Olga Kabo

Olga Kabo

출생 : 1968-01-28,

프로필 사진

Olga Kabo

참여 작품

Позднее счастье
Love and Sax
A story about a life of two musicians.
The Mystery of Snow Queen
A new interpretation of the most known and beloved fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen - "Snow Queen"
1812 나폴레옹 대전투
Pani Marta
나폴레옹의 부하가 러시아의 전투 작전계획을 훔쳐 프랑스 황제에게 전달한다. 이 사실은 젊은 귀족 알렉세이 타루소프 덕분에 러시아 군의 지휘관인 쿠투조프 장군에게 알려진다. 타루소프는 쿠투조프에게 간청하여 러시아 창기병 연대에 합류해 고르제프스키, 키크나드제 왕자, 그리고 푸트카 상사와 같은 새로운 친구를 만나게 된다. 보로디노의 끔찍한 전투가 끝난 후에 그들은 많은 예기치 못한 모험을 하게 되는데...
1920년 바르샤바 전투
Sofia Nikołajewna
세계 역사상 가장 중요한 군사적 대립 중의 하나를 그린 방대하고 역사적인 벽화, <1920년 바르샤바 전투>는 두 명의 평범한 인간이 투쟁에 휘말리는 서사시적 이야기다. 이야기가 펼쳐지는 시간을 따라 극단적인 사건들이 역사와 삶의 변화를 드러낸다. (2011년 16회 부산국제영화제)
Happiness in Other Words
Veterans are selected for filming an “artistic provocation” dedicated to the image of an unprotected human body during a war. Only one agrees. In the pavilion, when he is painted in gold and removed, he tells what he was thinking when he went to the front in 1944, assigning to himself one extra year.
Based on famous fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen.
Villa of discord, or dance of the solar eclipse
Divorce is trauma, it is stress, it is tears and disputes, it is a solution to property conflicts. And the wealthier you are, the more difficult it is to share the good acquired in marriage. Husband and wife are getting divorced. Passions boil, nerves to the limit. The apple of discord becomes a villa in Mexico, in Acapulco. Finally, a luxurious mansion is put up for auction, and our heroes, having a little scolding for formality, are scattered in different directions. Time passes. Ex-spouses decide to celebrate the New Year in a mansion not yet sold - of course, everyone is sure that this bright thought occurred to him alone. An unexpected meeting does not bode well, the clouds are gathering fast, the thunder is about to strike - but that's not all! On the doorstep of the house appears the buyer of the villa, the local Al Capone, who came to look at a tidbit before parting with his millions ...
Первый Скорый
Lovers. Film 2
30 years is an eternity! Sometimes - a moment ... A lot of things change around - invariably only a real feeling! Life values are changing, we are changing, but the feeling of something real and important does not pass. Over the years, it becomes more meaningful and wiser - because love is so fragile and vulnerable.
The entrance through the window
Artist Suncov, missed at the time, true love, my whole life looking for replacements favorite other women. But no,no, Yes flashed in the eyes of the merry fellow and the Joker melancholy — because the replacement of their children living in another country, not to find. The situation in which the main character got, you will not envy: four lovers came to him at the same time.
Carnival night 2
New years tele-vaudeville based on Eldar Ryazanov's "Carnival Night".
Burial of the Rats
In 19th Century France, a young Bram Stoker is captured by a man-hating, all-female cult of thong bikini wearers. Aided by flesh-eating rats, the warrior women raid the lairs of evil men and punish them. Our hero must decide between his wish to escape the dangerous cult and his love for one of its members.
Olga Karavaeva
At the filming movie about the crusaders, in Turkey, with one of the stunts died in accident. Death of a stuntman was rigged by criminals, who smuggled a large shipment of drugs in the coffin. Producer Anton is killed, money stolen...
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Ellie's Mother / Stella
The evil witch Gingemma conjures up a cyclone to take little Elli away from her mother, and is crushed for her wickedness. Upon landing in the Magic Land, Elli's dog, Totoshka, becomes a remarkably intelligent advisor, who suggests she take the silver shoes the witch was wearing. Wralan, the Cyclone, reports the accident to Bastinda, the Wicked Witch of the West. Near where Elli's house landed is a cornfield with a Scarecrow, Strasheela, who wants a brain. When Elli rescues him from his pole, a Cowardly Lion comes to the cornfield and calls a truce so they can join together to see Goodwin the Wizard to have their wishes granted. In a dark forest, they meet Zhyelyeenee Drovosyek, a rusted iron woodchopper who wants a heart, and joins them on their quest. Bastinda sends an array of hazards, including an impish Ogre, knife wielding tigers, and winged monkeys to get the shoes from her. The monkeys are successful, and bring her to the castle. How will she find Goodwin now?
Pamiętnik znaleziony w garbie
A story about the life of a woman, two men of her life and her son, Janek Garbus, seen through the eyes of the latter - "conceived by an NKVD uncle on the night after the Soviet army entered".
A young girl is dreaming to become a ballerina despite a difficult times she's going through...
Musketeers 20 Years Later
The new adventures of four musketeer friends... Based on Alexandre Dumas père novel "20 Years Later".
Behind the high walls of the old Indian monastery, some businessmen organized a closed school of the occult sciences. The most capable student, the young man Ariel, who has the ability to levitate, once decides to escape from captivity. But the hunt begins on him
Ubiystvo v Sunshine Menor
Sarah Drummond
Профессор Ян Драммонд, новым изобретением которого заинтересовались русские и американцы, убит у себя в особняке Саншайн Менор при полном стечении гостей. Писатель Джо Алекс, приехавший накануне убийства вместе с актрисой Сарой, и детектив Бен Паркер, прежде чем вычислить истинного убийцу, будут подозревать в преступлении каждого из присутствующих, потому что у каждого были для этого основания и против каждого были улики.
Лизавета Николаевна Тушина
Jews, cheers!
Girl on a raft / Amazon / Ukrainian girl / Priestess of love / Israeli army officer
A superliner carrying millionaires crashed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Only a few people were saved. They swim on a raft and listen to humorous fables about friendship between Ukrainians and Jews told by a Hasid.
The Ice Runner
US-agent West travels to Moscow for the CIA in order to buy Russian weapons and to send them to the rebels in Afghanistan. When West gets caught he hides his identity and receives 15 years in a working camp in Siberia as penalty
Not Afraid to Die
The tragic story of a Russian family forced to make life and death decisions during the Stalinist purges.
Wandering Stars
A drama based on classical novel by Sholom Aleichem.
A romantic and funny fantasy about the events occurred during the building of a first railroad in Russia.
The Adventures of Quentin Durward, Marksman of the Royal Guard
Isabella de Croix
France, XV century. The young Scot, striving to make his worthy efforts, is kindly treated by the king and admitted to the guard. Soon the king entrusts him with a difficult mission - however, the matter turns into an insidious deception. Saving his beloved, the shooter of the guard shows miracles of courage and nobility ...
Knight's castle
14th century. On the border of the possessions of Veliky Novgorod and the Livonian Order, a detachment of soldiers led the defense of the brave Vseslav. During a cross-border skirmish, Vseslav is captured and ends up in the castle of Knight Romuald - Neuhausen. The owners treat the prisoner as a guest. Soon, the castle is visited by the Teutonic knight Ewald, in love with Emma, the wife of Romuald. He dreams of taking possession of both the castle and its mistress ...
Сирано де Бержерак
Comedy of Lysistrata
Lysistrata led the women of ancient Greece in forcing men to stop the war, that was devastating the land for 21 years. At secret assembly of the women delegates from both sides of the conflict, Lysistrata declared: "We must refrain from the male altogether - till the men come to terms of peace". Her instruction to every wife or mistress was to refuse all sexual favors whatsoever, and sit prettily dressed in best transparent silks, till the men yield to peace.
Two Arrows. Stone Age Detective
A parable in the manner of a tragedian based on the play by A. Volodin "On the tribes of the Bison and Scorpions, who lived many thousands of years ago on a small island." The events that the film tells about take place in ancient times, in the Stone Age. In the forest, where a large tribe lives, two shots in the back killed one of the clan, nicknamed Long. His widow demands that the killer become her husband. The head of the clan is trying to find out who the killer is.
Evil Spirit
Primorsky Boulevard
The events of the movie take place in the city of Odessa. A guy named Sasha sees a beautiful girl on the street and, following her, inadvertently causes a car crash. The driver of the car turns out to be none other than this girl's father, who is also a screenplay writer currently experiencing a writer's block. Instead of demanding money from Sasha for repairs to his vehicle, the writer makes Sasha tell him all the details of his new relationship with the girl he saw on the street, not knowing that this girl (Lena) is his own daughter. To make things more complex, Lena has a younger sister Dasha who begins to like Sasha.
Black Corridor
History teacher Nikolay Echevin on his sixtieth birthday receives an anonymous letter in which he is called the "center of public infection" and threatened with murder.
Where Is Enohp Located?
Forty-year-old researcher Pavel is still single. And not because he likes to be free and unmarried, but because he is very indecisive - he does not know how to meet girls. Pavel’s parents are sounding the alarm - they really want to give their son "in good hands" and see their grandchildren. But he doesn’t like those girls whom Pavel’s mother is wooing. And then one day a master takes over - a cheerful, battered and excessively sociable brother of Pavel — Gennady. He has in his arsenal one effective way to get acquainted with any girl he likes, to interest her in his persona. Gennady is getting into a rage so much that he almost gets married, forgetting about the watchful wife, who always stands guard over their long marriage...
Nochnoy ekipazh
Bambi's Youth
Second of the two movies bases on the novel "Bambi, a Life in the Woods" written by Felix Salten.
A Million in a Wedding Basket
In the densely populated slums live large but poor family of charming and talented signor Leonido Popogatto. Under the guise of an important person he enters the secular parties and steals drinks and food from the tables.
Шутки в сторону
Елена Ермакова
모스크바에서 온 S여인
모스크바에서 온 S여인
Старый хулиган
A crime drama about a generational conflict. The main character, who got involved in crime at the end of the 1990s, has his son kidnapped and demanded a ransom. This is how former "fixers" are held hostage by street racers.