On the planet Civis 3, the cultural center of a distant galaxy, a small alien boy named Neddie has a dream. He wants to do his part to help save the galaxy from a tyrannical warlord. When Neddie finds an ancient starship from a forgotten era, he and his young friends take flight to stop the evil General Disdain.
Fal (segment "The Duel") / Arthur (segment "The Package")
외계인 연합체 코버넌트군과 인류의 싸움을 기록한 우주 대서사시.
수백 년 후, 미래.
외계 연합체인 코버넌트군은 자신들에게 새로운 생명을 가져다 줄 것이라 생각되는 유적을 찾기 위해 전 우주를 배회하면서 자신들의 앞 길을 막아서는 문명과 종족들에 대해서는 무차별적인 파괴를 일삼는다. 이런 일련의 과정을 묵묵히 지켜보던 연합계 영웅 슈퍼 솔저 마스터 치프는 코버넌트군의 최종 목적이 전 우주의 말살을 위해 고리형 행성인 ‘헤일로’를 발동시킬 것이라는 사실을 알게 된다. 이제 마스터 치프는 상상을 초월하는 코버넌트군에 맞서 치열한 전투를 벌이며 인류의 새로운 구세주로 떠오르게 된다.
English News Anchor
In memory of both September 11 events, we present Mel Chin's animated short film in its entirety. SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - SANTIAGO. SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 - NEW YORK CITY. The terrorist attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City forever scarred the trust of the American people. On the same date, 28 years before, the US-supported military overthrow of Chilean President Salvador Allende ushered in 17 years of autocratic rule under dictator Augusto Pinochet, leaving more than 3,000 dead and countless victims of torture.
Bowling Alley Clerk (voice)
Is having fun and saying what you really think politically incorrect? Or is it impossible to do both? Cody McKenzie thinks nobody has parties anymore. Maybe they do, but he just isn't invited to any. However, tonight, Cody and his wife Judy are going to a very special party. Elizabeth Sheridan, star of Cody's fantasies, is giving it for the engagement of his best friend. Elizabeth also happens to be a very important player where Cody works. Judy sees the party as a chance for Cody to advance; he sees it as a chance to impress the woman of his dreams.