Suzie (uncredited)
테네시 윌리엄스의 희곡을 영상화한 죠지 로이 힐 감독의 첫 데뷔작. 신혼여행 중인 한 신혼부부가 결혼에 문제가 있는 친구들을 방문해 그들의 결혼생활 문제를 도우려 한다.
Miss George
에바 필립스(조안 크로포드)는 그녀 주변의 비극적인 삶을 사는 사람들을 조종하는 교활한 남부의 사교 인사다. 그녀는 부유한 제분소 주인인 아베리(배리 설리반)과 결혼했지만, 아베리는 에바의 무정함에 매일 술을 마시고 급기야는 그녀를 불신하게 된다. 한편, 아베리의 여동생 캐롤 리(베시 파머)가 약혼을 발표하자 에바는 캐롤과 캐롤의 약혼자이자 여왕벌인 에바 자신의 비밀스런 사랑 프렌티스와의 약혼을 막으려 하는데...
Mrs. Hannah Thomas
리처드 라이트의 동명 소설을 원작으로 한 영화.
Conger's Maid (uncredited)
Ellen McNulty leaves her New Jersey hamburger stand and heads west to pay a surprise visit to her son and his new bride. When Ellen arrives, her daughter-in-law mistakes her for the maid she has hired for a big party they are throwing. Rather than cause any embarrassment, Ellen goes along with the charade, which leads to many complications.
Willa Pearl
Most of the footage is devoted to the annual Passion Play at Lawton, Oklahoma, enacted by volunteers from several nearby communities. This portion of The Lawton Story was directed by Harold Daniels and narrated by radio announcer Knox Manning. To bring the film up to feature length, a fictional plotline concerning the preparations for the pageant was hastily assembled, featuring such familiar Hollywood character players as Forrest Taylor, Willa Pearl Curtis and Maude Eburne.
Baseball Spectator with Baby (uncredited)
This All-Star Comedy (production number 7437, and a remake of 1940's "The Heckler" with Charley Chase) has Shemp Howard, noise-maker and heckler deluxe, hired by two gamblers to rattle a ball team while the gamblers bet on the opponents. The gamblers are more than a little bit vexed when Shemp loses his voice.
Mrs. Wertheim's Assistant (uncredited)
실패한 소설가 돈은 술병을 붙들고 산다. 동생 윅과 시골 농장에 가기로 한 주말을 앞두고 윅이 데이트하러 나간 사이에 돈은 윅이 가정부에게 주려고 숨겨둔 돈을 기어코 찾아내 술집에 간다. 결국 윅은 화가 난 채 혼자 떠나고, 돈은 술값을 마련하려고 소설가의 분신과 같은 타자기를 팔기 위해 거리를 배회한다. 와일더는 알코올 중독자의 처절한 극복 과정을 그리며 전후 미국 사회의 우울한 자화상을 포착해 당대의 공감을 이끌어냈다.
A teenage girl from a traditional family goes on a date with a pilot and ends up having sex with him. After the pilot dies in a plane crash, the girl discovers she is pregnant with his child.
Vanillia--Cook (uncredited)
After backing over a police motorcycle, Axel and Elmer are fined $100 and given 48 hours to come up with the money or go to jail. Knowing nothing about plumbing, they answer Mr. Skunkem's ad for plumber's assistants, and are sent to the Dinwitty estate to recover a diamond ring from a drain pipe. In due course they destroy the bathroom, and switch the gas and water lines, disrupting Mrs. Dinwitty's bridge party, Vanillia's dinner preparation, and the gardener's lawn watering.
Buckwheat's Mother
When Bigshot Jones gives his unnamed dog to the All-For-One Club, Buckwheat quickly names the canine "Smallpox", inadvertently causing a city-wide panic.
Big Shot's Mother
Weighing themselves on a penny machine, the Our Gang kids receive a fortune card predicting that they will receive "unexpected riches." Acting upon this, the kids decide to dig for buried treasure, using a fraudulent map provided by one of their wise-guy acquaintances.
Danny O'Neill and Hank Taylor are rival trumpeters with the Perennials, a college band, and both men are still attending college by failing their exams seven years in a row. In the midst of a performance, Danny spies Ellen Miller who ends up being made band manager. Both men compete for her affections while trying to get the other one fired.