A Paying Ghost (PG) is a story based on a famous novel "Badali" authored by Vasant Purushottam Kale (V.P Kale). The story narrates the interaction between a common innocent man and a homeless ghost family. A horror film with streaks of fun and laughter and it also brings experience into the magical world of the Ghosts
Sachin Waze
A college teen named Rege slowly becomes engulfed in the criminal underworld when he crosses the path of a mysterious small-time gangster named "M Bhai".
The movie is an entertaining and a cinematic journey of a morally-stricken Chief Minister who works efficiently and actively to help a beleaguered elderly singer who is yet to receive the government allotted flat applied for eight long years ago! The story line depicts originally of characters such as the CM, his wife, his PA, the Principle Secretary and many personnel from the assembly. Story revolves within the time period of afternoon 3 PM to 6 AM dawn during which it highlights the political decision making process and also gives us an insight to the unending mind games between politicians and bureaucrats within our system.
The story line is about three friends. Depending on their nature they have pet names. 'Chaku' (knife) has is own garage, 'Pustak' (book) is a professor and 'Makad' ( monkey) is working for a news channel. 'Chaku' loves a girl. To introduce his lady love 'Pencil' to his friends, 'Chaku' invites her to his house. When she comes home, even Chaku's friend 'Pustak' falls in love with her. How this leads to hilarious situation which creates tension between 'Pustak' and 'Chaku' is shown beautifully by the writer.
Kaushal Bhatt
A story-writer attempts to convince a producer to accept four erotic stories from the Panchtantra.
Film Crew Member
가족의 사랑과 친구의 우정을 그린 감동작. 가난한 이발사 빌루 가족의 생활은 마을에 슈퍼스타 사히르 칸이 찾아오면서 지각변동이 일어난다. 두 사람이 어릴 적 친구였다는 소문이 퍼지면서, 빌루는 사히르를 만나게 해달라는 마을 사람들로부터 온갖 부탁과 협박을 받게 되는데...
가족의 사랑과 친구의 우정을 그린 감동작. 가난한 이발사 빌루 가족의 생활은 마을에 슈퍼스타 사히르 칸이 찾아오면서 지각변동이 일어난다. 두 사람이 어릴 적 친구였다는 소문이 퍼지면서, 빌루는 사히르를 만나게 해달라는 마을 사람들로부터 온갖 부탁과 협박을 받게 되는데...
The friendship between a widower and a married woman is misunderstood.
뭄바이 폭력배 문나는 술과 여자, 싸움으로 가득한 자신의 삶이 나름 만족스럽다. 하지만 부모님의 급작스런 방문으로 의사로 살고 있다는 거짓말이 들통나자 아버지는 문나에게 실제 의사가 될 것을 요구한다.