Dolly Johur

참여 작품

자서전 비슷한 것
파르한과 티티는 다카에 살고 있는 감독-배우 커플이다. 이들은 보수적이고 가부장적인 무슬림 사회에서 결혼한 지 10년이 되도록 아이를 갖지 않는다는 이유로 비난을 받는다. 팬데믹 기간에 일이 줄어들자 지금이 아이를 갖기 좋은 때라고 생각하게 된 티티는 파르한을 설득하여 결국, 임신에 성공한다. 임신 막바지의 어느 날, 한밤중에 큰 폭죽 소리가 지속되자 예민해진 티티를 뒤로 하고, 파르한은 무작정 밤길로 나선다.
Common Gender
Common Gender is a 2012 Bangladeshi film starring Dolly Zahur and Chitralekha Guha. It is the first Bangladeshi film to portray the lives of Hijra or transgender people. It is one of the first films in world cinema to have two transgender people as lead characters. It was subsequently released in the United States.
The Cycle
Poor oil miller decides to use his daughter-in-law to spin the treadle due to lack of ox.
Forever Flows
The story unfolds around the struggle of Tithi, a young girl from a lower middle-class family in Bangladesh. Tithi becomes a call girl to support her family. Tithi’s brother gets married and surprisingly discovers that working can also give satisfaction. He opens up a business with the capital his sister made as a prostitute. Financially, things are getting better in the family but Tithi slowly becomes aloof and indifferent to everything. Even the touch of her own mother irritates her and makes her recall a man’s lust. She withdraws within herself and takes refuge in solitude.
Dipu Number 2
Tariq's mother
An adventure story for young boys, Dipu Number Two is the second film of a talented director from Bangladesh who is one of the few who concentrate on quality filmmaking in a country with a rich commercial film industry. The story is taken from a youth-oriented novel in which Dipu, a boy belonging to the educated class, is teased by the school bully but eventually forms a deep relationship with him. The rest is totally escapist in nature, including a scene in which the two youths manage to capture single-handedly an entire group of robbers.
Aguner Poroshmoni
A middle-class family shelters a freedom fighter in war-torn Dhaka.
A film director is compelled to struggle and go to jail for portraying the bad sides of society and politics.