explosive) which was unfortunately mixed with the prizes to be won ...
Royal Affairs in Versailles
Louis XV
Witty narration follows the history of Versailles Palace; founded by Louis XIII, enlarged by autocratic Louis XIV, whose personal affairs and amours, and those of his two successors, are followed in more detail to the start of the Revolution, after which the story is brought rapidly up to date. A huge cast plays mainly historical persons who appear briefly.
The Count of Monte Cristo
Edmond Dantès
Edmond Dantes is falsely accused by those jealous of his good fortune, and is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the notorious island prison, Chateau d'If. While imprisoned, he meets the Abbe Faria, a fellow prisoner whom everyone believes to be mad. The Abbe tells Edmond of a fantastic treasure hidden away on a tiny island, that only he knows the location of. After many years in prison, the old Abbe dies, and Edmond escapes disguised as the dead body. Now free, Edmond must find the treasure the Abbe told him of, so he can use the new-found wealth to exact revenge on those who have wronged him.
Le guérisseur
Pierre Lachaux dit Monsieur Laurent
Inside a Girls' Dormitory
Inspecteur Desiré Marco
In a little town with a renowned college a female student is found after she was hogtied and strangled to death. Inspector Marco is assigned to catch the murderer.
André Landrecourt
Julietta is a French comedy comedy romance film from 1953, directed by Marc Allégret, written by Françoise Giroud, starring Dany Robin and Jean Marais. Film was based on a novel of Louise de Vilmorin.
Voice of Silence
L'ancien maquisard
Voice of Silence is a 1953 Italian drama film directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst, written by Giuseppe Berto, starring Aldo Fabrizi and Jean Marais.
The Lovers of Midnight
Marcel Dulac
Marcel, rich and alone for Christmas, invite Françoise to celebrate whim him. Soon, the fairy tale turns into a bad dream.
The Call of Destiny
Lorenzo Lombardi
Young conductor Roberto Lombardini has never known his father who is actually a former musician, a failed piano player who has sunk into alcoholism.
Roger de Tainchebraye
After being hurt in the face, Count de Roger Tinchebraye is forced to hide his disfigured face behind a leather mask. Dispirited for a while, he decides to become a Casanova-like seductor. When he meets true love, cynical Roger does not believe in it and lets pure Judith marry an old marquis. But once Judith's husband dies, he sees Judith again, shows her his disfigured face, which does not discourage the young woman from loving him. Nevertheless, he distances himself from her forever
Love, Madame
Madame Célerier is determined to marry off her son François to a rich and haughty woman but François has other plans.
Miracles Only Happen Once
1939 : what a beautiful year for Claudia and Jerôme. No sooner do they meet that they are under each other's spell. 1939 : what a horrible year for the two lovers : war breaks out before they can get married. They meet again after the war but the enchantment has vanished. They decide to marry but it will be for reason, not for love. Miracles only happen once.
The Glass Castle
Rémy Marsay
Evelyne, a judge's young wife, falls in love with Rémy while vacationing in Italy. Upon returning home, she must decide between telling her husband and continuing to see Rémy.
파리의 생 제르맹 드 프레에 있는 시인 까페. 지적이며 미남인 시인 오르페와 술의 시인인 세제스트는 동료 시인들과 자주 이 까페에 드나든다. 어느날 검은 머리, 검은 옷에 진주 목걸이를 걸친 죽음의 여왕이 롤스로이스를 타고 이곳에 나타난다. 소름이 끼칠 정도로 싸늘한 분위기가 감돌지만 그녀는 매우 아름답다. 죽음의 여왕은 부하 두 명으로 하여금 술에 취한 시인 세제스트를 오토바이로 치여 죽이게 한다. 때마침 그 광경을 목격한 오르페, 여왕은 오르페와 함께 이미 숨진 세제스트를 싣고 죽음의 나라로 달린다. 당연히 병원으로 가는 줄 알았던 오르페지만 간 곳은 폐허가 된 별장이었다. 오르페는 죽음의 여왕이 세제스트를 불러일으켜 거울 속으로 사라지는 모습을 보게된다. 얼떨결에 오르페도 따라가다 겨울에 부딪혀 정신을 잃고 쓰러진다. 다시 의식을 찾았을 때는 낡은 별장의 흔적은 간 곳이 없고 황량한 들판에 자신이 쓰러져 있음을 알게 되었다. 오르페는 다시 생의 나라로 돌아오지만 정체를 알 수 없는 매력적인 여왕의 모습 때문에 사랑하는 아내였던 유리디스마저 돌보지 않고,오로지 자동차의 라디오에서 흘러나오는 나라의 암호에만 귀를 기울이는 것이었다. 죽음의 여왕은 이번에는 오르페를 파멸시키라는 임무를 띠게 되지만, 자기도 모르는 사이에 오르페를 사랑하게 된다. 어두운 밤이 되면 슬그머니 죽음의 나라로부터 내려와, 오르페의 침실에 나타나서 그의 자는 모습을 지켜보기도 한다. 이윽고 오르페에 대한 사랑의 감정을 이기지 못한 여왕은 인간들만이 느끼는 질투를 느끼게 되어 부인 유리디스를 살해한다. 그러나 여왕의 행동은 죽음의 나라에서는 용납할 수 없는 위반 행위였다. 이 때문에 그녀는 재판을 받게 된다. 여왕의 차를 운전하는 외르트비츠로부터 소식을 전해들은 오르페는 그의 안내를 받아 거울속의 나라로 들어간다. 이번에는 거울을 녹이는 장갑을 끼고서. 죽음의 나라에서 재판이 열리고 있었다.
The Secret of Mayerling
L'archiduc Rodolphe d'Autriche-Hongrie
On the morning of January 30, 1889, the Archduke Rodolphe de Habsbourg and his mistress Marie Vetsera were found dead. The remains of Rodolphe are discreetly repatriated to Hofburg, while that of Mary is hastily thrown into the depths of a tomb.
The Storm Within
Young Michel is in love with the attractive Madeleine, so he decides to tell his parents of his intention to marry her. He thinks his announcement is innocent enough; his engagement, however, threatens to reveal dark secrets lurking within his family's home. Yvonne, Michel's overbearing mother, concocts an elaborate scheme to drive Madeleine away, thus keeping uncomfortable household truths from being exposed.
In the Eyes of Memory
Jacques Forestier
Director Jean Delannoy's immediate followup to his brilliant Les Jeux sont Faits was the more conventional Aux Yeux du Souvenir (aka Souvenir and To the Eyes of Memory). The film is based on a true story, wherein an France airliner managed to survive a journey from Rio De Janeiro to Dakar with two of its engines incapacitated. To this already intensely dramatic situation has been added a romantic subplot involving Claire Magny (Michele Morgan) and Jacques Forester (Jean Marais). The love story adds very little to the film; fortunately, neither does it detract from the film's overall quality. As was the case with many French productions of the 1940s, Aux Yeux du Souvenir benefits immeasurably from the Wagnerian musical score by Georges Auric.
The Eagle with Two Heads
Political intrigue and psychological drama run parallel. The queen is in seclusion, veiling her face for the ten years since her husband's assassination, longing to join him in death. Stanislas, a poet whose pen name is Azrael, is a suicidal anarchist, his imagination haunted into hate by longing for this queen who's drawn apart. He enters her private quarters intent on killing her then himself, but they fall in love, in part because he looks like the king. Stanislas wants her to regain political power by appearing to the public, and she tries to convince him to find hope and escape. All the while, the queen's enemies plot to keep the lovers together but to thwart their plans.
The Queen's Lover
Ruy Blas / Don César de Bazan
Exiled from the court of Spain, Don Salluste, the chief of police, wants to take revenge on the Queen. One day he meets Ruy Blas, a young student who happens to be a lookalike of Don Cesar, his nephew. Salluste disguises Ruy Blas and presents him as Don Cesar. It doesn't take long before Ruy Blas, intelligent, virtuous and generous as he is becomes popular and the Queen, who has fallen in love with him, appoints him Prime Minister. All seems for the best in the best of worlds but Salluste has not forgotten his revenge, far from that ...
The Royalists
le marquis de Montauran
The Marquis de Montauran was appointed to command the Chouans whose first two revolts were crushed. An aristocrat, Marie-Nathalie de Verneuil, is sent by Joseph Fouché to seduce and capture him.
미녀와 야수
The Beast / The Prince / Avenant
세 딸을 가진 떠돌이 잡상인이 길을 잘못 들어 아무도 살지 않는 고성에 들어가게 된다. 그가 정원에 핀 장미를 꺾으려 하자 한 마리의 야수가 나타나 목숨을 빼았겠다며 상인의 딸들 중 한 사람이 그 몫을 대신할 수는 있다고 말한다. 이를 알게 막내 벨은 자원하여 아버지를 구하기 위해 야수의 성으로 들어가게 되는데...
Don José
Voyage Without Hope
Alain Ginestier
Gohelle, escaped from prison, seeks to flee occupied France for Argentina. The captain of a cargo ship is willing to smuggle him out out France for a price but Gohelle has no money. His mistress, Marie-Angel tries to charm the money out of wealthy Alain Ginestier who seems the ideal pigeon but Marie-Angel falls in love with Ginestier.
숙부의 집에서 기거하고 있던 고아인 파트리스(장 마레)는 어느날 섬마을에서 아름다운 여인 나탈리(마드렌느 솔로뉴)를 알게 되어 숙부의 신부로 맞기 위해 성으로 데려온다. 그러나 나탈리는 이미 파트리스에게 마음을 빼앗겨 있었고 파트리스도 결국 나탈리를 사랑하게 된다. 그 사실을 알게 된 숙부는 두 사람이 다시는 만나지 못하도록 하지만 이것은 모두 성에서 함께 살고 있는 숙부의 조카인 소인 아지르의 계략에 의해 시작된 비극이었다.
The Four-Poster Bed
Remy Bonvent
In his prison cell, the composer Remi Bonvent composed an opera, The columns bed. The director of the prison, Porey Cave, succeeds made believe he is the author of this work. The death of the two protagonists will prevent the discovery of the truth.
The Pavilion Burns
Denise, a young employee of the mine, is courted by the engineer Risay while she is engaged to Daniel, a simple underground worker. A betrayal has occurred that compromises the mine. An accident occurs and about fifteen workers, including Denise's fiancé, are buried under rubble in a collapsing shaft.
Let’s Go Up the Champs-Élysées
The history of one of France's most famous streets is retold, featuring multiple performances from Guitry himself.
Le Patriote
The reign of Tsar Paul I and the intrigues of his friend, Governor Pahlen, to rid the country of the mad despot by plotting to have him murdered.
Bizarre, Bizarre
Le fêtard assommé par un Chinois
A French farce set in Victorian London where a botanist and his wife get into trouble when they pretend to go missing in order to hide from their sanctimonious cousin - an Anglican bishop who is leading a campaign against such writing.
The New Men
Le secrétaire
Dedicated to men, natives and French, which under the leadership of General Lyautey, made modern Morocco. After a historical prologue where we see Clemenceau yield to the entreaties of Lyautey, we are witnessing the arrival of settlers on Moroccan soil with the rapid rise of one of them: the ambitious Bourron. Similarly it has conquered the land from scratch, Bourron could conquer a woman, Christiane, who followed him not without confessing his love for another man. It is this love that Bourron will use later to acquire a forest of olive trees, which he believed to be the symbol of its success. Christiane accept but never forgive her husband...
The Adventurer
Le jeune ouvrier
A scandalised Frenchman returns from Africa where he has been involved in illegal trading of mines (resulting in the deaths of many African miners). His bourgeois family are wary of the shame that he will bring so he must try to redeem himself and his family's name.
Le Bonheur
Journalist - Un journaliste
Philippe Lutcher, an anarchist, fires a shot at Clara Stuart, a famous stage and screen actress, but only wounds her. The star, through affectation and curiosity to know his motives, pleads in his favour at his trial, but he rebuffs her pity. After he has served 18 months in prison, they meet and fall in love.
Le Scandale
Le liftier
A woman suffers ill repute when she deserts her husband for a fling with an adventurer and gives the lover jewelry to pay the hotel bill. Will the husband be understanding and forgive her?
Étienne, a very sensitive being, watches helplessly as his mother suffers from his father's infidelities. He tries to seduce his father's next conquest without his knowledge.
The Hawk
The wife of a Hungarian gentleman tires of helping him cheat and becomes the mistress of a diplomat.When she re-encounters her husband he is enfeebled and ill, so she takes pity on him.