Chris Dinh

참여 작품

코리아타운 노래방에서 도우미로 일하고 있는 한 젊은 여성이 투병중인 아버지를 더이상 돌볼수 없게 되자 오랫동안 연락도 없었던 남동생을 찾아간다. 미쓰퍼플은 힘든 시간을 겪는 남매의 삶을 독특한 시선으로 엿보는 현실적인 드라마다.
Cameron is a nighttime courier with a heart of gold and a secret. Dusk to dawn, he makes deliveries all over the Los Angeles area. A skilled chef, he's saving for his own food truck, but he's too busy taking care of other people to put his own dreams first. When his next pickup turns out to be Jasmine, the attractive, headstrong daughter of a client, the ensuing sparks light up the night sky. Will this chance encounter be just another delivery, or will it change his life forever?
밀실 살인
블레어와 올리는 마지막으로 도둑질을 하고 새로운 삶을 살기로 약속한다. 하지만 마지막 집에서 살인사건이 발생하고, 올리는 살인 사건의 용의자로 잡혀간다. 올리를 풀어주기 위해 블레어는 큰 돈을 빌리고, 그 돈을 갚기 위해 오빠인 코너와 다시 도둑질을 하게 된다. 2주 전부터 물색해둔 집에 블레어와 올리, 코너와 라일리는 한 팀이 되어 계획적 범행을 실행한다. 하지만 넷은 집 안에 갇히게 되고 그곳이 연쇄 살인범의 집이라는 것을 알게 되는데…
밀실 살인
블레어와 올리는 마지막으로 도둑질을 하고 새로운 삶을 살기로 약속한다. 하지만 마지막 집에서 살인사건이 발생하고, 올리는 살인 사건의 용의자로 잡혀간다. 올리를 풀어주기 위해 블레어는 큰 돈을 빌리고, 그 돈을 갚기 위해 오빠인 코너와 다시 도둑질을 하게 된다. 2주 전부터 물색해둔 집에 블레어와 올리, 코너와 라일리는 한 팀이 되어 계획적 범행을 실행한다. 하지만 넷은 집 안에 갇히게 되고 그곳이 연쇄 살인범의 집이라는 것을 알게 되는데…
Everything Before Us
The Department of Emotional Integrity (DEI) documents all relationship activity. A 'relationship score' is given to keep people accountable for their choices. The score is public for all to see, and affects various aspects of daily life. Two couples, teenagers and early 30s, face different but intersecting challenges in their relationships within the rules of the DEI.
Awesome Asian Bad Guys
An action/comedy about two offbeat filmmakers reuniting the Asian bad guys from action films from the 80s and 90s, to carry off one impossible mission.
Crush the Skull 2
The story continues with the young couple walking down the same desolate road. They flag down a sheriff's car for help. As the sheriff gets out of the car, they notice another sheriff's officer tied up in the back seat. Which one is dangerous?
She Has a Boyfriend
Frank is in search for a girlfriend but every woman he meets already has a boyfriend. He then seeks out advice from his friends on what to do to achieve his ideal love life.
Crush the Skull
A young couple's car breaks down on a desolate road. When a stranger shows up out of nowhere to assist them, all signs point to one conclusion; the stranger is most likely a serial killer.
Crush the Skull
A young couple's car breaks down on a desolate road. When a stranger shows up out of nowhere to assist them, all signs point to one conclusion; the stranger is most likely a serial killer.
Asian Stories
Minh Phuc
Jim, the cheapest Chinese American dude in LA, has recently been left by his fiancé, Katherine two weeks before their wedding on Valentine's Day. In order to ease his pain, he asks his long-time best friend and ex-con, Alex, to kill him. Alex reluctantly agrees to give Jim his wish, but he doesn't think its a good idea to do the job down in LA. So Jim and Alex begin their journey with a trip up to Jim's Aunt's cabin in the mountains, under the strict condition that all business is to be taken care of before Valentine's Day.
Ninja Say What?!
Observational Comedy Short about Ninjas in America.