Suhas Palshikar

참여 작품

Ani... Dr. Kashinath Ghanekar
Master Dattaram
The true story of the first Marathi superstar Kashinath Ghanekar, chronicling his struggles and hardships in marriage and life to pursue his passion for acting and attain the unmatched heights of stardom in Marathi theatre and cinema.
Touring Talkies
The movie is based on the concept of roaming cinema which was one of the oldest traditions in the bygone era of Indian cinema where the movies were showcased in tents for the local folks also knows as Touring talkies. For the past few decades these films have made a common recurring occurrences in most of the Carnival Fun fair taking place across villages where the Marathi Cinema is adored in a completely distinctive fashion.
What's Your Religion?
"Kawdu and Bhulabai are a tribal couple living in a tiger reserve somewhere in Maharashtra. Their idyllic life gets a rude shock after Kawdu (Upendra Limaye), who had gone into the forest to fetch a medicinal root for his ailing baby, is arrested on charges of having killed a tiger. Desperate to save the life of her baby, Bhulabai (Vibhawari Deshpande) rushes to a Christian missionary, and showered with care and concern, embraces Christianity under the belief that this new god has different powers from her “own” gods, and will solve her problems. However, freeing her husband from jail is another affair, and for this she is advised to seek the help of Naxalites living in the nearby forest, through whom she acquires a new deity—Karl Marx. Even as these new gods find their place on her altar beside Waghdeo and Naagdeo, the traditional nature deities of her community, the community itself shuts the family out for having dropped its own gods." - Aparna Pallavi
I Am Sindhutai Sapkal
Sindhu's Father
This is the journey of Sindhutai Sapkal, a poor village girl who grew up tending buffaloes while craving an education, but her unsympathetic mother had her married off to an older man when she was 12 years old. What could have been a predictable life took a much different course when Sindhutai was unjustly accused of carrying another man's child and was thrown out of the house by her husband and his family.
Hello! Gandhe Sir
Gangya (Bharat Jadhav) is a 'Tapori' kind of guy who wants to enjoy life on his own terms after being physically and mentally by an ambitious hawaldar father (Suhas Palshikar) who wants a his son to be a collector, but he turns out to be an academic failure.
"Ek crore meh laitha hai RISK!". Risk! is a movie about a police inspector named Suryakanth who vows to clean up the Mumbai underworld. The police have been trying for 11 years to arrest the biggest don of the underworld, Khalid Bin Jamal. But Khalid isn't in Mumbai. He is living in Bangkok, free from the Mumbai police. Suryakanth starts killing Khalid's men in Mumbai. This alarms Khalid and he entraps Suryakanth in a bad scheme. How much risk is Suryakanth willing to take in order to catch Khalid? Watch Risk! and find out.
찬드니 바
Irfan Mamu
부모를 잃고 고향마저 떠야 했던 여인. 술집으로 내몰려 댄서로 생계를 잇던 어느 날, 믿었던 이에게 지울 수 없는 상처까지 받는다. 살아남으려면, 더 강해져야만 한다.
Four unemployed young men befriend their new neighbors, but soon tragedy strikes and everything is shattered.
Hindu Youth in Calcutta Street
영국에 유학해 변호사 자격을 딴 간디(벤 킹슬리)는 1893년 남아프리카에 가 소송사건을 맡는다. 간디는 그 곳에서 유색인종에 대한 차별대우를 받게 된다. 이를 계기로 그는 남아프리카의 인도 거류민을 돕기 위한 다양한 활동을 시작한다. 이후 1915년, 간디는 인도로 돌아와 인도독립을 위한 노력을 하게 된다. 그는 비폭력운동을 주도하면서 수차례 투옥되기도 한다. 인도는 마침내 1947년 8월 영국으로부터 독립을 이룬다. 그러나 힌두교와 이슬람교의 종교적 대립으로 인해 인도와 파키스탄으로 나뉘어 독립을 하게 된다. 이후에도 종교분쟁을 해결하기 위해 노력했던 간디는 1948년 1월 과격파 힌두교도가 쏜 총탄에 암살당한다.