미국 제일의 부촌 베벌리 힐즈에 와 온갖 촌티를 내던 디트로이트 경찰 악셀 폴리(에디 머피)가 LA로 돌아 왔다. 베벌리 힐즈 보석상 도난 사건을 맡은 동료들을 돕기 위해서다. 단서는 ABC라는 알파벳 세 글자 뿐. 사건의 해결은 멀게만 보이지만 악셀은 특유의 낙천적인 성격과 대책 없는 유머로 단서를 하나하나 보태 간다.
Karlie Kendall's job is to write computer games - but in her spare time she hacks bank accounts. With 5 million dollars gathered, she wants to retire to Brazil - unaware that her secret partner Adrienne intends to keep all the money. Moreover, Karlie's boss Julien has got to know of her doing and has hired villains to get hold of the treasure. Only after Karlie's death they realize that she has hidden the money well inside the computer game "Thrillkill" - leaving the single clue to her sister, stewardess Bobbie.
Karlie Kendall's job is to write computer games - but in her spare time she hacks bank accounts. With 5 million dollars gathered, she wants to retire to Brazil - unaware that her secret partner Adrienne intends to keep all the money. Moreover, Karlie's boss Julien has got to know of her doing and has hired villains to get hold of the treasure. Only after Karlie's death they realize that she has hidden the money well inside the computer game "Thrillkill" - leaving the single clue to her sister, stewardess Bobbie.