Donna Brower

참여 작품

The life of a young Jesuit seminarian is turned upside down when he falls in love with a young woman while working as a volunteer at a soup kitchen.
The life of a young Jesuit seminarian is turned upside down when he falls in love with a young woman while working as a volunteer at a soup kitchen.
Relative Strangers
An uptight professional meets his lower-class biological parents for the first time.
The Godfather of Green Bay
Joe Keegan is the 'Rocky' of stand-up comedy. A fifteen-year comedy veteran who was pegged for stardom early on in his career but has blown every major audition he has ever had in legendary fashion. Fresh off a recent fiasco with a heckler that included a broken nose, Joe's friend Kenny tells him he can get them an audition for 'The Tonight Show' and that it's 'a can't miss.' The one catch is that it's at a roadside bar in tiny Pine Lake, Wisconsin, hometown of Tonight Show Talent scout, Harvey Skorik who never misses 'Rocktoberfest.' Having doubts but needing a break from L.A., Joe reluctantly agrees to go. Arriving in Wisconsin, Joe bombs his first night on stage when local emcee Dug sabotages him. Joe cannot get a break until he encounters his former high school English teacher, the beautiful Molly Mahoney who is also at a crossroads in her life.
The Godfather of Green Bay
Joe Keegan is the 'Rocky' of stand-up comedy. A fifteen-year comedy veteran who was pegged for stardom early on in his career but has blown every major audition he has ever had in legendary fashion. Fresh off a recent fiasco with a heckler that included a broken nose, Joe's friend Kenny tells him he can get them an audition for 'The Tonight Show' and that it's 'a can't miss.' The one catch is that it's at a roadside bar in tiny Pine Lake, Wisconsin, hometown of Tonight Show Talent scout, Harvey Skorik who never misses 'Rocktoberfest.' Having doubts but needing a break from L.A., Joe reluctantly agrees to go. Arriving in Wisconsin, Joe bombs his first night on stage when local emcee Dug sabotages him. Joe cannot get a break until he encounters his former high school English teacher, the beautiful Molly Mahoney who is also at a crossroads in her life.
The Godfather of Green Bay
Heckler's Mother
Joe Keegan is the 'Rocky' of stand-up comedy. A fifteen-year comedy veteran who was pegged for stardom early on in his career but has blown every major audition he has ever had in legendary fashion. Fresh off a recent fiasco with a heckler that included a broken nose, Joe's friend Kenny tells him he can get them an audition for 'The Tonight Show' and that it's 'a can't miss.' The one catch is that it's at a roadside bar in tiny Pine Lake, Wisconsin, hometown of Tonight Show Talent scout, Harvey Skorik who never misses 'Rocktoberfest.' Having doubts but needing a break from L.A., Joe reluctantly agrees to go. Arriving in Wisconsin, Joe bombs his first night on stage when local emcee Dug sabotages him. Joe cannot get a break until he encounters his former high school English teacher, the beautiful Molly Mahoney who is also at a crossroads in her life.
Shadow Fury
Madsen, a bounty hunter with a bad liver and an even worse attitude, with the help of the lovely Dr. Forster, must stop Dr. Oh and Takeru and restore order to the world.
하이랜더 4: 엔드 오브 게임
15세기 스코틀랜드의 고산족(하이랜더) 중 일부는 불사불노의 능력을 가지고 있고, 이들은 '단 한명이 남을 때까지(there can be only one)' 다른 이의 목을 잘라야 하는 운명을 지니고 있다. 때는 2000년 뉴욕. 켈(브루스 페인)은 이러한 '하이랜더'들 중에서도 최강의 전투력을 가지고 있다. 이러한 능력은 수세기에 걸쳐 자신이 죽였던 600명의 초자연적 힘이 결집되어 나온 것이다. 이제 켈에게 남은 상대는 오랜 숙적 코너 맥로드(크리스토퍼 램버트)와 그의 친척인 던컨 맥로드(아드리안 폴) 뿐이다. 1955년, 코너가 뜻하지 않게 켈의 아버지를 죽였을 때부터 시작된 켈과 코너의 악연은 켈이 코너의 애인을 살해하면서 극대화되었다. 한편, 켈은 18세기시절 던컨의 애인 케이트(리사 바부시아)를 고용하여 코너를 죽이려 한 적이 있고, 던컨은 자신을 방치한 코너에게 증오를 느끼며, 케이트는 이제 불사신이 되어 던컨을 쫓는 복잡한 관계가 형성된다. 무술로 단련된 새로운 암살자들까지 개입한 격렬한 전투 끝에 코너와 던칸은, 원칙에 따라 자신들중 한명 역시 희생되어야 함을 깨닫는다.
Double Deception
Mr. Ozaki, a Japanese conglomerate businessman living in Los Angeles, hires a beautiful young double (Maria) to protect his real daughter (Lisa) from harm. When Maria is kidnapped by a professional crime organization for a $2 million ransom, her bodyguard, Luke Campbell, conceives a plan to rescue her. By kidnapping the real Lisa Ozaki and turning her over to the kidnappers, Luke hopes to save Maria, and ultimately Lisa, as he knows her father will only pay the ransom for his daughter and not the double. However, the bodyguards hired to watch Lisa have another plan in mind. About to lose their jobs for losing Lisa when they were supposed to keep an eye on her at all times, they decide to steal the ransom money and rescue Lisa, in an attempt to be the heroes and save their jobs