Eva Calvo

Eva Calvo

프로필 사진

Eva Calvo

참여 작품

Accionista norteamericana
Based on a true story in the American owned Cananea mine. It depicts how the owner profits while the Mexican workers struggle to survive and are exploited for their labour.
El patrullero 777
Suegra de hombre suicida
Follows Diogenes as he goes about his day as a police officer. He's prone to do things the right way, surrounded by a pretty much corrupt & citizen distant police department, & always resolves his duties with a personal method.
Mexico, Mexico, ra, ra, ra!
Librado, an unemployed man, lives in a crowded small house with numerous children and relatives, is beaten for stealing a car antenna. His godmother and her children try to settle in his place. She then is arrested at a supermarket for stealing, however, she offers herself and volunteers a friend of hers for sex to the policemen so she can be released. She is a maid of an employee who acts subservient to his boss, a mid-level government employee at once servile who delivers speeches on sexuality in educational texts and then discusses the matter with his brother, a corrupt inspector.
La Chamuscada
A sharecropper and his daughter, a swarthy beauty, flee from the hacienda on which they live and join the Mexican Revolution.
Crosses Over the Wasteland
Doña Petra
After a long journey in search of the murderer of his father, a man abuses a beautiful girl next to marry.
Llanto por Juan Indio
The story revolves around a farmer who is tried for stealing a military rifle and is sentenced to death.
Autumn Days
Cliente de pastelería
Luisa is a small-town girl who works in the bakery of the widower Don Albino. Luisa dreams of marrying and loves children. Just as Don Albino shows interest in her, Luisa announces that she will marry soon with Carlos, the driver of a rich house whom she met recently...
Adriana, Esteban's lover
María Antonia, Beatriz and Leonor are three classmates who are anxiously awaiting the celebration of their 15th birthday. However, each of them will have to cope with their complicated personal situation.
A Life in the Balance
Carla Arlota
A widower's young son leads the police to a killer of sinners in Mexico City.
범죄에 대한 수필
Señora de la Cruz, Archibaldo's mother
어린 시절 아르치발도는 어머니에게 음악 상자를 선물받는다. 음악상자에서 왈츠가 흘러나오는 동안 그의 가정교사는 갑자기 날아온 총탄에 맞아 숨진다. 그는 피를 흘리며 쓰러진 가정교사의 허벅지에 묘한 매혹을 느낀다. 어른이 된 아르치발도는 자신의 소명이 살인자가 되는 것이라고 믿고 여자를 강박적으로 살해하려 한다. 하지만 그의 살인 기도는 매번 좌절된다.
La alegre casada
Housewife gets ticked off at her philandering hubby, falls under the influence of a cougarish rich widow and decides to start partying the way her husband does.
A Woman Without Love
Rita, enfermera
After indulging in an affair with a man (a friend of the family) she truly loves, a woman returns to her young son and husband for good, and loses contact with the man. Her husband is unaware of the affair. Twenty years later, there is news that the friend has died and left all of his money to the younger son in the family, which leads us to question this younger son's biological origin.
Las locuras de Tin Tan
Tin-Tan wants to builds an ice cream machine.
La viuda celosa
Young-ish widow forbids herself the pleasure of male company in deference to the deceased.