The story of a lawyer's journey to overcome her fears and social boundaries in order to transition.
The story of a lawyer's journey to overcome her fears and social boundaries in order to transition.
Thomas is a military officer with a successful career. He is married to Teresa and is the father of Lucas, a blind child, but with a view of the world beyond the visible. Despite his blindness, Lucas can see things that others can not see and hear things that others can not hear. He knows that something shocking will happen.
1994년 부에노스 아이레스, 젊은 의사로 위장한 테러리스트 아메드(모하메드 알칼디)는 급진적인 무슬림 테러조직의 일원으로 자살 테러 임무를 수행할 예정이다. 한편 어린 시절 눈 앞에서 테러로 인한 참혹한 죽음을 목격한 이스라엘 비밀정보기관의 요원 다비드(반도 빌라밀)는 테러리스트 집단의 신상을 집요하게 파헤치며 그들의 뒤를 쫓는 일에 모든 열성을 다한다. 하지만 이미 무슬림 조직원들의 자살폭탄 테러작전은 시작되었고, 시간은 계속해서 흘러 점차 아메드의 차례가 다가온다. 모든 것이 죽음을 향해 달려가는 순간 극과 극의 반대편에 놓인 두 남자는 운명적으로 서로를 마주하게 되는데…
Julian, a renowned photographer who has reached forty years, he discovered a cancer that undermines their strengths and taking away all hope. But he has a dream, a vision that changed his life. He dreams of a picture that has ever taken. Julian travels to the faraway place, and find the photo, a woman and a freak accident, finding also that your life will change forever.
"Des-authorized" is the combination of three stories, three realities that coexist and feed. The journey begins in the imagination of Elia K, the principal, who imagines Elijah, a character who is a poor playwright facing the crossroads to be true to his art, or succumb to the pressures of the producers must decide his work between surrender or pay the price of his freedom. On another level, we have Nina and Frederick, the protagonists of the work that Elijah is writing. They only seek to love, they are forced to leave the paper and press the Elijah to them the end that his story deserves, this is the starting point of "Des-authorized" a film set in an imaginary city , colorful and delusional. In the line of "Amelie" and "Stranger Than Fiction", brings a reflection on art, creativity, love and heartbreak.