Adriana Butoi

참여 작품

미국 네브래스카 주의 경찰인 캐스린 볼코박은 돈이 필요하다는 지극히 개인적인 이유로, 정부에서 파견하는 평화유지군 임무에 지원하게 된다. 캐서린은 보스니아에 파견된 후 얼마 지나지 않아, 숲에서 상처투성이로 발견된 한 여자아이를 조사하게 되고, 그 아이가 보스니아 인신매매의 피해자라는 것을 알게 된다. 하지만 사건의 진실을 파헤치는 과정에서, 인신매매에 가담한 사람이 포주 한 명에 불과한 게 아니라는 것을 알게 되는데…
친구들과 함께 교환학생 신분으로 루마니아에 가게 된 주인공 러스티. 겸사겸사 인터넷 상에서 만난 여친을 만날 기분에 들떠있던 그였으나... 하필 루마니아에 살고 있던 흡혈귀 라두를 만나게 되면서 그의 여행이 미친듯이 꼬이게 된다.
High Plains Invaders
Prospector's Wife
In the Old West an outlaw named Sam Phoenix is about to be hanged. But just before the noose tightens, the town is besieged by a lethal alien invader with a laser-shooting stingray and a crazy Sarlacc mouth. The townsfolk scramble but get promptly smoked, save for a handful of survivors led by Phoenix.
La voie de Laura
La victime
With the birth of her son, Laura is installed in the upper valley of Pyrenees, the Valley of the Eagles, somewhere between France and Spain, ready to rebuild their lives.
신의 전사 5: 포세이큰
Allison's Mother
In Bucharest, Allison is protecting the mysterious bible, "The Prophet Lexicon", where the last chapter about the apocalypse, called Revelations, discloses the name of the Antichrist in its last page. Meanwhile, the evil and jealous leader of the renegade angels Thrones, Stark, forces the hit-man Dylan to kill Allison to get the information about the Antichrist, but Dylan mysteriously feels attracted by the woman, protecting her against the Thrones. Allison seeks John Reigart for help, but Satan tell her that he is interested in the apocalypse to gather millions of souls to Hell. Alone and betrayed, Allison discloses the truth about her origins, while protecting the Lexicon.
신의 전사 4
Dani's Mother
착한 천사 사이몬과 악한 천사 베리엘이 요한 계시록의 마지막 장이 쓰여진 성경을 갖기 위해 전쟁을 치른다.
The Pharaoh
A young TV reporter would like to shoot a program about a former political prisoner nicknamed The Pharaoh, who spent forty years in Siberian exile. She manages to locate a former lover, his sister, and his onetime cellmate, but questions still remain...
The Wackos
When his credit card has just been swallowed by distributor Bruno Lussac, State Inspector Débé crosses the limits of home ethics when he learns that he has just been banned from banking. Disguised as a Southerner for a costume party where he was supposed to arrest drug dealers, he lures his colleagues into robbing a bank; he causes a bloodbath but comes out victorious of this heist. For his accomplices, the informant, and pretty peacekeeper Cécile Barko, known as Cyborg, this is the start of a crazy run.
Witchouse II: Blood Coven
When an old house in a small town is razed to make way for a shopping mall, the crew unearths four unmarked graves. A professor from a nearby university is asked to find out who the bodies are, but when she and her students arrive in town and begin to ask questions, they discover that no one wants to talk to them or help them in any way.