Susan's family restaurant is in trouble: a competing restaurant, Soup Station, moves in next door and, powered by its ingenious innovation (self-serve soup!) business is slow. How can their traditional Chinese restaurant compete? From this humble beginning, the legend of Susan is born.
Arina Kartades
When the crew of the Hermes finds itself trapped in a space battle with the evil Calinar breaching their ship they must fight for their lives while Arina Kartades still has strange visions of her master Yuni on Deridia Prime.
Demon Palmon
A beautiful, schizophrenic, woman is pushed over the edge by her husbands illicit affairs. When her hallucinations become reality, the Devil comes to take his due. Is Miriam insane or has the Devil come to collect on her promise?
A vlogger, a cat, a cult, and the second-coming of Jesus Christ.
A vlogger, a cat, a cult, and the second-coming of Jesus Christ.
Elle Lee-Kim-Park
A vlogger, a cat, a cult, and the second-coming of Jesus Christ.
Associate Producer
1865, the American Civil War has just ended. The last remaining members of a now destitute Southern family journey to California. The guilt and scars they carry from the war are deeper and more painful than the loss of their family fortune and home. The war is over, but the battle to survive has just begun, they are in search of a new life, a new fortune, a new world and something else that they do not yet understand, the redemption of their very souls. Written by Joseph Paul Stachura
Abbey Park
A quirk in time and space gives a failed filmmaker the chance to reshape his destiny when he visits his peculiar alma mater.
A lascivious boyfriend takes his virginal girlfriend to an adult retreat for a passionate weekend unaware of the camp-ground's history of murder and rape.
A group of five so-called friends, ban together in an attempt to make their lives more eventful. In the course of their night they are thrown into a world of deceit, betrayal, and murder. Who knew growing up would be this complicated.
Barefoot Bobby Briggs, the legendary running back for the Austin Steers was today sentenced to die for his role in the armed robbery/murder at a downtown Stop 'n Go convenience store... It's five years later, and Bobby's appeals have all but run out, and the Austin Steers are - once again - on the march to the Superbowl, with a lock on the playoffs, when their wide receiver has a season ending injury. With their playoff hopes in shambles, the Governor of Texas controversially offers Bobby a furlough -- from death row -- to help rescue the Steers' post-season hopes, and even play in the Superbowl.
Stunt Double
2개의 타이타늄 반지, 초극비 프로젝트 HALO, 그리고 미녀삼총사… 백만장자 찰리를 주축으로 정부를 위해 일하는 매력적인 미녀삼총사, 나탈리, 딜런, 알렉스. 어느날 미 법무성과 연방요원이 관리하던 FBI의 증인보호 프로그램 “HALO”가 담긴 2개의 타이타늄 반지가 연달아 도난당하고, 보호 중이던 증인들을 무차별 살해하는 테러가 발생한다. 더욱 섹시하고 더욱 강해진 그녀들의 임무가 시작된다! 이제 3년만에 새로운 프로젝트에 투입된 미녀삼총사의 임무는 사라진 반지를 되찾고 나머지 증인들의 생명을 보호하는 것! 그러나 섹시하고 터프한 미녀삼총사 앞에 찰리의 옛 부하이자 “타락천사”로 변해버린 매디슨이 나타나 사사건건 그녀들을 방해하는데…
Raver (uncredited)
Life begins when the sun goes down for a group of party-prone friends attending an L.A. rave. The music starts and the dream begins as party-goer Puck gives them each a sample of his "love potion". This glowing green liquid fuels their inner desires and allows the friends to connect with their long secret loves during this night of dancing, lights, and unadulterated fun. The weather is hot, the music is pounding, the mood is electric and the stakes are high in this modern adaptation of Shakespeare's most popular play.