Weapons Master
A supernatural sci-fi short.
While covering the annual Nobel Banquet for tabloid Kvällspressen, crime reporter Annika Bengtzon witnesses a spectacular murder right in front of her. Two people are shot, one of them the controversial Laureate in Medicine, Aaron Wiesel. Annika is the key witness and is bound by the police not to disclose anything she has seen. A terrorist group with connections to the Middle East quickly admits responsibility for the murder. International press is all over the story, as are the police.
One morning just before Christmas, Leena receives a phone call from a hospital in her childhood hometown telling her that her mother is dying. This news takes her on a journey to face her mother for the first time in her adult life. Leena has fought all her life to let go of her grief over her lost and dark childhood. She is now forced to deal with her past to be able to move on.
신분 상승을 꿈꾸던 가난한 대학생 조한은 재별 3세를 가장하여 상류층 친구들과 어울려 다닌다. 그러나 금전적 한계에 부딪히게 되면서 조한은 돈을 위해서라면 수단과 방법을 가리지 않고 무슨 짓이든 하게 된다. 끝내 마피아 조직에까지 발을 들여 놓은 조한은 극악무도한 어둠의 세계와 화려한 상류층 재벌들의 세상을 오가며 아슬아슬한 이중 생활을 펼친다. 그러던 어느 날, 그를 눈 여겨본 마피아 보스로부터 자신의 사업에 방해되는 것들을 모조리 쓸어버리라는 위험한 임무를 맡게 되면서 그의 목숨 또한 일각에 처한다. 이제 살아남기 위해선 죽기 전에 죽여야만 한다!
The murder of a prominent attorney is connected to one of his recent cases, in which a company was being sued for serious environmental damage. Martin Beck and Lena Klingström find evidence which brings new light to the investigation - but who's pulling the strings?