Fearing forced eviction, a struggling actor in his early twenties takes a sketchy door-to-door job on Melrose Avenue - where he meets a mysterious coworker and discovers firsthand the dark reality of living in transition.
Greta's dad Tom is moving the family cross-country in a dented station wagon, promising a California paradise to his kids. All that's missing is Mom.
Kevin Miller
Like most families, the Millers have their challenges. Simon's frequent business trips have created some distance between him and the rest of the family, leaving Meredith stretched and struggling to keep things together. Daughter Sarah, an 18-year-old honor student, has recently gotten herself into trouble at school while son Kevin, 15, struggles to engage with anything outside of a video game... But these issues all prove to be trivial when Simon goes missing...
살아오면서 자신의 존재감을 알리지 못한 채 평범한 삶을 살아온 올리브는 친구에게 조지라는 남자랑 비밀스러운 관계(?)가 있었다고 거짓말 한다. 순식간에 학교에 이야기가 퍼지고 올리브는 루머에 시달리게 되지만 유명세를 타게 됐다는 사실에 오히려 그 시선을 즐기기 시작한다. 하지만 올리브 눈앞에 정말 사랑하는 남자가 나타나게 되고 올리브는 사랑을 위해서라도 그 소문을 바로 잡아야겠다는 결심에 고군분투하기 시작하는데...