A couple lost in the woods stumbles across a mysterious cult who once harvested a strange, crimson, maple syrup with healing properties. The cult is on the brink of ruin as their crimson maple supply dwindles and their leader is left with some life or death decisions to make.
Tom / Chad
Worlds collide as a couple on the run from the Mob hide out at a house two televangelists think they're inheriting.
Executive Producer
Thirty-one twisted tales made from a collective of genre loving filmmakers, Fun Size Horror: Volume One aims to chill and delight horror fans. From classic slashers and creature features, to horror-comedy and hauntings all made into bite size pieces. Like a bag of Halloween candy after a night of trick or treating, Fun Size Horror: Volume One is filled with the unexpected and not without the threat of the occasional razor blade. Which leaves only one question: Trick or treat?
Carl Rogers
Joshua Steed returns to Missouri a wealthy man with a beautiful wife; however, the past has a way of catching up. Soon Joshua is tangled in a web of rumors, deception and betrayal that threatens to tear his family apart. Back in Kirtland, financial trouble riddles the foundations of the fledgling Church causing a division, and questioning of the Prophet Joseph Smith's divine calling. Has he lost his prophetic gift? Hundreds of Saints immigrate to Missouri, where Governor Boggs raises an army - with Joshua at its head - to address the "Mormon Problem." When the militia receives orders to attack the Mormon settlement, only Joshua can save his family from the gathering mob.
It's the 1980's and a group of typical horror movie high school kids are getting together to hold a séance in a haunted house. Naturally, people start dying preposterously bloody deaths, girls are getting naked for no apparent reason and people walk into pitch black rooms and say things like "Is someone in here?" Will any of these poor, hapless kids survive? Or will their bodies fill the house with blood and...well, you know!
Carl Rogers
"The Work and The Glory: American Zion" sets the story of the fictional Steed family against the historically factual backdrop of the Mormon people's move into the West. Divided by their diverse reactions to a nascent ideology, the Steeds struggle to hold together as the strength of their convictions and their filial bonds are tested. The stirring narrative of the faith that led a persecuted people to Missouri and beyond is one of the most poignant untold tales of American history. It is the account of a valiant struggle to exercise the rights promised by a fledgling nation. "The Work and the Glory: American Zion" unearths the story of the passion behind the movement which eventually launched the largest American migration and the colonization of the West: the vision of a promised land in America.
Young Kissing Man
닉(잭 블랙)과 팀(벤 스틸러)은 지극히 평범한 가정을 가진 절친한 동료이자 이웃이다. 상상력이 풍부한 닉은 어느날 가축의 똥을 공기 중으로 증발시켜 처리하는 것이 어떨까 하는 생각을 한다. 당장 실천에 들어가지만 팀은 하찮게 여겨 단 2천 달러를 투자하라는 제안을 건성으로 듣는다. 발명품 베이포라이즈는 경이로운 성공을 기록하고 닉은 억만장자가 된다. 천진한 닉은 여전히 팀을 세상 최고의 친구로 대하지만 팀은 자신의 집 앞에 거대한 저택을 짓고 온갖 호사스러운 생활을 즐기는 닉의 가족이 달갑지가 않다. 팀의 열등감과 자격지심은 점점 스스로의 생활을 엉망으로 만들어간다. 가족은 떠나고 직장에서는 해고당한다. 더 이상 버티기 힘든 팀에게 수상한 해결사 제이맨(크리스토퍼 워켄)이 접근한다. 팀은 술에 취해 실수로 닉의 애마 코르키를 활로 죽이게 되고 파다만 수영장에 숨겨둔다. 닉은 코르키를 찾는데 5만 달러의 상금을 건다. 닉의 아내 애미는 주 상원의원에 출마하지만 라이벌의원의 베이포라이징에 대한 정치적 공세로 위기를 당한다. 이제 닉과 팀 그리고 제이맨은 서로의 이익을 위해 상상을 초월한 소동을 벌이게 된다.
Eighteen-Year-Old Typist
테네시주에 사는 두명의 젊은이 레이프 맥컬리(Captain Rafe McCawley: 벤 에플렉 분)와 대니 워커(Captain Danny Walker: 조쉬 하트넷 분)는 어릴 적부터 형제처럼 자란 죽마고우이다. 이 둘은 자라서 둘다 미공군 파일럿이 되고, 레이프는 미해군에서 근무하는 아름답고, 용기있는 간호사 에벌린 스튜어트(Nurse Lieutenant Evelyn Stewart: 케이트 베킨세일 분)와 사랑에 빠진다.
Goofy Delegate
When Chloe and Riley Lawrence are invited to London to participate in the international Model U.N. competition, they enjoy seeing the sights and head over heals romance with cute british boys of course.
Chicken Shack Kid
A Hollywood film executive gets blackmailed by a derelict who uses some damaging information to move into his house and take over his perfect life for himself.