Five high school cheerleaders, their coach and a couple of adolescent sex-crazed guys travel to a cabin in the woods for a weekend getaway only to be killed off one by one by an unseen maniac.
Five high school cheerleaders, their coach and a couple of adolescent sex-crazed guys travel to a cabin in the woods for a weekend getaway only to be killed off one by one by an unseen maniac.
Royal Pool Boy-Guy
An alien who plans on taking over the Earth, starts by wiping out people's libidos. The only ones who can stop this, is a scantily clad, female rock group.
Lunk Johnson
Bare Wench Project 4: Uncensored" is a compilation of greatest hits from the three previous movies. There's probably a couple of seconds added to each old scene. Nikki Fritz, Julie K. Smith and Glori Anne Gilbert walk through the woods and reminisce on the other flicks. "Hey, remember that time we took our tops off? That was awesome!" Then the movie flashes back to the bare women.
A tropical island is the setting for television's hottest new reality show, "Treasure Hunt," where 10 sexy contestants are competing for $10 million in hidden cash. Their celebration of fun, sun and seduction turns to panic when the contestants start having mysterious and deadly accidents. A killer is loose on the island... and as the body country grows, so do the television ratings!
In this erotic thriller, terror reigns over paradise as a serial killer turns Hawaii's tropical beaches into a personal playground. Now, sexy detective Alexandria Jameson must stop the deranged murderer before the tide washes up the next victim.
Cori, is the beautiful, lusty wife of a successful business executive, insurance representative Scott, a fit, handsome fellow himself. Her lust is initially confined to hubby, but Scott is also quite mindful of his career responsibilities, while Cori hungers for more attention than Scott is inclined (or able?) to offer.
What keeps a couple together? Is it just sex? Meet six people who have discovered that there is more to being married than staying faithful. They seem to have perfect marriages, but appearances can be deceiving.
Three married couples hit the realization that the passion has disappeared from their marriages. What lengths will they go to in order to spice up their sex lives?
The third installment of the "adult" spoof of the Blair Witch Project.
Morgue Clerk
When a series of unexplained vicious animal attacks strikes his community, Sheriff Jim Tanner and his assistant Barbara trace them back to a Dr. Hyde, a former military researcher whose government funding for a dinosaur cloning project was cut. When the Pentagon discovers Hyde obtained foreign backing to continue his experiments, they send in a strike team to save Tanner and Barbara and stop Hyde.
Spoofing the hit television series Survivor, six young women are sent to a tropical island along with game show host Cliff Probate (Lenny Juliano).
Cliff Probate
Spoofing the hit television series Survivor, six young women are sent to a tropical island along with game show host Cliff Probate (Lenny Juliano).
A scientist recovers a powerful weapon created by inventor Nicola Tesla in the early twentieth century. Now, the plane carrying the device and a disparate group of passengers crashes in the Canadian mountains. The battle to survive begins.
Matt Hendricks is the US Navy's top Marine Special Operations Commander and is facing his toughest challenge yet - escorting the deadliest viral weapon on the planet back to a secure storage facility.
Radio Operator
This is the story of a modern day pirate mad man and his crew of eight, searching for fortune on a cruise ship but a small group of passengers fight back.
Four sorority girls -- Nikki, Chloe, Lori, and Toni -- head out to the mountains to find out the truth about the local legend of the Bare Wench. It isn't long before the gals get lost, run out of food, and begin succumbing to the fear that they're doomed.
전투기 조종사인 미첼(코스타스 맨딜러 분)과 터너(아이스 티 분)는 군 동료이자 라이벌이다. 1986년 니카라과에서 미첼과 함께 작전을 수행하던 중 터너는 자신의 죽음을 위장해 비행기를 격추당하게 한다. 그로부터 세월이 흘러, 미첼은 스텔스기 조종사 과정을 마치고 대령이 되었지만, 그 동안 남편을 염려했던 아내 에린의 요구를 받아들여 보직 변경을 신청한다. 하지만 미 핵잠수함 노먼디 호가 실종되고, 필리핀에서 스텔스기를 탈취 당했을 뿐 아니라, 공격 위성 타나토스가 니카라과의 무기상인 메넨데즈의 수중에 들어가는 등 상황이 어려워지자 정부의 비밀 작전에 참가하기로 결정한다.
Capt. Anthony Detolla
Terrorists threaten to launch a missile armed with deadly disease at Europe. A special unit is put together to stop them.
Terrorists threaten to launch a missile armed with deadly disease at Europe. A special unit is put together to stop them.
Dark, mysterious and sensual, Vampirella (Talisa Soto) is a princess from the Planet Drakulon. Like all vampires, she needs blood to live, but she will not kill to get it - a synthetic substitute keeps her alive. After journeying across space and time seeking vengeance for her father's brutal murder, she now finds herself on Earth, in Las Vegas, where her enemy Vlad (Roger Daltry) has disguised himself as a rock star. In order to stop Vlad's doomsday plan for world domination, Vampirella must make a dangerous alliance with a group of hi-tech vampire hunters. It's a race to stop the apocalypse of humanity and our fate is in the hands of the fiery, dangerous and beautiful Vampirella.
Frankie Bono
Jennifer Brennan gets a job at a strip club to try and find out who killed her sister. She works with undercover cop John Donnelly and befriends other strippers some of whom also get murdered by a very unhappy murdering murderer.
젊은 변호사 래리(Larry: 래리 포인덱터 분)는 사랑하는 캐롤(Carol: 로첼리 스완슨 분)을 배신하고 미신을 믿고 마법을 구사하는 애리카(Erica: 줄리 스트레인 분)와 결혼을 하게 된다. 에리카는 마법으로 래리의 영혼을 사로잡아 그를 옭아매고 래리가 사랑했던 캐롤과의 사이를 갈라 놓게 되는데. 그러나 곧 그는 그녀의 계책을 깨닫고 벗어나 캐롤에게 돌아간다.
Wise Guy
Janice Starlin is an aging model who owns a cosmetics company. When a researcher experimenting with wasps brings her a serum that will turn back the aging process, she decides to first try it on herself. The serum works, but it also turns her into a killer wasp woman.
The magical Munchie is back, and if he gets in any more trouble it's off to the dullest constellation in the galaxy. Staying out of trouble has never been easy for Munchie, but this time he gives it his best shot. He is sent to earth and finds himself in the company of the McClelland family. As he proves himself, he becomes mixed up in the family's many problems. Munchie does his best to fulfill his duty on Earth, but not without getting involved in a little mischief. Written by Concorde - New Horizons.
Movie producer Alan Clay wants to make a movie about Dr. Claire Archer and her amazing life story. Claire falls for Alan, and Alan cannot resist temptation, so now he's hiding an affair from wife Beth. When the movie writer's investigations uncover new facts in the killings, Claire senses the danger, and responds.
Legs Dooley
Private detective Nick is hired to bring back Heather, who ran away from her stepmother to find her real mother.
P.E. Teacher
얼마 전 새로운 학교로 전학 온 케이시는 학교 성적도 뒤떨어지고 친구 사귀는데도 능하지 못해 이웃에 사는 괴짜 고고학 교수인 크루익샨트(Prof. Cruikshank: 아티 존슨 분)와만 친하게 지낸다. 그러던 어느날 학교 친구들로부터 놀림을 당해 우울해진 케이시는 집 근처 폐광을 찾게되고 그곳애서 먼치(Munchie: 돔 디루이즈 목소리 분)라는 괴물을 만난다. 먼치는 외계의 별에서 날아온 악동. 그는 지구에서 온갖 소동을 일으켜서, 그가 날아온 외계의 법정으로 소환당한다. 그러나 운좋게도 다시 한번 좋은 일을 하도록 용서받게 되고, 지구로 귀환한다. 케이시의 말동무가 된 먼치는 지신의 요술능력을 발휘, 친구를 못살게 구는 아이들을 혼내기도 하고, 성적을 올려준다며 교장 선생님을 골탕먹이기도 한다. 또한 피티를 좋아하는 말썽꾸러기 먼치는 케이시의 엄마가 외출한 틈을 타 사람들을 불러모아 파티를 열기도 한다. 그러나 예상보다 일찍 귀가한 엄마에게 먼치의 존재를 들켜버리고 그녀의 남자친구 엘리엇(Elliott: 앤드류 스티븐스 분)은 먼치를 희귀 동물이라며 실험 재료로 사용하려 하는데...
Maxie Fields
The nephew of a librarian must go collect a 200 year old book, "The Book of Ulthar." that should have never been checked out by the Evil Count Orlock cause one of the spells in it could bring about the end of the world. During his trip to the castle, he meets Marissa, a gorgeous rock star and heir to the castle's fortune. There they must confront the only other heir to the fortune and the book, Uncle Byron; and Uncle Byron and his 3 adopted nieces all have very, very, very broad smile.
Jeremy Perrin
A science fiction vampire movie. The Vampire is an emissary from an embattled world near destruction who teleports to Earth to see if they can live here. He finds that our blood is nourishing and that at least one source of it is a steady stream of transfusions. He hypnotizes a Dr. to provide them and has his blond nurse move in to administer them.
Patrol Cop
술집 여종업원인 아멘다 훤세커(Amanda Hunsaker: 잭키 스완슨 분)가 약을 복용하고 호텔 아래로 뛰어내려 죽는다. 사건을 맡게 된 로저 머터프(Roger Murtaugh: 대니 글로버 분) 형사는 50대에 들어서 은퇴도 멀지 않은 노형사인데, 아멘다가 자기의 옛 월남전 전우인 마이크 훤세커(Michael Hunsaker: 톰 엣킨스 분)의 딸이라는 것을 알고는 더욱 애석해 한다. 게다가 조수로 배정된 사람이 경찰서 내에서 말썽많기로 소문나 있고 아내를 잃은 뒤 더욱 거칠어져 물불을 안가리는 마틴 릭스(Martin Riggs: 멜 깁슨 분) 형사라는 걸 알고 심란해 한다. 로저는 아멘다의 아버지 훤세커를 만나 추궁한 끝에 훤세커가 월남전에 특수부대 요원들과 함께 마약 밀수를 했다는 사실을 알게 된다. 훤세커가 발을 빼려하자 딸을 죽인 것이다. 그러나 훤세커마저 조직에 의해 살해된다. 로저의 딸이 납치한 이들 조직은 군 출신의 장군(The General: 밋첼 라이언 분)이라는 자가 지휘하는 범죄 조직으로, 두 형사도 이들과 협상 장소로 갔다가 잡히고 만다. 하지만 불같은 릭스가 탈출하여 조직을 일망타진하고, 조직의 하수인인 죠슈아(Mr. Joshua: 게리 부시 분)와 일대일 결투를 벌여 그를 눕힌다
초현대식 설비를 자랑하는 쇼핑센타에 야간경비용으로 도입된 3대의 로보트... 빠른 스피드로 센터 안을 이동하며 레이저 광선과 마취총 등 여러 무기를 사용하여 침입자를 격퇴하는 초정밀 로보트가 갑자기 컴퓨터 고장을 일으켜 살인기계로 변한다. 표적은 그날 밤 아무도 없는 센터 안에서 파티를 즐기려는 젊은 남녀 8명...철문으로 닫혀진 거대한 밀실속에서 어떤 충격에도 견디는 초합금 살인 로보트와 젊은이들의 처절한 싸움은 시작되었다.
특수부대 코만도의 대령 매트릭스(아놀드 슈왈제네거)는 은퇴 후 산 속에서 10살 된 딸과 함께 생활한다. 그러나 딸은 납치 당하고, 매트릭스에게 딸의 교환 조건으로 남미 한 나라의 대통령을 제거해 독재 정권 수립을 도우라는 지시가 내려진다. 매트릭스는 비행기에서 탈출하고 착륙 전까지 딸을 구해야 하는데...