This is a film that finally approaches our moral meanderings with a true vision. Julio Cesar is a beautiful character who undertakes his life without major worries, even though his life is clearly astray. He simply stumbles along finding his way as the road unravels. Such as life truly is in this part (and many others) of the world, when numerous reasons lead one to put aside moral concerns when a quick opportunity may lead to some personal advantage.
Borges falls in love with Beatriz Viterbo, a high-class young woman, who decides to marry a government official who makes Borges strongly suspect him, speculating that he is a sadist who is slowly poisoning Beatriz. To save Beatriz Borges, he decides to turn to a detective, who becomes the hinge of an unthinkable story.
아르헨티나의 젊은 시인 올리베리오(Oliverio: 다리오 그란디네티 분)는 삶과 죽음, 그리고 여자와 복잡하게 얽힌 삶 속에서 시를 쓰며, 보헤미아적인 나날을 살아가는 오늘의 젊은이다. 시를 쓰는 것만으로는 생활이 어려운 그는 가끔 떠오르는 아이디어를 광고회사에 팔고는 하지만, 그렇게 들어온 돈은 곧 또 창녀에게로 간다. 올리베리오는 사랑의 환희로 허공에 떠올라, 함께 나르는 여자를 찾아 평생을 살아왔다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 그러던 그가 부에노스 아이레스를 떠나, 몬테비데오에 갔을때, 우연히 한 창녀를 만난다. 안나(Ana: 산드라 발레스테로스 분)라는 이름의 그 창녀는, 올리베리오를 안은채 하늘을 나를 수 있는 여자였다. 그러나, 여지껏 그가 여자들을 날지 못한다는 이유로 버렸듯, 이번에는 안나가 올리베리오를 버린다. 올리베리오가 아무리 발버둥을 쳐도, 안나는 눈하나 깜짝하지 않는다. 마침내, 안나는 올리베리오를 뒤에 남긴 채 떠나버린다.
Roberto is an insurance salesman who dreams of writing his own novel. When he meets Estela, a young woman about to commit suicide, it serves him as material to make this work.
The trial of a confessed serial killer focused on the alternative of finding him guilty and sending him to the electric chair, or declaring him unimpeachable and confining him in a psychiatric hospital.
This action film dramatizes the military regime of Argentina who were responsible for the cruel violence and oppression of the so-called "missing" people.
Three stories based on tales of the book by Manuel Mujica Lainez, ("El hambre", "La pulsera de cascabeles" y "El salón dorado".).) On scripts for the directors themselves and the collaboration of Ernesto Schoo.
A plague ravages Buenos Aires. Those affected by it are executed on the spot; those who are healthy should report to the authorities. Escaping both from the authorities and from the disease, seven survivors head south.