This biopic of notorious yakuza-turned-actor Noboru Ando focuses on the days leading to his arrest after the shooting of businessman Hideki Yokoi.
Yoshie Kaneko
After a desperate gang of ex-soldiers and gamblers meet in a fistfight in occupied Ginza they decide to make the neighborhood their own.
Suzue Kunihiro
전후, 암시장이 왕성하던 시기, 히로노쇼조와 그의 동료들은 가득한 야심으로 파벌싸움을 일삼는 야쿠자들의 또 다른 전쟁을 마주한다. 야마모리를 보스로 한 새로운 조직에 가입한 일로 쇼조는 도이라는 그의 의형제의 가족과 불화를 빚는다. 하지만 그것은 기사도의 종말이자 위선과 배신, 그리고 피의 암살의 시작에 불과했다.
Okatsu the Tiger Lily
With her first love that unfolded in the battlefield in her heart, and with a short sword and a pillbox as her weapons, female gambler Okatsu the Tiger Lily travels from gambling site to gambling site. Surrounding her are Omon, an outlaw star blind lone gambler; Onaka, a thief who’s after Okatsu to avenge her father’s death; Ohide, a tattoo artist whose back is covered by a dragon tattoo; and Oryu, a young girl sold as a prostitute to a gambling family.
Monjiro, reunited with his long lost sister, is pursued by a yakuza gang because he killed their boss. He also meets a fellow gambler who idolizes Monjiro. The gambler and Monjiro's sister are pulled into a conspiracy to get to Monjiro, but do things go as planned?
Oishi, Ôishi's wife
The legendary tale of the forty-seven samurai and their mission to avenge the death of their master.